Special masters on campus

Chapter 278 The Whereabouts of Junior Sister Lin Wan

Chapter 278 The Whereabouts of Junior Sister Lin Wan

I saw Chen Dong turned his head to look at Situ Xiadan, who was standing upright with an unconvinced face, looked him up and down, nodded and said, "Yes! I have the ability! The weapons are also very good! But like I was in As you said in the hospital, those opponents are not ordinary people, if you are not allowed to leave the critical moment, do you think I will save you or protect myself?"

"Then tell me, are you going to save me or protect yourself in an emergency?" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong.

"Guess?" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"I don't guess! I'll let you tell!" Situ Xiadan said.

"We have to see how critical this is." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"Of course it's time for life and death!" Situ Xiadan said seriously with his eyes wide open.

"Of course it's first..." Chen Dong procrastinated for a long time, "Of course I saved you first, otherwise why would I send you away first? I really lost it to save you when the time came." Xiao Ming, although it is very tragic, it would be bad to leave you alone!" Chen Dong chuckled.

"Cut! I don't believe it! You can save that Dongying girl first, but you won't save me! Who am I? A hot-tempered female man, how can I compare with the little birdy Dongying beauty?" Situ Xia Danyi Pouting.

"Eh! Why did it involve her..." Chen Dong's forehead darkened, and he finally understood why Situ Xiadan dressed himself up so beautifully today!

"Is it because she saw me and Tian Meihui today, she misunderstood that I like girls like Tian Meihui, so she dressed like this?"

"Okay! Don't mention this! Let me tell you the business! I have already checked all the information you gave me about your junior sister." Situ Xiadan seemed to realize that he mentioned Tian Meihui a bit abruptly, and quickly adjusted his mentality Speaking of.

"What's the matter?" Chen Dong became serious when he heard that Situ Xiadan finally got down to business, and looked at Situ Xiadan.


"What! There are no 19-year-olds?" Chen Dong was taken aback, "Could it be that I made a mistake, but my junior sister is actually 18 or 20?"

Hearing what Chen Dong said, Situ Xiadan shook his head, and said, "I thought so too at the time, so I went out to meet every 18 girls named Lin Wan, aged between 20 and 19."

"How?" Chen Dong frowned and asked.

"None of them are the same as the one in your photo." Situ Xiadan said solemnly.

"Sure enough!" Chen Dong had a bad premonition for a long time. Since Situ Xiadan could suddenly suspend her studies from Donghai University, it is very likely that she is no longer in Donghai City or even if she is in Donghai City, no one will know about it!
"Don't worry, Chen Dong. Let's look for it again. I will ask my friends from the Binhai Provincial Public Security Bureau to help you expand the scope of the search to the entire Binhai Province." It was the first time that Situ Xiadan saw Chen Dong's face. Such a solemn expression.

"No need, thank you, Xia Dan. If my junior sister is really still in Donghai City, then there are only two possibilities." Chen Dong shook his head with a wry smile.

"Which two possibilities?" Situ Xiadan asked.

"The first is Tunghai University, where she left by herself, but for some reason she didn't want to see me. The second is that her personal freedom was restricted by others! The second is obviously more likely!" Chen Dong held tightly He took a sip from the beer bottle in his hand.


"Because my junior sister didn't know that I would come to Donghai City, so..."

"So it's impossible for her to avoid you on her own initiative!" Situ Xiadan reacted all of a sudden.

"That's right, I deserve to be a student of criminal investigation!" Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan and smiled slightly. No matter what, Situ Xiadan was able to go all over Donghai City to find a junior sister with the same age as him. People with the same surname are really dedicated to the two people who just know each other.

"I'm sorry Chen Dong, I couldn't help you." Situ Xiadan said.

"You've tried your best. I haven't thanked many people in my life. I really appreciate you these days. Especially last night, if it weren't for you, maybe I would have died!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"You didn't die so easily, did you?" Situ Xiadan looked in disbelief. Chen Dong was covered in blood last night, which really frightened her, but when she got to the hospital for an examination, she said that Chen Dong's injuries would have already Although he was dead, Chen Dong's body functions were far better than ordinary people's.

"No matter how strong a man is, he is still a human being. If it weren't for the warmth in your arms, I might really die!" Chen Dong said with a pitiful face.

"Your lies, but your college girls may be okay, trying to lie to me? No way!" Situ Xiadan suddenly remembered what he had said to Chen Dong that night, and his face blushed slightly.

"Then what we said that night... I didn't die hard, you see if it can be fulfilled, I just have one request, although it's a bit unfair..." Chen Dong said with bright eyes.

"Stop it! Don't blame me for being rude if you are making progress!" How could Situ Xiadan believe Chen Dong's face?

"Uh...cough cough...then forget it..." In the past, Chen Dong could still flirt with Situ Xiadan for a while, but now his mind is full of his junior sister.Now the last clue is broken again, and I have no clues at all now!

"Okay, I've finished what I have to say. I have to go back to the police station!" Situ Xiadan stood up, picked up his bag, turned around and was about to walk out of the bar.

"In such a hurry, I'll see you off. My car is outside."

"Okay! If you don't take the free car, you won't do it for nothing!" Situ Xiadan turned around and smiled.

Chen Dong paid for the drink, walked out of the bar with Situ Xiadan and got into the car.

Chen Dong's mind is now full of his younger sister Lin Wan's affairs, and the two of them didn't talk much along the way.The two seem to have their own minds.

The car soon arrived at the Donghai City Police Station. Situ Xiadan got out of the car, and when he was about to walk into the police station, Chen Dong opened the car window and poked his head out.


"Huh?" Situ Xiadan turned his head, his capable short brown hair paired with a red V-neck skirt was absolutely attractive to any man.

"You are very beautiful today, much prettier than girls from Japan!" Chen Dong smiled, then started the car and drove away.

Situ Xiadan stood there for a long time in a daze, a blush flashed across his face, and then he realized that Chen Dong had already seen through her mind.

"Slick tongue! Still a scumbag!" Situ Xiadan turned her head and walked towards the police station compound. If you looked at her from the front at this time, you would see a smile on her cheek unconsciously.

"Why is Vice Captain Situ so happy today? Isn't he usually fierce?" The guard Xiao Wu looked at Situ Xiadan who walked into the police compound with a fuss.

Let's say that Chen Dong drove the car back to the west gate of Tunghai University, and just as Chen Dong passed by the Crescent Bar, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Feng Bingbing?"

(End of this chapter)

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