Special masters on campus

Chapter 260 Embarrassing Question

Chapter 260 Embarrassing Question

"Oh, I think too much. Acupuncture with true energy is the highest state of acupuncture. I have only seen it once in more than 60 years, let alone he is just a child..." The old man looked disappointed. look.

"Cut! I thought I could witness a miracle today. It turns out that a student who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth is making a fool of himself here!"

"Let's go and wait in line for a doctor."

The patients who had gathered around the entrance of the acupuncture and moxibustion department with the heart of watching the fun also burst into laughter, thinking that this was just a farce.

However, when everyone was either disappointed or laughed at, Chen Dong still smiled, lifted his hand from the golden needle, and placed it three inches above the golden needle.

"噗!" The next moment, I saw that tiny golden needle flashing golden light and making a clear sound!

"What's the matter! His hand didn't touch the needle!"

"Is it me who is delusional? Why did I see that the golden needle just now emitted a burst of golden light!"

This time, almost everyone's eyes were wide open, and they looked at the golden needle on the patient's arm in disbelief, because the golden needle was trembling constantly at this time, so it made a soft beeping sound!

What made everyone even more unbelievable was that Chen Dong's hand stayed three inches above the golden needle and never touched the golden needle at all.And at this time, if there are masters of the cultivation realm here, they will definitely see an invisible zhenqi being continuously input from Chen Dong's hand to the golden needle!
"Air needle! It's really an air needle!!" At this moment, the old man looked at the golden needle with red eyes. No one could understand the excitement in his heart at this time.

"There is such a miraculous thing! Without touching the needle, you can use air to control the needle and acupuncture through the air!"

"No wonder Director Niu said just now that this will be the greatest harvest and luck in our life!"

The young doctors standing around Chen Dong also had their eyes wide open, staring at the golden needle being manipulated by Chen Dong with his true energy. This kind of thing has completely subverted their perception of the highest state of acupuncture and moxibustion. !

"It doesn't hurt anymore! It really doesn't hurt anymore!" And when everyone opened their eyes wide and couldn't believe what happened before them, the patient who was lying on the hospital bed and screaming in pain found himself My head doesn't hurt anymore!

"Really, you won't feel any pain after just one injection?"

"Dude, are you kidding me?"

When the patient said that his head was no longer hurting, all the patients standing at the door asked curiously, most of them didn't believe it or couldn't believe it.

"Really! What did I lie to you for? Just now I was in so much pain that I felt like I was about to die. But after the injection, he didn't feel much at first, but then I felt a heat flow from my arm into my arm. My whole body, and my head stopped hurting!" At this moment, the patient sat up, but less than a minute ago, he was still rolling on the hospital bed in pain!

"It's really such a god!"

"Miraculous doctor! Young genius doctor!"

"Genius doctor give us a stab too, I also have the old problem of migraine!"

"Yeah, give us a cure too, genius doctor!"

Most of the patients waiting at the door came to TCM Acupuncture for acupuncture and physiotherapy because of some old illnesses and dark injuries that could not be cured for a long time. When they heard that Chen Dongzhen had cured their diseases with one acupuncture, they all said.

"I'm sorry, I don't have a medical certificate, and I'm not a doctor. I'm just a student, so I can't treat your illnesses casually. If something goes wrong, I can't bear the responsibility." Chen Dong smiled, and put his hand on the golden needle Grabbing, the tiny golden needle returned to Chen Dong's hand with a golden glow.

"This..." The young doctors around Chen Dong blushed when they heard what Chen Dong said. They said this to Chen Dong just now, and now Chen Dong said this to them obviously. Yes, I met an expert today.

"Your migraine should have a history of more than 20 years. It cannot be cured by ordinary acupuncture. I pricked you with a golden needle just now, and your condition should be relieved a lot." Chen Dong faced the migraine patient said with a smile.

"Really! I've had migraines for 20 years. My little brother, you're under your age. You didn't expect to be so skilled in medicine! You can tell at a glance that my migraines have been going on for so many years! What a god! Thank you so much! "The patient was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s and kept thanking Chen Dong.

"It's nothing, I can do it with little effort." Chen Dong turned around and looked at the old man.

I saw that the old man Niu was obviously still immersed in the shock of acupuncture with true energy just now. He had been thinking about it for more than 20 years day and night, but he did not expect that a young man like Chen Dong could do it easily. Could he not be shocked? ?
"Director Niu, can I borrow your golden needle now?" Chen Dong pointed to the needle box and said.

"Qi acupuncture! I actually saw Qi acupuncture again in my lifetime! This is the highest level of acupuncture and moxibustion!" the old man murmured.

"Hehe..." Chen Dong smiled in his heart. In fact, he has a little understanding of the level of acupuncture and moxibustion. He is even on the same level as these young doctors, let alone compared with the old man Niu. Because of his pure yang energy, he didn't expect to scare the old man into such a state.It wasn't until many years later when Chen Dong mentioned this matter to the old man Yang Tianding that he knew that the old man had also used this trick in Donghai City 20 years ago, and praised Chen Dong that he had carried forward his inheritance. Of course this is all for later.

"Director Niu, can I borrow the needle?" At this moment, Chen Dong asked again, Tian Meihui was waiting for him, and he had no time to waste any more time here.

"Ah? Yes! You can take this golden needle away, only an expert like you is worthy of using it!" The old man Niu said after he was shocked from his heart just now.

"That's unnecessary. These golden needles are all made of pure gold and are very valuable. I just borrowed them and will deliver them to you later." Chen Dong put the golden needles in the needle case with a smile.

"Brother Chen Dong, may I ask what is your relationship with the senior who thought his surname was Yang?" Just as Chen Dong was about to return to Tian Meihui's ward with the needle case, the old man Niu said.

"Senior Yang?"

"That's right, 20 years ago I also saw a senior named Yang performing Qi acupuncture skills! But I have never had the opportunity to ask him for advice." The old man said.

"Hehe, maybe it's the old man, I have to ask him when I have a chance in the future." Chen Dong smiled and said, "I don't know Senior Yang, I'm in a hurry and I'll change the needle for you later, let's take a step ahead .”

"Huh?" Just as the old man was about to say something, Chen Dong had already walked out of the acupuncture department holding the needle case.

"Divine Doctor!"

"Superb!" Everyone looked at Chen Dong's back and commented, and in the next few days, the news that a young boy with a genius doctor appeared in Donghai No. [-] Hospital spread all over the streets and alleys of Donghai. It's called Chen Dong, but I can't find this genius doctor anymore.

"Huh!" Chen Dong carefully closed the door of Ward 305 of Donghai First Hospital.After confirming that no one followed, he let out a long sigh of relief. It was with great difficulty that he got rid of this group of people seeking medical advice.

"The next step is to give Tian Meihui an injection. Her condition is not as simple as the migraine just now! But I will use my true energy to inject the needle directly on her skin. She is unconscious now and cannot undress herself. ,This is how to do ah!"

When Chen Dong walked to Tian Meihui's hospital bed and saw Tian Meihui who was still in a coma, he suddenly thought of this embarrassing question!
(End of this chapter)

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