Special masters on campus

Chapter 246 Li Jianye's True Strength

Chapter 246 Li Jianye's True Strength
At this time, in the ambulance, Chen Dong was lying in the ambulance after a simple bandage treatment.Situ Xiadan sat beside Chen Dong and tightly held Chen Dong's left hand. She only had one thought in her mind now, and that was to save Chen Dong.

And Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan's worried look and two red eyes from crying, and suddenly felt a little sorry. In fact, although he was seriously injured this time, maybe this kind of injury would have killed an ordinary person. But it was too normal for him, and it would not be dead.

The reason why he was like that just now is because he just broke through the realm and was unstable, he needs to calm down and stabilize the realm, and the other is that he did lose a lot of blood and felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and he became so dizzy after he was hugged by Situ Xiadan Diu Diu wants to take advantage of the opportunity to win Yi Diu Xiu cheap ideas.

"Silly girl, it's okay, whoever I am, Chen Dong, will be fine." Although he couldn't bear it, he didn't dare to tell Situ Xiadan that he was pretending to die if he gave Chen Dong 1 guts.

"Yeah, I believe in you, you will be fine." Situ Xiadan wiped her tears. This was the first time in her life that she shed tears for a boy. She couldn't control it for some reason, as if she had lost What is the most important thing like.

"To make such a beautiful hot policewoman shed tears for me, even if I really die, it's worth it!" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Situ Xiadan quickly put his hand on Chen Dong's mouth, "If you die so easily, then you won't be the Chen Dong I know!"

"The smell on your hand is really delicious..." Chen Dong narrowed his eyes and said with enjoyment.

"You have such a serious injury and you can't change your stink!" Situ Xiadan's expression changed, he patted Chen Dong's mouth, let go of Chen Dong's hand and turned around quickly, she didn't want Chen Dong to see Seeing her current complexion, she could feel her cheeks burning hot.

"Hey, my hand!" Situ Xia Dan let out a scream as soon as he turned his face to Chen Dong.

Hearing Chen Dong's "scream", Situ Xiadan turned around in fright.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, did I touch your wound just now! It's all my fault, I'm too unfeminine!" Situ Xiadan blamed himself.

"It's okay hehe, I just want to see you more..." Chen Dong smiled.

"You, you scum! A scum with only half a life left!" Situ Xiadan saw Chen Dong's cheap smile, and stretched out his hand to hit Chen Dong again.

"Hey! Hey! You can't fight any more, it's really fatal!"


"Family, your husband's condition is very serious now. He has lost a lot of blood, and has many fractures and wounds on his body. It is best not to make excessive movements, and it is best not to talk." At this time, the doctor sitting in front finally couldn't stand it any longer. He turned his head and said.

"Look, you can't stand seeing a doctor anymore!" Chen Dong said with a "weak" face.

"Pfft!" Situ Xiadan couldn't help laughing when he saw Chen Dong's pitiful face.

The ambulance drove rapidly on the main road of Donghai City, heading for the First Hospital of Donghai City.

At the same time, in the center of Donghai City, Tenglong Group Tenglong Building, No. 40, the ninth floor president's office.

Li Tenglong stood in front of the president's desk with a ashen face.Behind him is the white-browed old monster in a state of distress and his apprentice Lin Feiyu.

"Failed again? Mr. Baimei, you know why I invited you from the Dragon Head Meeting. I hope you can give me an explanation. Otherwise, you should know what will happen to you?" Li Jianye still memorized as usual Sitting on the big chair facing the crowd, looking out the window at the bustling night scene of Donghai City.

"Boss Li, of course I know that you invited me to get rid of Chen Dong. This is also my mission. But this time it was really an accident. Originally, the junior named Chen had already been hit by my Baidu San Gong San and couldn't use it." Infuriating, but what I didn't expect was that this junior would break through at this time! He is already in the middle stage of Qi refining, and he is a little higher than me. I was entangled with him, but Mr. Li was there at the time, and I was really afraid that something might go wrong, so I could only retreat first and then try another strategy!" The white-browed old monster quickly explained.

"Oh? Are you saying that the dog is hindering you?" Li Jianye's voice turned cold.

"No, no! This old man definitely doesn't mean that! Also, please, Boss Li, because of the face that this old man has seldom missed in the killer world for so many years, give me another chance! I will definitely find the weakness of that junior and get rid of him, otherwise The old man has no face in the killer world anymore!" The white-browed old monster said hurriedly, cupping his hands.

"Yes, Boss Li, this time is really an accident..." Lin Feiyu, who was standing at the back, also said at this time.

"Huh!" At this moment, Li Jianye snorted coldly, and under this snort, an invisible shock wave rushed towards Lin Feiyu!

"Ah! Pfft!" Before Lin Feiyu finished speaking, he felt a huge impact and knocked him backwards. Lin Feiyu didn't even have a chance to resist, and he fell with a plop. He spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground.

"This! What kind of strength is this Li Jianye? He has such powerful strength just by snorting, and he doesn't even have a chance to react! It's too scary!" Lin Feiyu sat paralyzed on the ground, raised his head with a terrified expression Look at Li Jianye who is still sitting with his back to several people!

And the white-browed old monster who was still standing there with his head bowed and his hands arched also changed his expression and his pupils shrank!Who is he? Although his strength is not very strong in the entire dark world of the killer world, decades of experience are the capital he relies on most.It's not difficult for Li Jianye to knock back Lin Feiyu, who is in the realm of internal strength, with a single cold snort, but the difficult part is that Li Jianye's attack is a single attack, while the general attack of sound wave is a group attack!Li Jianye's hum could still shock Lin Feiyu back without affecting his son Li Tenglong. His strength was definitely above his own, even above Chen Dong who had broken through to the middle stage of Qi refining!
"This person is unfathomable!" Bai Mei originally thought that Li Jianye's strength should be comparable to his own. The reason why he didn't take action to get rid of Chen Dong himself was because his identity was sensitive and it was inconvenient to do so. Now it seems that he was very wrong!The reason why Li Jianye did this today is also to remind himself that his patience is limited!
"A kid from the Lin family, right? I just want to tell you that in the future adults should talk and children should not interrupt. It's very rude, do you hear me?" Li Jianye said calmly while sitting on the big chair.

(End of this chapter)

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