Special masters on campus

Chapter 194 The things on Chu Shanshan

Chapter 194 The things on Chu Shanshan
"Huh? Mmm, I want to stay here for a while..." Chu Shanshan lowered her head and said, she was afraid that Liu Yashu would reveal her secrets when she saw her eyes, and she had never lied before.

"What's the matter, Shanshan, you look a little strange today?"

"Strange? No! Didn't I look like this before?" Chu Shanshan quickly raised her head and looked at herself.

"I also said that I didn't have you to see your reaction." Liu Yashu smiled slightly.

"Is there something uncomfortable?"

In fact, the relationship between Liu Yashu and Chu Shanshan was that of seniors who lived in very close dormitories, but after the two girls shared their private items just now, their friendship became closer.Seeing Chu Shanshan's distraught look, Liu Yashu asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it's just that my stomach is a little bit bad, so..."

"Hee hee, so that's the case. It seems that I have reported to the school about the cleanliness of the canteen. Today, just what I know, several girls in our college have eaten their stomachs!" Liu Yashu looked worried, she did not I know that the reason why Chu Shanshan is out of her mind is because there is a door behind her is Chen Dong, and the straight-line distance between the three of them is less than one meter!
"Oh." Chu Shanshan didn't know what to say, she just begged Liu Yashu not to find anything unusual.

"Okay, then I'll go back to the dormitory first." Liu Yashu nodded and smiled at Chu Shanshan and walked out of the toilet.

"Huh..." Seeing Liu Yashu walking out of the bathroom, Chu Shanshan let out a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Brother Chen would get into trouble if she showed a little trick.

"Phew!" Chen Dong who was inside the toilet finally breathed a sigh of relief, women are really dangerous animals!
"Huh?" At this moment, Liu Yashu suddenly stopped and turned around, "Why are you standing there stupidly?"

"Ah?" Chu Shanshan was taken aback. She dared not open the toilet door now, because she still had to enter the first toilet, because if she didn't enter toilet No. 1, if Chen Dong was used by Liu Yashu or others Girls are miserable when they see it.But Liu Yashu hadn't left the toilet yet, she was afraid that when she opened the door Liu Yashu could just see Chen Dong inside.

"Go in, silly girl, go to bed early and have class tomorrow!" Luckily, Liu Yashu just said that simply, then turned and walked out of the women's bathroom.

"Phew! Scared the baby to death! Scared the baby to death!" Chu Shanshan saw Liu Yashu finally get out of the stone in her heart before finally landing, and then retreated to the side of toilet No. 1, staring at the toilet with blinking eyes The direction of the door is afraid that Liu Yashu will come back again.

"Brother Chen..." Chu Shanshan said with a laugh.

"Squeak..." At this time, the side door behind Chu Shanshan slowly opened, and a big hand inside suddenly hugged her in.

"Squeak..." The toilet door closed gently, and Chen Dong put one arm around Chu Shanshan and inserted the deadbolt with the other.

The two of them kept this posture and remained silent for at least 5 minutes. No one knew whether Liu Yashu would come back again.

Five minutes later, the two finally felt relieved.But it is not absolutely safe now, because no one knows when other girls will enter the women's toilet.

"We must fight quickly!" Chen Dong came to Chu Shanshan in the middle of the night to find out what the people in the Li family wanted from Chu Shanshan.He even spared no effort to invite someone who is in the realm of comprehension for such a priceless item as the lower-grade Lingshi!
"Shanshan?" Chen Dong loosened his arms around Chu Shanshan's waist, only to find that Chu Shanshan did not stand up by herself but was still leaning on her body.


"It's so warm." Chu Shanshan whispered with her face flushed.It turned out that the girl came out more quickly, and the little wing who came out of the dormitory just now was wearing a thin nightgown with suspenders. She had caught a cold just now, but now she is cold all over.Just now Chen Dong hugged her into his arms, and Chen Dong's firm and warm chest made her feel much warmer.

"Okay..." Looking down to see the trembling and pitiful Chu Shanshan in his arms, Chen Dong looked solemn, and stretched out his hands again to hug Chu Shanshan a little tighter, but this time with two hands.

This time, on the spiritual level, he absolutely didn't intend to take advantage of Chu Shanshan. Chu Shanshan ran out in such a hurry because of himself. He couldn't just watch her catch a cold.Of course, this is only on the spiritual level. On the physical level, the side will be closer to each other, so don't pay too much attention to these details.

"..." Chu Shanshan's fair face was as red as two red apples, and Chen Dong's firm chest slowly warmed her up.

"Girl, do you know why the chapters of the Li family are harassing you? Even the kidnapping of you was instigated by Li Tenglong behind the scenes?" Chen Dong's expression became serious, he knew that now was not the time to take advantage, It's best to figure things out so that you can have a clue next time.

"I don't know, anyway, that lazy snake is very annoying!" Chu Shanshan looked disgusted when she heard Li Tenglong's name.

"Then do you know what is more important on you?" Chen Dong asked.

"Important things?" Chu Shanshan pouted and thought about it.

"Yes, it's a very important thing. Think about it. Or did your parents give it to you? Or did they mention it to you?"

"Parents? They've been away from me for a long time..." Chu Shanshan seemed to be thinking of something sad.

"This..." Seeing Chu Shanshan's expression, Chen Dong sighed. It seemed that Chu Shanshan didn't even know what was on her body.Now he has a feeling in the dark that there is an inextricable relationship between the disappearance of his little junior sister Lin Wan, the secret on the third floor of his villa, and the thing on Chu Shanshan that the Li family has always wanted. contact.

"It seems that I still have to meet Su Hong tomorrow." I don't know why Chen Dong feels that he is always the one who is taken advantage of every time he meets Su Hong.

"Forget it, girl, since you can't think of it, then let's not think about it. You go back to the dormitory to rest, and I have to leave as soon as possible. It won't be good to be seen by other girls."

"Brother Chen..." At this moment, Chu Shanshan in Chen Dong's arms looked up at Chen Dong.

"What's the matter girl." Chen Dong smiled slightly, he didn't want to embarrass this innocent and pure girl, maybe not knowing anything is a life suitable for her.

"I really want to know what is that important thing you mentioned." Chu Shanshan blinked her big eyes and said.

"You know?" Chen Dong frowned.

"Yes! My mother told me once when I was young!" Chu Shanshan nodded.

"What is that?" Chen Dong had a strong curiosity and thought in his heart, he wanted to know what this thing was!Everything that happened these days has some relationship with this thing.


"Hush!" But when Chu Shanshan opened her mouth to speak, Chen Dong covered her mouth all of a sudden.

"Shanshan? Are you still there?" Liu Yashu's voice came from outside the toilet.

(End of this chapter)

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