Special masters on campus

Chapter 197 The old man's purpose?

Chapter 197 The old man's purpose?

"Oh." Chu Shanshan obviously didn't understand what Chen Dong meant by "cold air".

"If I remember correctly, Xu Jiaying's father once said that there was an expert who said that only the person of Chunyang could save Xu Jiaying! And 19 years later, he happened to be sent to Donghai City by the old man, and he happened to come to Tunghai University! Now I have not only met Xu Jiaying, but also Chu Shanshan who is in the same situation!" Chen Dong's eyes were solemn, and everything seemed to be slowly surfacing, but it also became more and more complicated.

"Extraordinarily cold air, extremely cold physique. Pure yang skills, pure yang people, double cultivation!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Nine Suns Treasure" is a top-notch exercise handed down from the ancient era of self-cultivation.When the old man asked himself what kind of exercise he wanted to practice, he once bragged to himself, saying that this exercise can fly to the sky and completely move mountains and seas if it is cultivated to the top level, it can be as powerful as it is.And when he had already started to practice, he told himself that he must maintain a pure yang body before reaching the eighth level in order to practice this exercise.

But I was still young at the time and didn’t understand the meaning of maintaining a pure yang body, so I foolishly asked the old man what that meant, and he told me that I couldn’t have sex with girls unless you cultivated to the eighth level!At that time, I was still young and didn't understand it. When I grew up, I really wanted to kill that old man.

But after connecting these key pieces of information just now, Chen Dong seemed to suddenly understand why the old man wanted him to come to Donghai!The Nine Suns Collection is extremely difficult to cultivate, and only people with pure Yang physique can practice it, and this kind of physique is one in ten million or even lower.Moreover, it is extremely difficult to cultivate. Not only does it require monstrous talents, but it also needs to be continuously accumulated at the time of life and death before it is possible to break through!This is also why I was sent to various devil training camps by the old man since I was a child, why I was allowed to join the dark world to experience various death tests, and it was not until I broke through the first layer and entered the second layer that I returned to the ordinary world. Donghai City.

"You can only break through the boy's body when you cultivate to the eighth floor, so how can you break through from the eighth to the ninth floor? Double cultivation! Double cultivation with a girl who is born with an extremely cold physique and has an extremely cold air sealed in her body! The purpose of coming to the East China Sea!" Chen Dong's eyes were serious, and his divine light shone.

"If this is the case, why didn't the old man tell himself directly? Unless he has something to hide, or even because there is a stronger enemy that he is extremely afraid of!" Chen Dong knew that his master Yang Tianding's strength could make him The dreaded opponent may involve the most powerful existence in the entire cultivation world!
"Forget it, what should come will always come. Right now, I have to make myself stronger. There are already two people who are in the realm of cultivation. If I stay where I am, when the real enemy comes, I will become A weak person at the mercy of others!" Chen Dong gritted his teeth.

"Okay girl, it's getting late, you go back to the dormitory to rest and don't catch a cold." Chen Dong helped Chu Shanshan lift up the shoulder straps that had fallen off.

"Okay..." Chu Shanshan nodded with a blushing face. Except for her own sister Su Hong who helped her lift the shoulder straps, she has never had such an intimate movement with her.

"Okay, go back quickly. Remember that no matter where you go in the future, as long as you leave school, you must call Brother Chen." Chen Dong smiled. Now he knows that this girl may be inextricably linked with him, and he doesn't want her to suffer any harm. harm.

"Yeah! I see. I'll go out and help Brother Chen see if there's anything going on outside!" Chu Shanshan smiled mischievously at Chen Dong, then opened the toilet door strangely, and walked to the toilet door cautiously.

Chu Shanshan stretched out her head and looked left and right in the corridor, then turned her head and said to Chen Dong, "Brother Chen is safe and safe. Am I a little stupid..."

"Stupid ones are cute." The corners of Chen Dong's mouth curled up. In fact, such innocence might be a good thing for Chu Shanshan.

"Hee hee! Then I'm going back to the dormitory, Brother Chen, be careful to land safely when you fly!" Chu Shanshan made a face at Chen Dong and tiptoed out of the women's toilet.

Chen Dong watched Chu Shanshan leave the women's toilet and shook his head. He had already achieved his purpose of coming here today, so he shouldn't stay here for a long time, he should leave quickly!

Chen Dong walked out of the women's toilet, this time he didn't go through the window, because it was difficult to ensure that he would not bump into other girls when walking through this long corridor.

Chen Dong walked to the window directly opposite the door of the women's toilet and opened the window.

And the moment Chen Dong opened the window, a black shadow jumped up from the side!
"Who!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he jumped out of the window. Just as his body was about to fall, he grabbed the window sill with one hand and jumped up with his whole body!

"Boom!" Chen Dong's figure landed on the roof, that is, the roof of the sixth floor, and he saw a figure running from the roof to the other side rapidly!

"Hmph!" Chen Dong moved his body and chased after him.

call!In just a few seconds, Chen Dong had chased from one side of the girls' dormitory building to the other, just in time to see that figure jumping down from the sixth floor!
Without any hesitation, Chen Dong followed the next step and jumped down!
"Boom!" After Chen Dong landed, he looked up again, but the figure was no longer there.

"What a fast speed! It should be the person who was on the third floor of the villa that night!" Chen Dong's eyes were serious, and the person was wearing black clothes and a black robe, so he couldn't see his appearance clearly.And even if the person didn't run far just now, there are many trees and buildings in the school, and only a weak street light is still on at the moment, and it will be completely dark at a little further away. In addition, this person is a master of concealment, so it is difficult find her!

"I have chased to Tunghai University and even to the girls' dormitory!" Chen Dong stared at the surrounding trees with snowy eyes.

"This person's target should be me!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, because if his target was to steal the things on the third floor of the villa, there was no need to chase after Tunghai University.

Chen Dong took out his mobile phone and called Chu Shanshan, "Hello?"

"Hello Brother Chen." Chu Shanshan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Has the girl returned to the dormitory?"

"It's very warm in the bed."

"Remember to close the doors and windows and lock them, and call Brother Chen whenever you have something to do. From tomorrow, Brother Chen will take you home every day to live in."


"Good night girl."

"Good night, Brother Chen."

Chen Dong hung up the phone with the corner of his mouth curled up. He ignored the man in black who might still be hiding in a corner, and walked towards the boys' dormitory.

And when Chen Dong walked away, he saw a black figure on the roof of the girls' dormitory, looking at the place where Chen Dong walked away.And when she lifted her hat, her long jet-black hair fluttered in the breeze...

"Chen Dong..."

At the same time, Chen Dong, who had already arrived at the men's dormitory 214 and was sitting on the bed meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and looked out the window!

 Thank you 2452894941 for your generous reward again, and you will be promoted to the hall master of this book!Thanks to everyone who rewards and subscribes to the genuine version of Yudou!Your support is my motivation!

(End of this chapter)

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