Special masters on campus

Chapter 199 Dean Han is such a fart

Chapter 199 Dean Han is such a fart
"Ah?" Then Wang Hao didn't want to be too embarrassing, so he just said something perfunctory to Guan Fei. How could he have thought that he just ran into Chen Dong, and Guan Fei really asked himself to recommend him!

"Ah? What? Didn't you say that you are very familiar with Brother Dong? Quickly introduce me, and besides, you are still subordinates of the student union, so the relationship must be very good!" Guan Fei urged Wang Hao anxiously , I thought that I must curry favor with Chen Dong, so that I would have a backer in the future!
"Wang Hao recommended you? Recommended you to be Brother Dong's younger brother?" Zhang Xing, who was behind Chen Dong, was stunned when he heard what Guan Fei said!
"Yeah! This is Brother Xing, I offended you little brother yesterday, so I will punish myself!" Guan Fei said to Zhang Xing with a flattering smile, and gave himself a slap Big mouth!
"Ma De, in order to establish a relationship with such a strong person in the realm of cultivation, some Guwu families even gave up all their family property. I don't care if Fei loses a few people today!"

"Pfft!" Fatty Bai and the others couldn't help laughing.How did Wang Hao get played by Chen Dong?Your personality is gone, you asked Wang Hao to recommend you as the boss's younger brother, are you here to make a joke!
"Hey!" Guan Fei naturally didn't know why these people laughed, so he could only laugh along with him. It was obvious that he chose the former in order to curry favor with the strong and face dignity.

"Haozi, Haozi, hurry up and say something, don't waste Brother Dong's time, Brother Dong's time is very precious!"

"I...I...Vice President, look at..." Wang Hao was forced to look at Chen Dong, the person who could scare him awake from his dreams. It can be said that since the last time he learned that Chen Dong became Donghai Wang Hao, the vice president of the student union of the university, had completely given up the idea of ​​fighting Chen Dong. Even if he killed himself, he would not dare to pay him any money.

"Well, you should find Xingzi." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up. In his eyes, these two people were just entertaining the public, and they were irrelevant.

After Chen Dong said this, he turned and walked towards the medical building.

"Okay! Brother Dong, go slowly!"

"You boy has a good sense of consciousness, and he has a bright future with Brother Dong!" Zhang Xing patted Guan Fei's shoulder with a smile on his face.If they saw Guan Fei a day ago, they would have to hide and walk away even if they didn't stand up to say hello, but now they seem to see the younger brother.

"That's that, Brother Xing, look at this..." Guan Fei also laughed apologetically. He doesn't have any resentment in his heart now, but he is happy from the bottom of his heart. In the future, he still has his own family, just like a person in the realm of cultivation The strong are hooked!Even if Chen Dong doesn't know how to help him, just talking about it is enough to bluff people!How could he be unhappy!
"Well, how about this, after class tonight, come to dormitory 215 to report. I will help Brother Dong take care of these little things." Zhang Xing looked like I liked you.

"Okay! How about I invite the brothers from class 1 to go to the restaurant later, and it will be my apology for what happened yesterday!"

"Haha! All right! Good boy, play well and I'm optimistic about you!"

"Ha ha!"

Guan Fei and a few boys from Class 1 walked into the medical building talking and laughing, leaving only Wang Hao standing there with a bitter face.

"What is this all about!"

1st Floor, Medical Building.

Chen Dong walked towards the classroom for this class. Chu Shanshan called him and said that it was room 109. The seat was already set up for him so that he would not be late. This class was an English class. One of the four famous arresters.

Chen Dong didn't understand, so he asked Chu Shanshan what the "Four Famous Arrests" meant, and Chu Shanshan told him that it meant you failed the final exam.

Chen Dong was walking in the corridor, just in time to see an old acquaintance coming from the opposite side, none other than Han Xuelin, the dean of the medical school.

"Good morning, Dean!"

"Hi Dean Han!"

I saw that all passing students, no matter what grade they were in, would take the initiative to say hello to Han Xuelin.

And Han Xuelin just nodded with a smile, as if he was used to this kind of thing.

"Hmph!" Chen Dong couldn't get used to this kind of person who holds the power over whether students graduate or not, and puts on a show here.

At this time, Han Xuelin also happened to see Chen Dong walking towards him.

Originally, Han Xuelin thought that Chen Dong would at least say hello to him. After all, he was the dean of the medical school, and he was still in front of so many students.Chen Dong is a representative of the current freshmen of the medical school, and he is also very influential among the students. If Chen Dong greets himself, his face will be brighter.

But until Chen Dong was almost one meter away from him and was about to pass by, Chen Dong didn't take the initiative to say hello.Instead, he walked forward with his head down, as if he didn't see Han Xuelin.

"Could it be that this kid didn't see himself?" Han Xuelin frowned.

"Hey! Student Chen Dong, you really are a good student. You are never late." Han Xuelin said to Chen Dong with a smile on his face.

"En." Chen Dong didn't pay any attention to him, just nodded casually like Han Xuelin just now, and then continued to walk towards the classroom where he was studying.

"This..." Han Xuelin's face drooped all of a sudden. In front of so many students around, Chen Dong nodded to him casually like a leader, and just walked over!Can a dean look good on his face?
At this time, some of the students passing by around started pointing.

"Who is this person? The dean took the initiative to talk to him, but he didn't even reply. He just nodded casually. Those who didn't know him thought he was the dean!"

"Look at Dean Han's face, how ugly it is, it's too disrespectful to the dean!"

"That person seems to be freshman Chen Dong, who is very famous recently!"

"It seems to be the vice president of the school's student union!"

"What! He became the vice president of the student union as a freshman! Does this guy have any background?"

"It's hard to say, otherwise he can be so arrogant? The dean took the initiative to greet him, and he would ignore it!"

Of course, Han Xuelin heard all the students' comments around him, and his old face became more and more ugly.

"What are you doing standing here? You don't go to class, you want to fail!" Han Xuelin said in an ugly voice.

"Yes Yes!"

"Let's go, Dean Han is angry!"

I saw the students around me leave one after another and enter their own classroom.

At this time, Guan Fei and Zhang Xing, who were walking behind, also walked towards Han Xuelin.

"Hello, Dean Han!" Guan Fei asked proactively when he saw Han Xuelin.

"What a fart! Go to class, you are late in one minute, don't let me see you are late!"

"Uh... what a fart?" Guan Fei wanted to pat the horse, but didn't expect to get ashes on the nose.Zhang Xing and the others didn't dare to speak and ran towards the classroom one after another.

"Chen Dong! I wanted to observe you for a few days, and then find a chance to get you away! Do you think that you will be able to bear it when you become the vice president of the school's student union? No matter what the student union is, you are a student after all! You can beat you! Ability, I don't believe you are as good at studying! When the time comes, you will fail all the professional courses and I will see how you continue to stay at Tunghai University!"

Han Xuelin looked at the classroom where Chen Dong was and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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