Special masters on campus

Chapter 232 Anyway, I Believe

Chapter 232 Anyway, I Believe
Hearing that Chen Dong said that he was going to the police station, all the boys in the medical school looked at Chen Dong. They all knew why Chen Dong said that, and how could they let Chen Dong bear the consequences alone?
"Okay, everyone, don't talk about it. This incident was caused by me, and these people were indeed injured by me. If you take this kind of responsibility, then I will not be called Chen Dong!" Chen Dong looked at the medical school. The people said that once upon a time, he also had a group of brothers who fought side by side. He did not expect that he also saw this kind of brotherhood in this ordinary secular university today.


"Brother Dong, we are all set to follow you!"

"Haha! Good! That's enough man! Then follow me obediently! I will deal with it fairly when I arrive at the police station!" Huang Yousheng couldn't restrain the joy in his heart and laughed, as if all the previous grievances had been vented at this moment.

"Chen Dong, you never thought you would have today! Situ Xiadan, you bitch, just watch how the man you like tightens up the shame! Haha! And you, I will let you forget Chen Dong under me These two words, be my woman!"

"Cousin did a great job!" Cao Tian almost jumped up in joy, he was completely different from when he knelt in front of Chen Dong and slapped himself on the face just now.

"Hmph! Come on! Since the suspect has pleaded guilty, let's bring him back to the game! Close the team!" Huang Yousheng sneered.

"Brother Chen Dong, I know I'm embarrassing you, but we have no choice but to follow the procedure. We will definitely find out what's right and wrong when we return to the police station." At this time, a policeman The member walked up to Chen Dong and said in a low voice.

Chen Dong had some impression of this policeman, it should be one of the policemen who was with Situ Xiadan in the factory in the northern suburbs that day.

"I need 10 minutes." Chen Dong didn't want to embarrass these low-level police officers, but he needed to send Tian Meihui to the ambulance first.

"Okay!" The police officer nodded.

"Little Liu is still dawdling there, put me in handcuffs and take him away!" Huang Yousheng shouted.

"Comrade Yousheng, Chen Dong said he needs 10 minutes." The police officer standing beside Chen Dong said.

"What! What is his identity now? A suspect! He said it would take 10 minutes and you give him 10 minutes! You guys come on, take him to the police car for me!" Huang Yousheng couldn't wait for half a minute, he was afraid Late will change.

But just after he finished these few words, Huang Yousheng felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him suddenly, and before he could react, Chen Dong was already standing in front of his eyes!

Chen Dongyi lowered his head and whispered in Huang Yousheng's ear, "Don't give shame!"

"You!" Just as Huang Yousheng was about to explode, Chen Dong had already stepped on his instep.

"If I want, I can make your foot comminuted, do you believe it? Anyway, I believe it." Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"This..." Huang Yousheng felt as if his feet were nailed to the floor, and he couldn't move even a bit!I saw a flash of fear in his eyes, he knew Chen Dong's strength and knew that Chen Dong would not consider the consequences of doing things, he could do what he said!

"Haha!" Huang Yousheng pretended to be calm, "Okay! I'm not humane at all, so I'll give you 10 minutes! If you don't want to leave after 10 minutes, then Don't blame me!"

"Hmph!" Chen Dong smiled at Huang Yousheng, walked past him with Tian Meihui in his arms, and walked towards the gate of the gymnasium.



All the boys from the medical school followed, and followed Chen Dong towards the outside of the gymnasium.

The police officers had no reason and didn't want to restrict the freedom of this group of students, and they all stood there without moving.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Follow up, what if he runs away!" Huang Yousheng scolded the police officers.

But these police officers did not move at all. Huang Yousheng's purpose was to take the opportunity to take revenge on Situ Xiadan's boyfriend Chen Dong. These police officers already knew about it, and it was completely different from what they had heard about the vile rape case. .

"Okay! You don't move, right? You just wait to go back to the police station to be punished!" Huang Yousheng's face turned green with anger. He thought that his uncle was the deputy chief, and he could cover his face with one hand in the police station. God.

"Xiao Huang, Chen Dong saved my life! If I knew that the person you were going to deal with was him, I would never have come!"

"Okay! I'll remember you, Xiao Liu! You just wait to go to the countryside and become a policeman!" Huang Yousheng was completely annoyed at this moment.

"Let's go! Anyway, that student also admitted that he hurt the person."

"It's not a big deal, just take it back to the police station for criticism and education, and find out what happened!"

Most of the police officers were still afraid of offending Huang Yousheng. After all, the Huang family was very powerful in Donghai City and they could not afford to offend them, so they all walked towards the door.

"A bunch of poor women don't have to listen to me!" Looking at the backs of these police officers, Huang Yousheng cursed in a low voice.

"Why did my cousin let Chen Dong go?" Cao Tianba, who had been standing in Laoyuan, came over and said.

"Go away!" Huang Yousheng almost jumped up and kicked Cao Tianba in the face.

"Woooo..." Cao Tianba's face was full of grievances. He didn't know why his cousin was so angry, but he didn't want Huang Yousheng to tell him that he was scared by Chen Dong, so he let Chen Dong go for 10 minutes. ?

At this time, two figures outside the Donghai University gymnasium were running towards the gymnasium quickly.

It turned out that Chen Dong made a lot of noise in the gymnasium. The university student union and medical students got the news, and Liu Yashu and Gao Shi rushed to the gymnasium immediately.

And when the two ran to the entrance of the gymnasium, they met Chen Dong who came out of the gymnasium holding Tian Meihui who had passed out. Behind Chen Dong was a group of boys from the medical school.

"Chen Dong! What the hell is this? Who is this girl?" Liu Yashu hurriedly rushed to Chen Dong's side and looked at Chen Dong and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, don't worry." For some reason, seeing Liu Yashu's anxious face, Chen Dong suddenly felt warm.

"It's okay! What are you going to do, Chen Dong? The police are here! The leaders of several departments and schools were alarmed by the incident!" Liu Yashu was so anxious that he was about to cry.

"I'm sorry Nizi made you worry!" Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu and smiled slightly.

"Beep beep beep!" At this moment, with the sound of an ambulance siren, a white ambulance drove to the entrance of the gymnasium, and several doctors in white coats got out of the ambulance.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Chen Dong smiled at Liu Yashu, and quickly carried the unconscious Tian Meihui into the ambulance.

Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai also hurried into the ambulance behind them.

In the ambulance, Chen Dong wanted to put Tian Meihui on the bed in the car, but when he wanted to put Tian Meihui down, Tian Meihui's hand held his arm tightly, as if he was afraid of losing something important Don't let go of anything.

Chen Dong thought that it was really difficult for this girl, maybe she had never done such a dangerous thing in her life, but she was injured so seriously because of what she said.

"Don't worry, Meihui, I will be back soon!" Chen Dong whispered in Tian Meihui's ear.

Tian Meihui slowly let go of her hand as if she could hear Chen Dong's voice.

"Fatty Xingzi Tian Meihui will be taken care of by you for the time being, don't make any mistakes!" Chen Dong said to Zhang Xing and Fatty Bai who were sitting in front.

"Don't worry, brother!"

"I will definitely take good care of the goddess!"

Chen Dong glanced at Tian Meihui, then turned around and got out of the car. The next thing he wanted to deal with was Huang Yousheng, a picky clown!
It's just that everyone didn't notice that when Chen Dong turned around and got out of the car, a smile that ordinary people couldn't detect flashed across Tian Meihui's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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