Special masters on campus

Chapter 226 The Kind Girl

Chapter 226 The Kind Girl

"Give me...block him for me!" Wang Tianlong saw Chen Dong approaching, his expression changed and he quickly shouted at the backbones around him and the boys in the badminton court.

"Yes!" These boys didn't know Chen Dong before, and they were usually members of the Taekwondo club, and they were used to running rampant in school.Seeing Chen Dong walking towards them so arrogantly alone, a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

"Boy! Didn't you hear our Brother Long talking to you!" Only the eight boys in taekwondo uniforms blocked Chen Dong's front.

"Get lost!" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Fuck! Shame on your face! Come on!" But seeing the sneering faces of these eight boys, they all rushed towards Chen Dong!

"Kneel down for me!" The leading boy kicked Chen Dong with a taekwondo flying kick. This speed and strength were even stronger than that of Brother Liang in the basketball gymnasium on the first floor!If it is an ordinary foreign skill practitioner, it is even difficult to resist this move.But his bad luck was that he met Chen Dong who was not an ordinary person!
"Hmph!" But seeing Chen Dong coldly snorted, he advanced instead of retreating!

"How is this possible!" The boy who kicked Chen Dong first was obviously full of confidence in his kicks, but at this moment, he looked at Chen Dong with wide eyes and disbelief before he kicked him. Catch it directly on your own leg!
The next moment, the boy felt his body lighten suddenly, and Chen Dong grabbed his leg and lifted him up!

"No!" But hearing the boy's terrified scream, Chen Dong turned his body into a bat, and swept away at the boys who rushed from behind!



The next moment, screams echoed in the empty badminton court, and the eight taekwondo members fell to the ground in pain before they even got close to Chen Dong's body, especially the last one who was thrown by the boy who was used as a bat. Miserable, it is estimated that I will have to lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months.

Chen Dong still had a calm expression on his face, and walked towards Wang Tianlong from among the boys lying on the floor.

"Cao Tianba! Cao Tianba, fuck me!" Wang Tianlong grabbed Tian Meihui with one hand and pushed Cao Tianba with the other.

"I... I dare not, I dare not!" Seeing the rest of the Taekwondo club members lying on the ground, including Cao Tianba, who would dare to go up, they all hid behind Wang Tianlong.

"Chen Dong! Chen Dong! Let's make a condition! You should agree to the condition and I promise I will never harass your girlfriend again!" Wang Tianlong became flustered as he watched Chen Dong approach step by step. Everyone knows Chen Dong's strength, even if ten of them are tied together, they cannot be the opponent of this person in front of them.He was just trying to stall for time now, if it wasn't for this plan to kill him, he wouldn't dare to take such a big risk to anger Chen Dong.

But being grabbed by Wang Tianlong's wrist, Tian Meihui was so ashamed that she lowered her head as if she was crying when she heard what Wang Tianlong said.

"Conditions?" Chen Dong saw that Tian Meihui seemed to be crying, and a murderous look flashed across his face. Tian Meihui's grievance this time was entirely caused by himself, and he had to give her an explanation!
"Yes, conditions! As long as you promise not to be responsible for sports and discipline, you can take care of any other aspects of the work in the student union, and Wang Tianlong will fully support you!" Then Wang Tianlong was so anxious, wondering if he was being rejected This kid Cao Tianba is playing tricks, doesn't he mean that he has already arranged someone?

"Cao Tianba, why are you hiding? Didn't you say that your cousin will come soon!" Wang Tianlong whispered while staring at Chen Dong.

"Yeah! I've already called to inform him that he should have arrived!" Cao Tianba said tremblingly, he didn't want to be like these people on the ground.

"Okay! If you don't come, you can't run!"

"How about Chen Dong? As long as you agree, we will settle the matter!"

"It's a pity that the people who negotiated with me are all disappointed!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he took a step towards Wang Tianlong!
"Don't come here!" Wang Tianlong was so frightened that he quickly pushed Tian Meihui in his hand towards Chen Dong.

"Ah!" This Tian Meihui was originally a girl who looked very delicate, how could she withstand such a push from Wang Tianlong, only to hear her scream, and she flew towards Chen Dong completely uncontrollably.

And when Chen Dong saw Wang Tianlong pushing Tian Meihui away fiercely, he naturally wouldn't look at Tian Meihui hurt for himself, opened his arms and hugged Tian Meihui.

"Ah!" Tian Meihui's face turned pale with fright, and the next moment she only felt that she was firmly held by a warm and firm embrace.

"Are you okay?" Chen Dong held Tian Meihui firmly, with one arm around Tian Meihui's waist, and the other on Tian Meihui's hand.

"I...I'm fine..." Tian Meihui said quickly with a blushing face.

"I'm sorry for making you wronged." I don't know why, maybe it's because I misunderstood this girl last time, and Chen Dong always felt that he was sorry for her, but this Japanese girl's waist is really soft, and her hands are so slippery. Girls in Huaxia have a completely different feeling.

"It's okay..." Tian Meihui's face turned redder as she felt herself lying in a masculine embrace, and Chen Dong still held her waist with one hand and held her with the other. The hand is a normal girl would be shy.

"Did they bully you, did you get hurt?"

"Chen Dong..."


"Can you let me go first?" Tian Meihui's voice was like that of a mosquito. "

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Meihui, I was too nervous just now and I was afraid you would get hurt!" Chen Dong said with a blushing face.

"No...it's okay..." Tian Meihui said in a low voice with her head lowered, but Chen Dong could see that her face was already flushed.

"Chen Dong, Chen Dong, you are here to save people, how can you do this! No matter how soft and slippery his waist is, you have to be reserved, otherwise what kind of person will you be in the eyes of other girls!" But the man just uses his lower body Thinking animals, even masters, and Chen Dong is a genuinely energetic man, not a saint.

"Student Meihui." At this time, Chen Dong said to Tian Meihui with a smile.

"En!" Tian Meihui nodded but still seemed afraid to look at Chen Dong.

"Just now they said that their girlfriends are talking nonsense, don't take it to heart, and I will never let them talk nonsense again, please rest assured."


"I have a small request, can you agree to me?" Chen Dong looked at Tian Meihui and said.


"Please close your eyes, these people will apologize to you in 2 minutes." Chen Dong smiled.

"No... no need for Chen Dong, let's go, they are not easy to mess with, I'm afraid you will get hurt." At this time, Tian Meihui looked up at Chen Dong as if nervous.

Chen Dong didn't expect Tian Meihui to care about his own safety, "You are so kind, but how could I let such a kind girl like you be wronged?"

"Wang Tianlong!" Chen Dong raised his head and looked at Wang Tianlong and others who had already hid behind the stands.

(End of this chapter)

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