Special masters on campus

Chapter 223 The real legwork is in Huaxia

Chapter 223 The real legwork is in Huaxia
Legwork has always been one of the highly respected skills in Taekwondo, especially those of Taekwondo masters, whose legs are extremely fast and lethal. one.

But what Chen Dong wants to tell them today is that the true inheritance of legwork lies in Huaxia!

Since you use your legs, I will use your legs too!
"Bang bang!"

But after hearing the noises, Chen Dong's figure flashed phantoms among the dozen or so taekwondo students!This is because his speed is too fast for the naked eye to see clearly!


The dozen or so taekwondo students who had originally kicked towards Chen Dongfei flew backwards towards the surroundings like heavenly maidens scattered flowers, and then landed heavily on the floor with a bang.

The next moment, Chen Dong stood still again, and still walked towards the stairs on the second floor, as if nothing had happened!
And look at the dozen or so Taekwondo members who rushed towards Chen Dong and tried to kick Chen Dong away, they were all lying on the ground at this moment, and everyone's movements were covering the legs they just kicked with their hands!They didn't even see how Chen Dong kicked their kicked leg, and they lost consciousness for a short time due to the pain!

"Who is this man!"

"He can't be a freshman!"

"Could it be that he is a helper invited by the school martial arts association!"

"My leg is broken, broken, broken!"

At this moment, the entire gymnasium became quiet again. Except for the screams of the students who fell on the ground, there was no sound. Everyone looked at Chen Dong. This time, their eyes at Chen Dong were not the way they looked at Chen Dong at all. That kind of teasing and contempt is a kind of fear!
Facing a dozen or so taekwondo masters alone, these taekwondo masters fell down at the same time without even touching a hair of Chen Dong's hair, or seeing a single movement of Chen Dong clearly!Who is this person!

Under everyone's incredulous eyes, Chen Dong continued to walk towards the stairs with a calm expression.

At this moment, dozens of Taekwondo clubs standing between him and the stairs kept retreating. Who would dare to step up after what happened to those few people just now?
"What should I do with Brother Liang?" Several senior boys who looked like coaches walked up to the boy named Brother Liang and said.

"Call Brother Long immediately, saying that someone smashed the place and kicked our taekwondo restaurant!" Brother Liang said, gritting his teeth and waiting for Chen Dong's back.


"We must not let this kid go upstairs until Brother Long's next order, otherwise our Taekwondo club will be ashamed if it spreads!"


"Boy, I advise you to apologize immediately, and then pay the medical expenses for us students, otherwise Brother Long won't be as polite as me when he comes!" Na Liang shouted at Chen Dong.

"Is your taekwondo club always practicing lip service? Tell Wang Tianlong, he made me a little angry!" Chen Dong continued walking towards the stairs with his expression unchanged.

At this time, the students standing in front of the stairs kept retreating following Chen Dong's footsteps, and some of them had already retreated to the stairs.

"There's no one in sight!" But when he saw Brother Liang, he snorted. As a fifth-degree black belt master in Taekwondo, when was he ever humiliated like this!
"Go together!"

But at this time, the five senior boys who were the coaches of ordinary students all kicked Chen Dong in the back!
These five people, one with a fifth-degree black belt and one with a fourth-degree black belt can be said to be extremely strong masters!And judging from the movements and speed of these four people, they are obviously much stronger than those boys before!

"Beautiful fists and embroidered legs!" At this moment, Chen Dong stopped and kicked in a roundabout on the spot!

"Boom!" Chen Dong's foot happened to meet the kick kicked by the boy named Brother Liang!
The boy named Brother Liang's expression changed, and almost at the same time, he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string!


"Ah!" The two coaches behind them couldn't dodge and were directly knocked into the air.

But the other two boys saw how they dared to step forward and stopped forcibly, not daring to take a step forward!Everyone's fifth-dan masters were kicked away with one kick. Didn't I find myself courting death when I got two fourth-dan masters!
For a time, none of the hundreds of members of the Taekwondo club in the huge gymnasium dared to take a step forward!
Nearly a hundred boys in white taekwondo uniforms surrounded Chen Dong, but as Chen Dong stepped forward, everyone kept retreating!This scene is truly spectacular!
Now they understand that what Chen Dong said just now about exalting China's prestige is not a big talk!

As Chen Dong walked up the stairs leading to the second floor, the students who were standing on the stairs began to retreat to the second floor.

And just when Chen Dong was about to walk up to the second floor of the gymnasium, the crowd who kept retreating in front of Chen Dong quickly dispersed a passage.

"Hello Brother Eagle!"

"Hello Brother Eagle!"

All the club members stopped walking and lowered their heads to say hello to this boy. Obviously, this guy has a high prestige in the Taekwondo club.

Chen Dong raised his head and glanced at the boy, only to see that he was wearing a black vest and leaning on his muscles. The most obvious feature was a scar at the corner of his left eye.This person is Liu Ying, one of the top three in the physical education department. In terms of strength alone, this person's strength is even higher than Wang Tianlong, but he is only a sophomore.

The boy ignored the members who greeted him, but went straight to Chen Dong.

"Your name is Chen Dong?" the boy said.

"It seems that you have heard of me." Chen Dong smiled but did not stop.

"Chen Dong! Brother Long said that as long as you are honest and smart in the student union, he will naturally not do anything to your horse!" Liu Ying sneered.

"Are you threatening me?" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold. Now he can be 100% sure that Tian Meihui is upstairs, and Wang Tianlong must have mistook Tian Meihui for himself. I lost my girlfriend, so I have what I have now.

But no matter what, this matter was all caused by me. I had misunderstood Tian Meihui in the first place, and this time I must not let her suffer any more grievances for me.

"I dare not threaten you! You are the vice president of the student union of Tunghai University! I am just giving you some advice. If you are an honest girl, you just drink some soda and eat some snacks. If you are not sensible, maybe The next day you will find her in a box of a certain nightclub in Donghai City, but we don’t know how she appeared and what happened!" Liu Ying sneered, he never believed Wang Tianlong How strong Chen Dong was said in his mouth, in his opinion, it was just that Wang Tianlong himself was weak.

"Then let me give you a piece of advice too?" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"What?" Liu Ying was taken aback.

But seeing Chen Dong's figure suddenly stepped forward, before Liu Ying could react, he grabbed his neck with one hand and directly mentioned to the second floor!
"To shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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