Special masters on campus

Chapter 266 Must be fired this time

Chapter 266 Must be fired this time

"Chen...Chen Dong!" Wang Tianlong, who was still crying and calling for a doctor, suddenly raised his head. The crutches were thrown away.

"Chen Dong!" And the two boys who were supporting Wang Tianlong obviously knew Chen Dong. When they saw Chen Dong, it was as if they were seeing a monster. How could they care about Wang Tianlong yelling in unison and running away in a hurry? Out of the hospital.

Apparently last night, Chen Dong's solo going to the Taekwondo club left them too shocked. Even though they were not injured last night, they were already terrified psychologically.

"Come back! You come back to me! Waste is waste!" Wang Tianlong almost fell to the ground without anyone to support him. Fortunately, he still had the crutch Li Tenglong gave him in his hand.

"Pfft! It's so funny, what happened to those two boys at this time, why did they get so frightened when they saw Brother Chen?" Chu Shanshan behind Chen Dong couldn't help laughing.

Tian Meihui on the side also lowered her head and smiled.

"Vice President Wang, what's wrong with these two students? Why don't you care if your leg is broken?" Chen Dong said with a smile.

"You!" Wang Tianlong's face turned blue, but he could only swallow it when he thought of Chen Dong's terrifying strength.

"How could this be? Didn't Li Tenglong have a frightening old man who said that Chen Dong will definitely die this time? What happened? Why is Chen Dong standing here intact! My leg was broken but not I'm sorry! Can anyone tell me what happened!"

Wang Tianlong is too distressed to speak now, he broke his teeth and swallowed in his stomach, he suddenly felt like a clown being played!
"What? I'm surprised that I'm safe and sound now?" Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

"No, no! I didn't mean that, didn't I mean that!" Wang Tianlong was so frightened that he turned and jumped back a step.

"Oh, it's fine if you don't mean that. By the way, what happened to your leg? Could it be that I accidentally injured it yesterday?" Chen Dong looked at Wang Tianlong's injured leg which was bandaged and dared not touch the ground.

"No, no! I broke it accidentally. It definitely wasn't Dong Ge, you injured it?" Wang Tianlong is not stupid. He dared to say that Chen Dong interrupted him because of Li Tenglong's support last night. Now Li Tenglong Tenglong didn't hesitate to talk to himself, he was stupid and said that his leg was injured by Chen Dong, so he didn't want his other leg!
"Really? How did I hear that you said I interrupted you? Not only did you tell the school leader that, but you also went to the police station to report the case?" Chen Dong looked at Wang Tianlong and raised his mouth.

"No no! Someone forced me to say that! I was really forced to do nothing, and I've already dismissed the case!" Chen Dong smiled and Wang Tianlong almost peed his pants without Li Tenglong and his back With the backing of a strong person, as long as Chen Dong wanted to crush himself to death, it would be as simple as crushing an ant!
"The case was withdrawn? The case was withdrawn because Li Tenglong thought I would die this time, and the case was withdrawn just to make it easier for me to be taken away from the police station?" Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

"You...you know it all!" Wang Tianlong said with a look of horror.

"Brother Dong!" I saw that Wang Tianlong didn't show any shame in front of so many people, and knelt down on one leg in front of Chen Dong with a plop.

"Brother Dong! I was wrong! I did that to classmate Tian Meihui in order to compete with you for the power of the student union, but I really don't know that you are..."

"What am I?" Chen Dong frowned slightly.

"No no! Look at my mouth!" Wang Tianlong slapped himself hard.

"Brother Dong, if you give me a hundred guts now, I wouldn't dare to fight against you. I was really forced. My leg was broken by Li Tenglong! I beg you, Brother Dong, if you have a lot of it, please forgive me." Brother Dong! " I saw that Wang Tianlong said with snot and tears.

"Um... what's wrong with this person?"

"Did you owe someone money?"

"I heard that this young man is a miraculous doctor, so he should be asking the miraculous doctor to treat him?"

The hospital hall was originally a place where people came and went, and Wang Tianlong cried and made a fuss, so there were more and more people watching the excitement around him.

"Hmph, go to a doctor to take a picture and connect the legs first. I hope you will tell the truth when you get back to school, otherwise you will know who I am." Chen Dong bent down and whispered to Wang Tianlong.

"Shooting a film... yes! Thank you, Brother Dong, thank you, Brother Dong!" I saw that Wang Tianlong didn't have the vice president of the student union and the president of the Taekwondo Club, and he quickly thanked him as if he had been granted an amnesty.

"You're welcome, thank you for taking the initiative to withdraw the case, otherwise the media in Donghai City would have gone crazy!" Chen Dong smiled. If Wang Tianlong hadn't withdrawn the case last night, I'm afraid he would have to force it. I'm afraid there is no place in Donghai City that can keep Chen Dong, but there will definitely be a lot of movement. Do you think the media in Donghai City will go crazy with such a sensational news?

"The media went crazy?" Wang Tianlong, who was kneeling on the ground with one leg, obviously didn't understand Chen Dong's words.

"Let's go, let's go back to school." Chen Dong turned to look at the second daughter behind him.

"Let's go back to school!" Chu Shanshan jumped to Chen Dong's side, took Chen Dong's hand, and walked out of the hospital.

Tian Meihuizi behind her face darkened, and followed.

Tunghai University, office building, principal's office.

At this time, the principal's office was full of people.Department leaders from the School of Medicine, the Department of Physical Education, and the Department of Chinese are all present.Zhang Yaxi, the instructor of Chen Dong's class, was also there.Gao Shi, the main person in charge of the student union of the school, Liu Yashu, the president of the student union of the medical school, and more than a dozen students of the taekwondo club who were injured were also present.

Principal Lin, who was covered in gray hair, was sitting behind the desk with an ugly expression.

"Principal Lin, this Chen Dong is really outrageous. Look at these students who beat them. There is another student whose leg was broken and is still in the hospital!" The one who spoke was a tall middle-aged man. , is the head of the Department of Physical Education.

"We also have a girl in the hospital in the Chinese Department, and she is an exchange student at Dongying University! How can I explain this to Dongying University!" The head of the Chinese Department also said.

"Principal Han, what do you think?" The old principal Lin looked at Han Xuelin.

"This...Although Chen Dong is my student, the mistakes he made this time are really serious. No matter how strong he is, no matter how good his academic performance is, as the dean of the medical school, I will never protect this Students!" Han Xuelin said with a straight face.

"Yes, Dean Han is right. Even if this kind of students have outstanding abilities and outstanding grades, staying at Donghai University is still a disaster! Since our school was founded, there has never been such a serious fight! One person injured so many Innocent classmate, this is too disgraceful, without expulsion, it is not enough to enforce school discipline!" The head of the physical education department said angrily.

"Chen Dong, why don't you come back, Chen Dong? If you don't come back, you will be fired!" Liu Yashu and Zhang Yaxi both looked out of the window anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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