Special masters on campus

Chapter 213 Someone Dissatisfied

Chapter 213 Someone Dissatisfied
"You forgot that I am a doctor. I have seen you and treated you, so of course I remember your time!" Chen Dong smiled.

"I..." Liu Yashu suddenly remembered that Chen Dong hugged her during the freshmen's military training, and suddenly told her about her condition, and said that she had treated her. Taking advantage of him.

"How do you remember?" Chen Dong smiled, "I took your pulse again just now, after the last treatment it was still very effective, how come it doesn't hurt this month?"

"Ah!" At this moment, Liu Yashu came to his senses and looked down to see that Chen Dong's hand was still on his wrist.

Liu Yashu blushed and quickly withdrew his hand.

"But what this scumbag said seems to be true? I don't seem to have any pain these days this month. Is it really the result of his last treatment? It won't be so magical, but what kind of treatment method Also..." Liu Yashu blushed suspiciously.

"How about it, I'm not wrong, so I should make up for it. Eggs are masculine foods are very suitable for you." Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Oh..." Liu Yashu acquiesced with a grunt.

"Ah? Is it really that magical? If my sister Yashu doesn't want to eat it, I'll just eat this egg!" Chu Shanshan raised her head, looked at Chen Dong and Liu Yashu with wide eyes, and stretched out her hand to think Go get that egg.

"Your day has not yet come..." Chen Dong looked at Chu Shanshan with one hundred eyes.

"Oh..." Chu Shanshan pouted and withdrew her hand.

"By the way, I forgot to say, the time was too short last time and I just gave you a simple treatment, which can only relieve your pain this month. If you want to get rid of the root cause, you may need long-term treatment. If you want to If so, I can treat you for free." Chen Dong said with a smile.

"You! Scoundrel! Scum!" Liu Yashu's face turned red as soon as he recovered a little, stood up, turned around, and walked away.

"Brother Chen, how do you treat me? I also need treatment every few days of the month!" Liu Yashu's excited reaction made Chu Shanshan even more curious, thinking how did Chen Dong treat Liu Yashu?Why did Liu Yashu react so strongly?

"Children can't..." Chen Dong said.

"The Lun family is so small! Huh, I want brother Chen to treat me too!" Chu Shanshan said pitifully, pulling Chen Dong's arm and shaking her chest.

"By the way, you! The scumbag followed me to the student union department, right now!" At this time, Liu Yashu, who had originally walked away, came back and said something to Chen Dong.

"Of order! Female subordinate!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"The rascal is your female subordinate!" Liu Yashu said angrily, turned around and walked away again, this time before leaving, he did not forget to pick up the egg on the dining table.

Seeing Liu Yashu's performance, Chu Shanshan's eyes almost popped out, and her whole body was completely occupied by an unstoppable curiosity.

"Hey brother Chen, just treat me! He's really sick..."

"Eh..." Chen Dong's forehead darkened.

"Hey Brother Chen! You are the best!" Chu Shanshan looked at Chen Dong pitifully with her big eyes.

"Okay, I will definitely treat you some other day, but only if your sister agrees!" Chen Dong smiled helplessly. If he still disagrees, the eldest lady must let everyone in the cafeteria notice.

"Yeah! That's great! My sister will agree! If it doesn't work, I'll treat her with my sister!" Chu Shanshan jumped up happily.

"Pfft...healing together..." Thinking of Su Hong and Chu Shanshan, a pair of sisters, coming together, the picture is embarrassing even thinking about it.

"Brother Chen, why are you smiling like that?"

"Ah? Cough cough, I ate too much to digest and digest, and I will take you back to the dormitory after I leave. Brother Chen is now the cadre of the student union of the school, and I have a meeting later." Chen Dong quickly returned to normal.


After sending Chu Shanshan back to the dormitory, Chen Dong came downstairs to the school building.It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and Liu Yashu had already stood downstairs waiting for a long time.

"Hey scum, hurry up!" Seeing Chen Dong walking slowly while humming a ditty, Liu Yashu couldn't help shouting.

"Okay! Look at my invincible little motor, speed up!"

The next moment, Liu Yashu's gust of wind blew in front of her, and she couldn't open her eyes. When she opened them again, Chen Dong was already standing in front of her.

"What's the speed?" Chen Dong frowned.

"Boring!" Liu Yashu snorted, turned and walked into the office building.

Chen Dong shrugged and followed.

At this moment, it is the second floor of the Tunghai University Office Building, the Tunghai University Student Union Department.

To put it bluntly, the Student Union Department is just a conference room, with a long conference table in the middle, surrounded by more than [-] chairs. At this time, the seats are basically full, and there are only two seats left.

The one sitting in the central seat is Gao Shi, the current President of the Student Union of Tunghai University.

On the left hand side of Gao Shi is a burly man, even his face is full of muscles, and when he gritted his teeth, his veins popped out.And on the right side of Gao Shi sat a girl with a quiet appearance and pink eyes, which was in stark contrast to her casual boy.

At this time, there was no sound in the conference room, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.This is the first regular meeting since the establishment of the Tunghai University Student Union, and there is 1 minute left to start.

"Bang bang..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

"Squeak..." The door of the student union conference room opened.

Two figures walked in, Liu Yashu was wearing a blue and white women's dress and a pair of black capri pants today.And behind him is Chen Dong wearing a comeback sweatshirt, but today he is wearing a black sweatshirt.

"President Gao." Liu Yashu said to Gao Shi.

"You guys are here, Yashu, hello, classmate Chen Dong!" Gao Shi stood up and extended his hand to Chen Dong.

Chen Dong raised his head and glanced at Gao Shi. This person has already stepped into the threshold of the realm of cultivation, which is only higher than his first realm. Maybe there is a certain family of cultivation or even a sect with deep secrets behind him, but now he is in the same place. Be the president of a student body at a university in the secular world.This matter is very strange, it seems that there must be many secrets in Donghai University that I don't know!

"Even my junior sister suddenly dropped out of school and disappeared, and everything I encountered in Donghai City is related to these secrets!" Chen Dong smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Gao Shi's.

"Hello, President Gao!" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Hello, Vice President Chen!" Gao Shi also smiled.

Now both of them can't see each other's details clearly, so they won't despise each other.

"Vice president!"

"I know this Chen Dong, isn't he the freshman?"

"It's Chen Dong who became an instructor as a freshman, right?"

"President Gao called him the vice president just now. As a freshman, he has already been promoted to the student union of the school. How can he be the vice president? Where do we, seniors, seniors and sophomores put our faces?"

(End of this chapter)

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