Special masters on campus

Chapter 205 is completely correct

Chapter 205 is completely correct
"I...Okay! You wait!" At this moment, Hu Qiuyan felt that she was already riding a tiger, and if she let Chen Dong go back now, she would not be able to get off the stage even more, as if she was frightened by the title of the vice president of the student union.

Hu Qiuyan twisted her plump body, took out her mobile phone, took a picture of Chen Dong's writing, and sent it to the teacher of the foreign language department.

"Hello? Teacher Xiao, can you do me a favor and ask the teachers majoring in German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese and African Zulu to help me translate what these texts in the photos are?" Hu Qiuyan Speaking to the phone.

"What's wrong, Teacher Hu?" A female teacher's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'll tell you later, do me this favor first."

"Okay, wait for Teacher Hu."

"Teacher Hu?" Chen Dong said at this moment.

"What's wrong, do you want to repent now? It's too late!" Hu Qiuyan said with a sullen face. It was the first time she had encountered such a situation in her 20 years as a teacher. She even felt ashamed to stand in front of this classroom.

"No, no, I'm very confident that my translations are all correct." The corners of Chen Dong's mouth curled up slightly. He lived 20 years in Africa and Europe longer than he stayed in China, especially Zulu in Africa. How to survive in the African battlefield without knowing Zulu?It can be said that Zulu even became his first language when he was a teenager. He is so confident!
"Then what do you want?"

"I mean, can you turn your mobile phone hands-free, teacher, so that all the students in the class can testify when the results come out in a while, and if I am really writing nonsense to fool the teacher, I am willing to accept the punishment! "Chen Dong still had a harmless smile on his face.

"This..." How could Hu Qiuyan think that Chen Dong would make such a request? You must know that if Chen Dong's translation is wrong, the whole class will be witnesses.

"Why can't Teacher Hu?"

"Okay! Don't say that the teacher is too mean and won't give you any room for redemption!" Hu Qiuyan sneered. Until now, she didn't believe that a freshman could speak six languages, including a very unpopular African language. !Know how much time and effort it takes to master a language!Anyone who has taken English classes knows that most people who have studied English for ten years from elementary school to university have not mastered English well, let alone six small languages!
I saw Hu Qiuyan pressed the hands-free button on the phone.

"You can go directly to the dean's office as soon as Chen Dong finishes class." Then Hu Qiuyan said with a serious face, it's time for this farce to end.

"No need, I don't want to see him!" Chen Dong smiled.

"Ha ha!"


The originally tense classroom atmosphere was enlivened again by Chen Dong's words.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh! Do you still look like you are in class? Don't you want to pass!" Hu Qiuyan pinched her waist with her hands in anger, and used her trump card at once.

Only then did the classroom slowly quiet down.

"Hey, Teacher Hu, are you there?" At this time, the voice of the female teacher came again from Hu Qiuyan's phone, and this time because she turned on the hands-free button, almost everyone in the classroom could hear it.At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on the phone in Hu Qiuyan's hand.

"Well, I'm here, Mr. Xiao, is there any result?" Hu Qiuyan quickly picked up the phone and said.

"Well, I found teachers in these small languages ​​to translate, especially what language do you guess the last sentence?"

"What... what language?" Hu Qiuyan suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

And the other students in the classroom also raised their ears at this moment.

"What language, you can't guess it! At first I thought it was Latin, but after asking around, no one knew it. It just so happened that a professor from the University of South Africa came to have a look at it. You Guess what he said? Said it was Zulu!"

"What!" Hu Qiuyan took several steps back on the podium and almost fell off the podium.

"It's really that bloody Zulu language!"

"Brother Dong, this is too strong!"

"Boss doesn't know that he must have seen African action movies. Thinking about it, African movies still have a different flavor!" The fat man's way of thinking is completely different from that of normal people.

"Mr. Hu, what's the matter with you? Are you in class now? I really want to hear the voices of many students." The voice came again from the phone.

"It's nothing, nothing..." Hu Qiuyan said pretending to be calm.

"Then do you need me to explain what the specific translation means later?"

"This..." Hu Qiuyan hesitated. When she heard that it was really in Zulu, she was shocked. She was afraid that Chen Dong's translation might be correct!In that way, I will not be able to hold my head up in this class or even in front of other classmates in the future.

"Mr. Hu, we want to hear it!"

"Mr. Hu, we want to hear what the correct answer is!"

At this time, I don't know who took the lead and shouted first, and all the students in Class 1 followed suit.

"This..." This Hu Qiuyan knew that if she didn't let Teacher Xiao continue to talk about it, it would not be a matter of her knowledge, but it would be a matter of her image as a teacher if it spread!
"Mr. Xiao, continue to talk." Hu Qiuyan could only pray in her heart that Chen Dong's Zulu language was ignorant, but the translation was wrong!

"Well, the German translation of this sentence is actually very simple, it is a famous saying in our Chinese."

"Famous words..." Hu Qiuyan's eyes widened.

"That's right! It means that a person is inherently mortal, either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai!"

"Wow! Chen Dong's German translation is correct!"

"Boss is amazing! I will watch German, Spanish, Italian, Russian short movies in the future, boss, you can be my translator!"

There was an exclamation in the classroom almost at the same time, and everyone looked at Chen Dong.German!Chen Dong really understands German!
Chen Dong smiled. He wanted to lurk in a country where everyone spoke a certain language, but he couldn't speak it, so how could he carry out the mission?People are coming to kill you, even shouting that they want to kill you, you don't even know it!So language is one of the skills that a top killer must master!

"What... he actually translated it correctly!" Hu Qiuyan was dumbfounded, the result she didn't want to see happened, and now she felt more and more that Han Xuelin was playing tricks on her!

"It doesn't matter! There are four other languages! As long as one of his translations is wrong, I can still cure him!" This Hu Qiuyan was holding on to her mobile phone, with the last hope in her heart.

At this time, the voice of the teacher surnamed Xiao came from her phone again.

"Hey! In fact, there is no need to say it one by one. In fact, the translation of this language has the same meaning. It means that people are inherently mortal, or they are lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai!"

"Clap!" The phone in Hu Qiuyan's hand fell to the podium!
Completely correct!Even a senior foreign language professor might find it difficult to translate the six languages, but Chen Dong managed to do it completely correctly so easily!

 Where is the ticket (*—*)

(End of this chapter)

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