Special masters on campus

Chapter 234 The Man Who Can Conquer Situ Xiadan

Chapter 234 The Man Who Can Conquer Situ Xiadan
"Feeling?" Wang Tianlong was taken aback for a moment, and then his face suddenly changed, "What did you eat just now! How could my broken bones heal so quickly!"

"Haha! As long as you do what I say, you will get the other half of the medicine pill. Not only will your meridians be reconnected, but you will also be stronger than before and directly promoted to the realm of internal strength!"

"The meridians are healing! Promote the realm of internal strength!" Wang Tianlong was like a thunderbolt at the moment, he couldn't believe it was true!You must know that bones can be recovered slowly after being broken. If the meridians are broken, it will be difficult to recover in this life, let alone being able to advance to the realm of internal strength. This is the dream of many warriors!

"What do you want me to do!" Wang Tianlong said with bloodshot eyes, as long as he can recover now, he is willing to do anything! .

"I want you to go to the police station and sue Chen Dong for intentionally hurting and maiming!"

Li Tenglong turned around abruptly and said in a cold voice.

"Deliberately hurting people and causing them to be disabled?" Wang Tianlong was taken aback. After taking the half black pill, his injury was already healing quickly. Who else was disabled?
"That's right! I don't need to sentence Chen Dong to a long prison term. I just need an environment to get rid of him completely! As long as he is locked up alone tonight, I will be sure to get rid of him. Chen Dong's relationship with some people in the police station may not be enough to detain him. But if he injures someone, the plot will be serious. No one in Chen Dong can escape and be temporarily detained, do you understand?" Li Tenglong smiled. Looked at Wang Tianlong and said.

"I understand! I understand! But who is disabled?" Wang Tianlong nodded quickly.

"You!" Li Tenglong smiled.

"Me? My bones are almost healed. Even if the meridians haven't recovered, I can't tell it!" Wang Tianlong was taken aback.

"Okay, you can break it again!" At this moment, the red-haired Lin Feiyu chuckled, and saw him kick Wang Tianlong's leg!
"Ah!" As Wang Tianlong's scream spread throughout the gymnasium, Wang Tianlong's left leg was obviously broken.

"Now you can accuse him of causing disability, right? Don't worry, after it's done, I guarantee that your leg will return to its original state and your meridians will also recover! This business is a lot of money for you, right?" Li Tenglong looked at Wang Tianlong said with a smile on his face.

"Yes! Yes!" Wang Tianlong was already covered in cold sweat from the pain at this moment, but he was too angry to speak out, who made himself a weak person!

"Lin Feiyu!" Li Tenglong said.

"What orders does Master Long have?" Lin Feiyu lowered his head and replied.

"Lend the abductee I used to you to Vice President Wang, and then send Vice President Wang to the Donghai City Police Station." Li Tenglong said in a cold voice.


"There is no need to be taboo, I just want to remind myself that it was Chen Dong who made this young master abducted for a week for the first time in my life!"


"Let's go!" I saw Lin Feiyu walking to his master, the white-browed old monster, to support Wang Tianlong, who had lost a leg again, and then walked towards the door.

"Senior Baimei, it's okay for Chen Dong to stay in the police station's detention room tonight. Are you sure about the rest?" After Lin Feiyu walked out of the badminton hall with Wang Tianlong, who had a broken leg, Li Tenglong looked at the old monster Baimei and said .

"There is no problem, but it still needs the cooperation of one person." The voice of the white-browed old monster was very low.

"Huang Yousheng?"

"That's right!"

"What do you mean?" Bai Mei was a master of cultivation brought by Li Tenglong's father, Li Jianye, from the Dragon Head Meeting. Li Tenglong naturally respected him very much.

"Hundred Poison San Gong San!" The white-browed old monster laughed sinisterly.

At the same time, Situ Xiadan's home.

Situ Xiadan was wearing pajamas and sitting in front of the computer. She was looking for information about his junior sister for Chen Dong. There were many people named Lin Wan in Donghai City, so she had no other choice but to eliminate them one by one and finally find out who was related to Chen Dong. Let Chen Dong identify the closest information provided.

Beside her was a men's sweatshirt, which was exactly what Chen Dong took off that day. She had been wanting to find a time to give it to Chen Dong, but she didn't have the time.

"Lin Wan, female, 19 years old..."

"Ringling...ringling..." At this moment, the phone on the table rang.

"Hello, Situ Xiadan."

"Deputy Situ is not well, hurry up and get off the police station! Chen Dong is being detained by Huang Yousheng!" A hurried voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey! Xiao Liu, what's going on slowly? Why was Chen Dong caught by Huang Yousheng?" Situ Xiadan stood up abruptly. Did Situ Xiadan not understand what Huang Yousheng did?There must be something strange about him being able to catch Chen Dong.

"Deputy Captain Situ, you just need to come to the police station as soon as possible!"

"Okay! I'll be right there!" Situ Xiadan hung up the phone, took off his pajamas, quickly put on his police uniform, and hurried out the door.

8:[-] p.m. Donghai City Police Station, interrogation room.

Chen Dong sat behind the table with a relaxed expression. In front of him sat a young policewoman and Huang Yousheng.

"Name?" the policewoman asked.

"Chen Dong, Chen Shimei's Chen, Xie Wendong's Dong." Chen Dong looked at the policewoman and smiled.

"You are Chen Dong?" The policewoman covered her mouth and pointed at Chen Dong.

"Yeah, I'm Chen Dong, do you know me?" Chen Dong smiled and didn't expect that he was quite famous in the police station. Although this policewoman is too ordinary compared to Situ Xiadan, she still has a very hot figure. .

"Are you the boyfriend of Deputy Team Situ?" At this moment, the fire of gossip in the woman's heart seemed to overcome everything.

"Ahem, it seems that everyone knows that our Dandan is rather shy, so please don't say this in front of her." In fact, what Chen Dong wanted to say was that if he said that in front of her, he would definitely be ashamed. If the truth is revealed, Situ Xiadan will definitely eat him alive.

"I know, I know..." The policewoman nodded with a smile on her face that I understood.

"Ahem!" At this time, Huang Yousheng's face turned green and he coughed several times.

"Comrade Xiao Zhang, do you still look like a policeman?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, when I heard he was Chen Dong, I just..." The policewoman turned her head and saw Huang Yousheng's cucumber-like face, as if she suddenly remembered something and quickly covered her mouth.

"Continue to inquire. If the suspect has nothing to say, he will go through the process and send him to the detention center immediately!" Huang Yousheng's face was so ugly that he was about to fall. There was a lot of uproar, now that Chen Dong himself appeared in the police station, can his face look good?
"Chen Dong! I will let you enjoy tonight. What is life is better than death? I want you to kneel down and beg me, please let me fuck that bitch Situ Xiadan! The woman I want, Huang Yousheng, said It can be snatched away!" Huang Yousheng looked at Chen Dong with a vicious expression.

"Oh!" The policewoman quickly agreed. Everyone knew that Huang Yousheng's uncle was the deputy chief, and no one dared to offend him.


"A man, a man who can conquer Situ Xiadan, do you think he is enough?" Chen Dong looked at the policewoman and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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