Special masters on campus

Chapter 216 Hello, Vice President Wang

Chapter 216 Hello, Vice President Wang

"Chen Dong, be careful!" Liu Yashu was completely shocked when he saw Wang Tianlong move his hands directly, his whole voice trembled.

"Get ready to send someone to the infirmary!"

"It's not good to provoke anyone, but Wang Tianlong!"

The meeting room fell silent instantly, and some people couldn't bear to watch what was going to happen below and lowered their heads.

After all, Wang Tianlong's name is too big, he is a sports student, the top three of the sports department, the president of the school's taekwondo club, and a master of the 7th black belt!And the name Chen Dong was just a freshman in their impression, and no one had seen Chen Dong's strength.

Only Gao Shi on the side can only close his eyes, he can know the result without looking, at this moment he is quickly thinking about the remedy in his heart!
"It's time for you to pretend to be cool, kid! My brother won't be polite to you. You voluntarily accepted fair competition!" Then Wang Tianlong saw that he had already made a move, and Chen Dong was still standing there with a look of contempt for everything. The appearance immediately left no room for exerting great strength!

"Huh!" This Wang Tianlong's external skills are indeed well practiced. This side kick is extremely fast, and even a howling gust of wind is aroused in the air. Ordinary people can't even see his movements clearly. Kick it!

It's a pity that Chen Dong is not an ordinary person!

But when Wang Tianlong's kick was about to hit Chen Dong's chest, Chen Dong moved!
"Boom!" But everything stopped after hearing a muffled sound.

Those who closed their eyes or lowered their heads and couldn't bear to look looked at the two of them.

I saw that Wang Tianlong still kept kicking with his right leg sideways, but his leg stopped abruptly in front of Chen Dong!

And Chen Dong still stood there, without moving but stretched out his right hand, blocking Wang Tianlong's leg in an understatement!

That Wang Tianlong's face became extremely ugly. Others didn't know that he had exerted great strength in the side kick just now, in order to give this boy who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth an unforgettable memory.But what he never expected was that his attack was blocked by this Chen Dong so lightly!And what no one knew was that his whole leg wanted to kick a red-hot iron pillar right now, and the burning pain was as if it had been ignited!
"Who is this Chen Dong! Could it be that this is the reason why Gao Shi is so polite to him? Didn't he think that he is the vice-chairman whom President Lin kissed?" Wang Tianlong was pretending to be calm at this moment, he couldn't just admit defeat like this It's not only his own face that's lost, but also the face of the entire sports department!

"Chen Dong..." This is actually the first time that Liu Yashu saw Chen Dong show his strength with his own eyes. At this moment, Liu Yashu's big eyes stared at the boss, but he still had a kind of cuteness, just like a frightened bird. The little rabbit couldn't believe what he saw.

And the expressions of the other people in the meeting room were all unbelievable. Originally, they were even ready to send Chen Dong to the infirmary. Who knew that Chen Dong just raised his hand so casually to block Wang Tianlong's attack. A seemingly powerful side kick!

"Student Chen Dong, let's forget it..." At this moment Gao Shi wanted to take the opportunity to solve the situation in front of him and said.

"President Gao, as I said, give him a fair chance to compete. If he accepts me, I won't pester him any longer. You know, I don't want to waste time on such trifles." Chen Dong put down his hand.

And as Chen Dong let go of his hands, Wang Tianlong felt a powerful force suddenly pushing towards him, and his body retreated abruptly without stopping.

He only heard "Plop!" Wang Tianlong sat back in his seat just now, with a look of horror on his face!


"What he meant was a waste of his time in his opinion!"

"That's why he didn't pay attention to Vice President Wang Tianlong at all!"

"But this Chen Dong seems to be really strong! Didn't you see? Wang Tianlong is so strong that he was directly beaten back to his seat!"

At this time, the cadres of the student union in the conference room started discussing again, but this time everyone looked at Chen Dong differently from before.Being able to push such a famous Wang Tianlong back to the seat directly, no one present except Gao Shi dared to say that he could.

"How about you, Vice President Wang?" Gao Shi looked at Wang Tianlong, hoping that this idiot would stop here and there would be a way for him to keep at least one aspect of his job.

"Serve? Haha! Want me to serve Wang Tianlong? Are you kidding me? Chairman Gao!" At this moment, Wang Tianlong suddenly laughed out loud.

And just as he said the words "President Gao!", at the same time he saw Wang Tianlong's figure rushing towards Chen Dong like a fired shell!This time, he didn't use the kicks in Taekwondo, but directly punched him!
"Iron Arm Fist."

"Iron Arm Fist."

Chen Dong and Gao Shi blurted out almost at the same time.

"Haha! You two are not ordinary people!" Wang Tianlong laughed loudly. Although he usually regarded himself as a taekwondo master, no one knew that his fists were really powerful!
The reason why Iron Arm Fist is called Iron Arm Fist is because it is an extremely domineering and powerful foreign boxing method!When practiced to the extreme, the fist is like an iron wall and can break gold and stone!

Even Gao Shi couldn't help admiring Wang Tianlong when he used the iron arm fist in ancient martial arts. Maybe this Wang Tianlong could really cause a little trouble for Chen Dong, so as to test out Chen Dong's details.

There are many descendants of direct descendants of cultivation families who have started to practice qi since they were young, directly impacting the realm of cultivation.And most of them dismissed the art of conjoining the body of foreign martial arts, so many of them were only slightly stronger than ordinary people in terms of physique, and he himself was like this.And this Wang Tianlong has obviously practiced his foreign martial arts to a very strong level. If a strong person in the realm of comprehension is attacked by close quarters, he will be very embarrassed!
"Chen Dong! Let's see if you have the strength to deal with it!" Gao Shi's mouth flashed a smile that others couldn't detect.

But for Chen Dong, this problem does not exist!Because he has cultivated internally and externally at the same time since he was a child!Ten years of career as a special forces killer is not for nothing!
But seeing Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, he stood on the spot and raised his hand towards Wang Tianlong who was rushing towards him!


The collision of fists and palms caused an invisible shock wave in the air!

Wang Tianlong is very confident about his punch, even if he is from a Lian family, he can't resist his punch at all!But at this time his face changed!Because he clearly felt that his punch was like hitting cotton, and his strength was instantly removed!

"This!" Wang Tianlong stared like a bull's-eye. He couldn't believe that the freshman in front of him could remember his punch!You must know that if ordinary people dared to reach out to catch his punch like this, they should have been sent flying backwards by now, but Chen Dong didn't even change his expression!
"Hello, Vice President Wang!" At this moment, Chen Dong suddenly grasped Wang Tianlong's five fingers with force!

(End of this chapter)

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