Special masters on campus

Chapter 240 The bet is life

Chapter 240 The bet is life
"You can't use zhenqi now, haha!" The figure took off his hat, and it was none other than the white-browed old monster in a police uniform, and his police uniform was naturally prepared for him by Huang Yousheng.

"Hundred Poison San Gong San! Those two boxes of bento just now!" Chen Dong frowned!
"Haha! Isn't it too late to find out now?" The white-browed old monster sneered.

"What I want is some excitement! If you're too weak, I won't be interested in it!" I saw the corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and he stood up straight again, with the blood from the corner of his mouth smeared on his body.

"You! Boy, you are still stubborn now. Didn't your elders teach you the rules of the law of the jungle in the cultivation world? Today, if you fall into the hands of the old man Baimei, you will have only one ending and that is death!" The old monster with white eyebrows snorted coldly. With a sound, he rushed towards Chen Dong again!

"It's a pity that you are too slow!" Chen Dong's eyes were serious, and he stepped away before the palm of the white-browed old monster came, and then quickly stepped aside.

"Boom!" The white-browed old monster missed the blow, and his face became extremely ugly. He took his palm away from the wall, and a black palm print was left deep on the wall.

"How is it possible! This kid has already been hit by the old man's Hundred Poison San Gong San, and it is impossible to use his true energy within a quarter of an hour, and now it is in a dark environment, why can he escape the old man's blow!" The white-browed old monster's complexion became a little ugly. Originally, he expected that as long as Chen Dong was poisoned and unable to use his true energy, it would not take a quarter of an hour to kill Chen Dong with just one blow, at least he could seriously injure Chen Dong. .

At this moment, Chen Dong crouched in the corner with one hand on the ground, and his brain began to rapidly analyze the situation in front of him.Now I am unable to use my true energy because of the strange poison in my body, I can only rely on my foreign skills and speed that I have cultivated to the extreme to deal with this old monster.Doing so is extremely dangerous. After all, this old guy is a strong man in the cultivation realm. Even the lowest level of Qi refining in the early stage is not something ordinary people can resist. He may be seriously injured or even die!
The second option is to look for an opportunity to leave the interrogation room, but this is more risky, because relying on the cultivation to the extreme body can occupy a certain advantage in short-term and short-distance speed, but once the long-distance, the current self is absolutely impossible It is the opponent of the practitioners in the Qi refining period!

"Then let's take a gamble!" Chen Dong stood up and wiped the corner of his mouth. He felt the smell of blood, which was a long-lost smell.

He wants to bet that he will be undefeated while Baidu Sangong San is in effect!And after the effect of the medicine, he wins!
"Gambling? Haha! Junior! Do you think you are qualified to bet with me now?" The white-browed monster laughed and turned around to look at Chen Dong with disdain in his eyes. In the eyes, even the top experts in internal skills are like ants!
"Are you afraid? No wonder, if you really have the guts to fight me, why would you use such a despicable method! By the way, there is a teacher like a disciple, and the measurement is exactly the same." Chen Dong smiled.

"You! Despicable? You are still too young, junior! No matter what method you use in the cultivation world, as long as you can defeat your opponent, it is a good method! Your elders never told you that there is no right or wrong in the cultivation world, let alone black and white Is it right whoever is stronger?" The white-browed old monster naturally felt a little uncomfortable when Chen Dong said so.

"Bet is life, I just ask you one question, do you dare?" Chen Dong said calmly, if he doesn't die today, it is the best time to break through the Nine Suns Book!Whether it is life or death is only a moment, this is the charm of the Nine Suns Collection!

"Gamble your life!" The white-browed old monster was stunned for a moment and then laughed strangely, "Haha, do you think I don't know what you want to do? Are you trying to delay time? The old man told you that even if you delay time, the old man is very sure Take your life before the effect of the medicine expires!"

"Many people have said similar things to me, but then they all died!"

"You're looking for death!" The white-browed old monster snorted coldly, without further delay, he took out an extra black iron ruler in his hand, and hit Chen Dong again!

"噗!" An invisible black zhenqi wrapped around the black iron ruler, drawing a perfect arc in the air, and the huge impact formed a piercing sound of piercing the air!

Infuriating!This is the most fundamental and insurmountable gap between ordinary warriors and cultivators!
"This is interesting!" Chen Dong raised the corner of his mouth, and took out the silver dagger that he had always carried with him from his legs and feet!
"Dang!" Flames blazed all over the place in an instant!
But this time was different from the last time, Chen Dong couldn't use his true energy!

"Pfft!" Chen Dong suddenly protruded a mouthful of blood, the hand holding the dagger was hit by a powerful qi, the tiger's mouth split open, and his body slammed into the wall of the interrogation room as if hit by a mountain !
This is the crushing of ordinary fighters by those in the realm of comprehension!
"Junior! Let's get caught!" The white-browed old monster sneered again and again.

"Haha! Come again!" But Chen Dong laughed and stood up again, this time he did not retreat but advanced!The silver dagger in his hand flashed coldly and attacked the white-browed old monster!
"Looking for death!" The white-browed old monster didn't expect that Chen Dong would choose to take the initiative to attack, and sneered, a powerful qi burst out from his body, and his two palms instantly became as if they had been wiped with white face.

"The cold yin palm of the old man, you may not have seen it before!"

"You talk too much nonsense!" At this time, Chen Dong had already arrived in front of the white-browed old monster, and the dagger in his hand drew countless cold lights!
"Dangdang!" Chen Dong's hand-to-hand swordsmanship was like covering a sword in front of the white-browed old monster. No matter what the white-browed old monster was, he couldn't get close to Chen Dong.

"Damn it! Junior, you have completely pissed me off!" The white-browed monster's expression turned ferocious. He never thought that Chen Dong would be able to resist in front of him for so long without being able to use his true energy!Although Chen Dong has always been at a disadvantage, not only his hands were already dripping with blood, but the clothes on his entire arms were also shattered and covered with blood, but he still couldn't deal a fatal blow to Chen Dong!
"Body and internal strength alone can resist this old man for such a long time! The junior old man is really starting to feel a little pity for you. I can only blame you for offending someone you shouldn't offend!" , the murderous intent in the eyes became thick, and the black energy filled the iron ruler in his hand!
"Junior, I want your life!" The time was coming, he didn't dare to delay any longer, he had to make a killing move, even at the expense of exhausting his true energy!

"噗!" But seeing the black iron ruler slash towards Chen Dong's face like a poisonous snake in the darkness!

(End of this chapter)

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