Special masters on campus

Chapter 244 I Have Another Chapter to Tell You

Chapter 244 I still have something to tell you
"Let's go!" Bai Mei heard Chen Dong walk out of the interrogation room behind him, he didn't dare to neglect Li Tenglong, and rushed towards the gate of the police station.

He knew that although Chen Dong was seriously injured just now and his right hand could no longer be activated, he had already broken through to the middle stage of Qi refining!In the world of comprehension, even if there is a small difference in realm, the strong will crush the weak, and my chances of winning are too small!If you fail, not only will you risk your own life, but also the life of Li Jianye's only son!In that case, even one's own family's sect will be held accountable by the Dragon Council!So no matter how Li Tenglong struggled, he didn't dare to delay any longer!

And the reason why this white-browed old monster has been able to roam the chaotic and dangerous dark world for so many years is that he is cautious and never fights an uncertain battle is his greatest honor.

"Ah! I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled! Why! Why is this happening!" Li Tenglong, who was grabbed by Baimei on his back, screamed, his voice was broken. He had waited for this day for too long, and he was too eager to defeat Chen Dong died, but just when he once again thought that he was bound to win, Chen Dong dealt him another devastating blow!And this time almost completely destroyed his confidence!Could it be that he was born to be defeated by Chen Dong's subordinates!
"Mr. Li, don't worry, he is telling us that we are hiding, we still have a chance, but now we have to take advantage of this junior who has just broken through the realm and is still unstable, and he is injured. When we want to go, we can’t go!”

"Ah! Go! Go!" Li Tenglong shouted loudly with his eyes closed, his voice full of unwillingness!

"Bang!" The gate of the police station was slammed open, and the white-browed old monster rushed out of the police station with Li Tenglong on his back, and fled towards the police station compound.And Lin Feiyu ran faster than the two of them. Although he didn't know what happened, it was definitely not a good thing to make his master react so badly, and he might even lose his life. Could he not run!

"Huh!" Just as the three of them stepped out of the gate of the police station, Chen Dong also stepped out of the gate of the police station.

But just as the white-browed old monster had expected, at this moment Chen Dong's realm was unstable, and the injury just now was indeed too serious, so Bai Mei really couldn't stay if he wanted to escape.

Chen Dong, who was covered in blood all over his face, was standing in the police station compound, watching Li Tenglong's car drive away with a cold light in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that the Li family would have a connection with the behemoth dragon head in the dark world! It seems that things will become more and more complicated! I need to become stronger! Otherwise, not only will I not be able to find my junior sister, but I will not even be able to find my sister." People can't be protected!"

Chen Dong's eyes were cold, and he walked towards the outside of the police station, but just now he lost a lot of blood and now his eyes are a little blurred, this time it was really close to death, if he hadn't made a breakthrough in a desperate situation, he might really have died here.

At this time, outside the police station, a police car slammed on the brakes and stopped at the entrance of the police station. Situ Xiadan jumped out of the policeman with an anxious expression on his face, and several police officers followed her out of the car.

"Chen Dong! If you're a man, don't worry about anything!" Situ Xiadan rushed into the police station wearing a capable women's police uniform. She rushed back as soon as she solved the case at hand. She believed that Chen Dong There will be absolutely nothing wrong with Dong, if something happens, he won't be the man who moved her heart!
And just when Situ Xiadan rushed into the police compound in a hurry, a figure suddenly bumped into her arms.

"Ah!" Situ Xiadan screamed.

Situ Xiadan helped this person up, it was none other than Chen Dong who was in rags and covered in blood.

"Chen Dong!" When Situ Xiadan saw Chen Dong's face clearly, tears welled up in her eyes. This was the first time she shed tears for a man in 20 years.

"Chen Dong! Are you okay? Don't scare me!" Situ Xiadan said while shaking Chen Dong's shoulder while whimpering.

"Ahem...Dan, I may not be able to do it..." Chen Dong said with a weak face, but judging by his current appearance, he really looked like he couldn't think about it.

"Chen Dong! Don't scare me! Huh..." When Situ Xiadan heard Chen Dong say that he was about to die, he became anxious, and desperately shook Chen Dong in his arms.

"Don't scare you, Nizi, I really can't do it this time, don't be sad! This matter has nothing to do with you..." Chen Dong stretched out his hand to Situ Xiadan with difficulty, and said in a "weak" voice.

"No! You can't die! Hold on to me! I still have something to tell you, and I still want to act with you! Huh!" Situ Xiadan hugged Chen Dong, tears couldn't stop flowing, even her I don't even know why I am so sad, some words have not had time to say it, but the other party will never hear it.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Situ Xiadan didn't see Chen Dong, who was being held in her arms at this time, raised his eyebrows.

"Ahem, what Dandan has to say, you can say it now, if you don't say it, I might not be able to hear you..." Chen Dong's voice became more and more "weak".

"No! I don't want you to die! Chen Dong, you have to live well! I can only tell you if you live!" Situ Xiadan cried.

"Eh..." Chen Dong actually rolled his eyes in his closed eyes. He wanted to get Situ Xiadan's words out of him, but he didn't expect this girl to say that. The plan failed, but it was indeed like her character.

"Ahem! Ahem!" Chen Dong could only cough violently.

"Chen Dong! Don't scare me! Chen Dong, cheer me up!" Situ Xiadan was so frightened when he saw Chen Dong's violent cough that his voice was out of tune.



"So touching!"

"What a poignant love! I can't control my tears!"

At this time, the four police officers who got off the car with Situ Xiadan just now were standing around the two of them, and they were moved by the touching scene before them, wiping away their tears.

"Before we heard that the deputy team of Situ took care of college students, and the old cows eat young grass. Now it seems that they are true love!"

"Hey, we all misunderstood!"

"Love must be vigorous, dare to act! Do what you love, let others talk about it!"

"What are you all doing standing here? Why don't you hurry up and call 120! Hurry up!" Situ Xiadan wiped away his tears, looked at these people and shouted.

"Yes! It's Deputy Team Situ!" The four policemen trembled in fright at Situ Xiadan's voice, and hurried to call 120.

"Chen Dong! I order you to live for me. Just now you promised that I would take care of everything and stand in front of me intact!" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong, who was covered in blood, and burst into tears again. She now There are 1 regrets in my heart why I went to the police just now!If I persisted, perhaps this kind of thing would not have happened!

"Does that mean that if I survive, you will tell me what you want to say, and you will also act with me, no matter what the play is? Cough..."

Chen Dong in Situ Xiadan's arms opened his eyes with "difficulty" and asked Situ Xiadan.

 Is there a reward?hey-hey……

(End of this chapter)

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