Special masters on campus

Chapter 268 Did You See Me Beating Someone?

Chapter 268 Did You See Me Beating Someone?
"This..." Principal Lin's expression turned ugly.

"It's outrageous? Director Ma, you're not a star. This is the first time I've seen you. I don't know you. Am I wrong? Go to any place in the school and ask any student to see who can be the first I knew you the first time I saw you?" Chen Dong smiled.

"I..." Ma Wen was taken aback for a moment, what Chen Dong said made sense, and he really didn't know what to say after being surrounded for a while.

"But I know now, it's Director Ma, hello Director Ma!" Chen Dong said with a polite smile.

"Okay! I'm fine! But you don't seem to be fine?" Director Ma sneered.

"I'm pretty good, my whole body is complete." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Hmph! I know that you were taken to the police station last night and accused of intentional injury, and now you appear in school again, how do you explain this?" Director Na Ma said.

And all the people present looked at Chen Dong. This was the most incomprehensible thing for them. According to common sense, Chen Dong would be detained for at least a few days if he committed such a serious crime. How could he return to Tunghai University intact? !

"Of course I can come back if I'm not guilty? I don't have any relatives in the police station, so why don't I come back and stay there?" Chen Dong shrugged innocently and smiled.

"What! Innocent? It's impossible!"

"At that time, the policeman clearly said that the witnesses and evidences were gathered together!"

"That's right! And he also broke President Wang's leg. What a serious matter, how could he be acquitted?"

As soon as Chen Dong said this, the entire principal's office let out another exclamation.

"Mr. Zhang, you said that what the scum said is true or false. He was really acquitted?" Liu Yashu also asked Zhang Yaxi in a low voice.

"I don't know, I can't see through him..." Zhang Yaxi shook her head helplessly.

"Did I break Wang Tianlong's leg?" Chen Dong smiled, "Which one of you saw that I broke his leg. As long as there is evidence, I, Chen Dong, will never shirk responsibility!"

"This..." But at this moment, everyone looked at each other and no one spoke.Some of them saw Chen Dong holding Wang Tianlong's collar, but they didn't know how Chen Dong broke Wang Tianlong's meridians. As for how Wang Tianlong's leg was broken, they just listened to what Wang Tianlong said. Didn't see either.

"What's going on? Tell me, didn't you say that you saw Chen Dong break Wang Tianlong's leg?" Director Ma asked as he looked at the students who were suddenly silent.

"Director, at that time we saw Chen Dong grab Wang Tianlong by his collar and lift him up, and then Wang Tianlong fell to the ground!" A boy said at this time.

"That's it?" Director Ma was taken aback.

"Yes, that's all." The boys from the physical education department said stutteringly.

"Look, I haven't even touched him." Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"How can this prove that Wang Tianlong's leg was interrupted by Chen Dong?" Then Director Ma was almost pissed off by his students, even if you said there was no evidence, but said that Chen Dong interrupted it. That's fine, isn't this playing tricks on your director!
"But later...after we woke up, we found President Wang's leg was broken. He said it was Chen Dong who broke it..." The boy said with an innocent face.

Hearing what he said, even Han Xuelin behind Ma Wenkai couldn't help closing his eyes, isn't this stupid!

"Hehe, what a joke! I left the gymnasium at that time. How did I know how Wang Tianlong's leg was broken? Don't say he is a sports student. The leg of a taekwondo master is paper. I touched his clothes. It's broken!" Chen Dong's voice turned cold.

"This!" The boy was dumbfounded. Chen Dong shocked him too much yesterday. If he hadn't dared to say those words in front of the head of his physical education department and the principal today, but now Thinking about myself is indeed a bit naive!

"Dong...Brother Dong, I was wrong, I was wrong!" The boy lowered his head all of a sudden, his hands were clenched and trembling.

"Then did you see that I broke Wang Tianlong's leg?" Chen Dong looked at a boy next to that boy.

"No! I didn't see it!" This boy is not stupid, just now he heard the conversation between Chen Dong and the boy next to him and realized that what he said was completely unreasonable!

"Did you see it?" Chen Dong looked at another boy.

"No! I didn't see it, I didn't see it!"

"Then did you see it?"

"No! I didn't see it!" For a while, the boys who were still yelling that Chen Dong broke Wang Tianlong's leg and asked the principal to expel Chen Dong all lowered their heads, because they really didn't see it!
"Director Ma, did you see that?" Chen Dong smiled and looked at Ma Wenkai.

"I..." Director Ma almost followed suit, but luckily he came to his senses right away.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot that you were not there." Chen Dong raised his lips and looked at Han Xuelin.

"Director Han, so you are here too. The students didn't see you just now, so I'm being rude!" Chen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"I..." Han Xuelin and Chen Dong's face made his scalp tingle with a smile on his face. He tried to expel Chen Dong from Donghai University many times, but every time he made his body stink, and in turn he had to praise Chen Dong.The most important thing is that Chen Dong still holds his braid in his hand. Once this kid has his own recording in his hand and releases it in front of so many people, his future in this life will be ruined!

"Hmm!" Han Xuelin could only swallow his anger and nodded with a forced smile.

"President Han, have you seen it?" Chen Dong continued to ask.

"No...no..." Han Xuelin said with a dark face.

"Well, thank you, Dean Han. As expected, Dean Han never cheats public affairs for personal gain." Chen Dong smiled.

"That's... that's..." Han Xuelin could only nod his head.

"Will anyone still see that I injured Wang Tianlong's leg? As long as one person sees it, I, Chen Dong, will take the initiative to apply for expulsion in front of the principal!" Chen Dong's voice suddenly rose.

The old headmaster Lin, who had been sitting on the chair without speaking, became more relaxed, and looked at Chen Dong with admiration.This is not the first time he thinks that Chen Dong is a very interesting student. He can be calm and calm at any time, which is not something that every student of this age can have.

"If the second son doesn't make detours, he will achieve something in the future! If Ya Shu is really with him..." No one saw that old principal Lin was looking at his granddaughter and Chen Dong at this moment.

"It's impossible! You are threatening your classmates! If you didn't hurt your classmates, why would the police take you away!" Ma Wenkai, head of the Department of Physical Education, turned even more ugly.

"Threat? Director Ma, you are the head of the department, so you must be responsible for your words!" Chen Dong said with a relaxed face, in stark contrast to Director Ma's purple-red company at this time.

"Responsibility? Hehe! A freshman, tell me to be responsible? Good! Say it! As long as what you say is reasonable, I, the dean of the department, will quit the head office! But if you are using strong words, please leave Tunghai University immediately , don't discredit Donghai!"

(End of this chapter)

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