Special masters on campus

Chapter 258 One stitch is enough

Chapter 258

Chen Dong walked into the acupuncture department.

At this time, several young doctors in white coats were surrounding a patient in the acupuncture and moxibustion department.The pale-haired chief doctor Niu sat aside, ignoring the patient's intentions.

"Ah! I have a headache! I have a headache!" The patient lying on the bed suddenly cried out.

"Patient, please be patient, I will give you a few more needles and it will be relieved." A young doctor said.

"Shit! How many needles have you injected into me? Ah! My head!" the patient yelled.

"This..." The young doctor blushed. He had given the patient several needles just now according to the method in the acupuncture instruction book, but the patient's condition not only did not improve, but became more serious.

"What can we do! We all pricked according to the acupuncture points in the book!" Several other young doctors were also helpless.

"Director Niu, look..." The doctors had no choice but to look at the old man sitting beside him.

The old man raised his head to look at the doctors, shook his head, and was about to say something when a young student walked in.

"For migraine, I suggest that the Shaoyang Meridian of the hand should be pricked with the needle, which should relieve the patient's pain." It was Chen Dong who was planning to borrow the gold needle from the old man who spoke.

"Who are you? Are you here to see a doctor? Sit there and wait for a while." At this time, a young doctor looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Wait, this young man is right." Director Niu looked at Chen Dong with great interest.

"That's right, Director Niu, but we just injected the Shaoyang Meridian of the patient's hand up and down. It should be effective, but the patient's pain increased instead!"

"My head, can you quack doctors do it!" At this time, the patient yelled again.

"Look at what Director Niu should do!" Those young doctors were anxious like ants on a hot pot. If the patients made a fuss to the hospital leaders, these young doctors would have to be punished and their wages deducted.


"Your needle is in the right place, but there are still some problems." Just when Director Niu was about to say something, Chen Dongyou said first.

"Oh?" The old man Niu looked at Chen Dong with more interest.

"Hey, who are you, are you a doctor or am I a doctor? The needle is inserted in the right place, and there is still a problem? Tell me what is the problem!" The young doctor in charge of the needle looked at Chen Dong with disdain. , if Director Niu said this sentence, he would definitely accept it, but he didn't believe it when this young man who didn't know where he came from said it casually.

"Don't you believe me? You can let me try it. I'm sure I can relieve this patient's pain." Chen Dong's mouth curled up. In fact, Chen Dong only learned a little about acupuncture from the old man, but he has true energy, and ordinary diseases are pure. Basically, it can be relieved or even cured under Yang Zhenqi. The reason why he said this is just to attract the attention of this old man, so that he can rhythm the golden needle from his hand.

"You? You want to give acupuncture to patients? I said, brother, are you a doctor? Do you have a medical certificate?"

"Yeah! If you don't tie up the patient but break it, can you afford the responsibility?"

"Haha! It should be some medical school student who thinks that he can become a doctor after learning some knowledge from textbooks."

Those young doctors all laughed. To them, Chen Dong's words were like a student talking big.

"Ah! My head! Let him pierce it for me, anyway, you quack doctors can't do it well!" At this moment, the patient yelled again.

"Director Niu, what do you think we should do?"


Hearing the patient screaming again, the young doctors looked at Old Man Niu again.

The old man stood up and walked to the patient. Acupuncture is not a child's play. Of course, he couldn't just let a young man give acupuncture to the patient. .

It was seen that seven needles had been injected into the acupuncture points on the patient's head and arms.

"It's weird, these few needles are really all right?" The old cow looked at the patient and shook his head.

"Ah! It hurts! Can you do it! I want to sue you! Oh, it hurts me to death!" At this moment, the patient yelled again.

"What should I do, Director Niu?" All the young people looked at Old Man Niu.

"This..." This old man has practiced medicine for so many years, he can be said to be an expert in acupuncture and moxibustion, and he has never seen such a situation.

"I said that I can cure him." At this moment, Chen Dong said again, it was a coincidence that he came sooner rather than later, and he happened to encounter such a good opportunity when he wanted to borrow golden needles.

"Hey! I said what's the matter with you? This is a hospital. If you come to see a doctor, you can wait there quietly for a while and wait for your name to be called. Can you stop talking nonsense here?" A young doctor looked at Chen Dong said impatiently.

"This patient needs gold needles." Chen Dong looked at the old man and smiled.

"What golden needles? You said you know how to use golden needles?" The old man was taken aback.

"Director Niu, is he talking nonsense? We have studied acupuncture for so many years and dare not use golden needles. What kind of golden needles does he use for a young man?"


The young doctors said with a look of disbelief.

"Let him prick me! Or I'll complain to you guys, hurry up, my head hurts too much!" At this time, the patient kept beating his head with both hands and shouted, which could be heard even outside the corridor. The patients waiting outside looked towards the acupuncture department.

"Didn't you say Director Niu's acupuncture is very powerful? Why can't he even cure a headache?"

"Yeah, are they all quack doctors?"

The waiting patients started talking in low voices when they heard the shouts in the room.


"This is how to do ah!"

Those young doctors were sweating anxiously, but there was nothing they could do.

"Young man, golden needles are not something you can use casually. Are you sure you know how to use golden needles?" At this time, the old man looked at Chen Dong.

"I just need a small needle, which can relieve the patient's pain." Chen Dong smiled.

"A needle? What are you kidding, boy!"

"Yeah, are you laughing at our incompetence in medicine? Don't say you got an injection, even Director Niu can't do anything about it!"

"Besides, what if someone is stabbed, you are responsible!"

Those young doctors said with disdain when they heard Chen Dong say that he could cure the patient with one injection.

"Hmph!" Chen Dong walked towards the doctors with a smile.

"Hey, what's the matter with you..."

When those young doctors saw Chen Dong walking towards them, they just wanted to say something to stop Chen Dong, but Chen Dong blocked him with his hands.

"You! If you don't leave, I'll call security!"

But Chen Dong still smiled without saying a word, walked to the hospital bed, and raised his hand to the patient.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry." But Chen Dong scratched the patient's arm and head covered with silver needles.


The seven silver needles stuck on the patient's body flew into Chen Dong's hand almost at the same time, and Chen Dong's hand clearly did not touch the silver needles, but was placed in mid-air!


(End of this chapter)

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