Special masters on campus

Chapter 203 The 6 Languages ​​You Choose

Chapter 203 The Six Languages ​​You Choose

"Hiss... six languages!"

"Did I hear it wrong?"

Hearing what Chen Dong said, all the students in the class looked at him. For most of the students, let alone six languages, they couldn't translate even plain English. The most difficult thing to translate in English was famous poems!And Chen Dong actually said that he would translate in six languages!

"Don't speak six languages, I can't translate even six dialects!" Zhang Xing originally only thought that Chen Dong was good at it, but never thought that Chen Dong would be good at foreign languages?
"Besides Chinese, Japanese is my second language, but I can't even translate this sentence in Japanese!" Fatty Bai was also shocked for a moment.

"Brother Chen..." Even Chu Shanshan who was beside Chen Dong looked at Chen Dong suspiciously.

In the eyes of most students in Class 1, Chen Dong is a boy who is so skilled that even the instructor is no match for him, an extremely strong man.But generally speaking, boys who are good at sports don't do very well in school, so when Chen Dong said this, most people looked at Chen Dong suspiciously.

"Six languages?" Then Hu Qiuyan was taken aback when she heard Chen Dong say this. She never thought that Chen Dong would cause trouble for herself. It is difficult to translate this sentence in English for a freshman who has just entered university. This Chen Dong It even said that it would be translated in six languages!

"Huh, it's really crazy, but your little trick to deceive the young teacher and the little girl is okay, but you are too young to meet an old lady! You want to scare me, thinking that I won't be so confident when I see you so confident. I will let you come up to translate, right?" Then Hu Qiuyan smiled randomly.

"Okay! The teacher promises you that as long as you translate correctly in the six languages, you can control the time of English class by yourself in the future. I will not deduct your usual marks, but if you translate one wrong, you are cheating the teacher. If you want to avoid punishment and say this deliberately, the nature is different! Your usual grades will be deducted as 0 points!"

"What! The usual score is 0!"

"Isn't it true that you must pass the final exam with full marks?"

Hearing Hu Qiuyan's ruthless words, almost all the students in the class gasped. The four famous arresters really deserved their reputation!

"Brother Chen, let's forget it. If you can't answer now, at most it's because you can't deduct a few points for sleeping in class..." Chu Shanshan said while pulling Chen Dong's arm.

"That's right, boss, you won't have to worry about no firewood if you keep the green hills!" Fatty Bai and Zhang Xing behind him also persuaded in a low voice.

In a corner of the classroom, Xu Jiaying was also silently looking at Chen Dong, and she could see worry in her eyes.

"Okay... I believe what the teacher said should count!" Chen Dong smiled, stood up and walked straight to the podium with the end of chalk in his hand.



"Chen Dong..."

No one expected that Chen Donghui would just say something so straightforward and then go up.Six languages!If you don't have a Ph.D. in foreign languages, you have to live in six countries for a long time to master it!In their opinion, it is impossible for Chen Dongcai to be a Ph. D. at the age of 20, let alone live in six countries for a long time!

"Hmph! Keep playing cool! The current students really don't shed tears when they see the coffin. Let's see how you end up!" Teacher Hu rolled his eyes and looked down on Chen Dong. Six languages ​​are the old professor of the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Tunghai University. It may not be possible to translate it, let alone a 20-year-old freshman!
I saw Chen Dong walked to the blackboard with a smile on his face under the gaze of the teachers and students in the class, raised his hand, and put the chalk on the blackboard, but did not write.

"What's wrong? If not, go back to class!" Hu Qiuyan had a sneer of contempt.

"Brother Dong, did you play a bit too big this time?" Zhang Xing and the boys looked at each other, as if they were more nervous than Chen Dong.

"Brother Chen..." Chu Shanshan was so anxious that she was about to cry, if she offended Teacher Hu, Chen Dong's English score would probably be suspended.

"I believe in you, Chen Dong!" Feng Bingbing, who just stood up and wanted to help Chen Dong out of the siege, said suddenly.

"Woo..." All the students in the class let out a strange sound. Feng Bingbing first stood up to rescue Chen Dong, but now he said such words, it was difficult for others not to think too much.

"Ahem... Boss is so lucky! A little half-race girl clings to him every day, and now a fairy sister comes and is directly captured by the boss! Hey, I can only look up when I'm waiting!"

"I must ask Brother Dong for advice on how to pick up girls!" Zhang Xing said firmly.

"Hmph! Bad woman! I want you to believe it!" Chu Shanshan looked at Feng Bingbing and snorted, with an unhappy expression on her face.

And Xu Jiaying's eyes in the corner also had a trace of displeasure, in her view, she was so ordinary, while Chu Shanshan and Feng Bingbing were so beautiful and outstanding, maybe she could only look at this boy silently.

"Ahem... low-key and low-key!" Chen Dong naturally sensed the smell of gunpowder between the two beauties, Chu Shanshan and Feng Bingbing. That's great.

"Nonsense! It's getting worse and worse. Why don't girls nowadays know how to be clean and self-respecting? If they were like this in our era, they would be expelled directly! What kind of social atmosphere is this!" Hu Qiuyan's face became even uglier , The classroom is almost becoming a place where the harem competes for favor!

"Chen Dong, you can go down now, can you tell at a glance what I have taught for so many years!" Hu Qiuyan said with a gloomy expression.

"I want to ask the teacher, which six languages ​​do you want me to translate in?" Chen Dong looked at Hu Qiuyan and smiled slightly. He is a teacher and we as students should have the minimum courtesy.

As soon as Chen Dong said this, everyone in the classroom, including Hu Qiuyan, fell silent again, and all looked at Chen Dong.

"What! This also has self-service on-demand!"

"Wait! Brother Dong asked which six languages ​​​​need to be translated, which means that Brother Dong can translate in more than six languages!"


"You..." And looking at Hu Qiuyan's violent ups and downs in front of her, she has never seen this kind of student before, who can speak big words.

"Okay, since Teacher Hu doesn't say anything, I can do whatever I want." Chen Dong smiled and began to write on the blackboard.

The first word is English, which everyone present knows, and as Chen Dong continued to write smoothly, Hu Qiuyan's expression became more and more surprised from the initial cold look.

In just a moment, Chen Dong wrote the English translation fluently.

"I'm going! Really?"

"Brother Dong is writing blindly, these are too fast, and I can't write pinyin so fluently."

"Mr. Hu, is my English translation correct?" Chen Dong looked at Hu Qiuyan.

"This..." Looking at Hu Qiuyan's expression at this moment has frozen, her expression clearly shows that Chen Dong's writing is completely correct!
"Look at Teacher Hu's expression! Brother Dong should be right, right?"

"That's right!" Hu Qiuyan said, Chen Dong's ability to translate this famous saying in English so quickly and accurately has exceeded her expectations.

But at this time, Chen Dong didn't stop but continued to write on the blackboard, and the letters he wrote were obviously not in English!
(End of this chapter)

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