Special masters on campus

Chapter 283 Feng Bingbing's True Identity

Chapter 283 Feng Bingbing's True Identity
Chen Dong put Feng Bingbing on the sofa and looked at Feng Bingbing, only to see that Feng Bingbing was pale and bloodless at the moment, and his lips had already started to turn white and black due to the cold.Even the long hair that was wet with water had already been covered with ice and frozen together!
Looking further down, Feng Bingbing's already fair and tender skin seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. The two small silk clothes on his body were unable to cover the key parts, but at this time they were also frosted. A layer of frost was applied, making Feng Bingbing look more like a frosty beauty at this time.

"Save people..." Chen Dong shook his head helplessly. If others wanted to kill him, he had to save them. Chen Dong felt that he was a good person!
"Huh!" But seeing Chen Dong sitting cross-legged in front of Feng Bingbing, the pure yang power in his body was circulating quickly, and then he pressed his hands on Feng Bingbing's chest.I can't charge some favors for repaying grievances with virtue. Anyway, it's okay to put the healing hand there, why not find a comfortable place to put it?
A soft pure yang force was sent from Chen Dong's palm into Feng Bingbing's body.

A moment later, wisps of white smoke rose from Feng Bingbing's head. This wasn't the kind of white smoke in martial arts movies, but the frost on Feng Bingbing's body and hair that had been melted and directly vaporized under the power of Chen Dong's Chunyang.

As the healing progressed, Chen Dong's face became more and more ugly, because he found that the cold poison in Feng Bingbing's body was far more serious than Xu Jiaying's cold poison!The cold poison in Feng Bingbing's body has spread all over the meridians in her body, which is why Feng Bingbing's whole body will freeze when the cold poison erupts.

And if Feng Bingbing is not a cultivator, and her cultivation has reached the early stage of Qi refining, she may be dead by now, and she won't even give herself a chance to save her.

If Chen Dong wasn't present today, Feng Bingbing wouldn't be able to be saved by someone else, because without the pure yang power of "Nine Suns Book", it would be impossible to dissolve the cold poison in Feng Bingbing's body!The cold poison was deeply ingrained. Even Chen Dong, with his current third-level skill in "Nine Suns Collection", could only suppress the cold poison in front of him, but could not completely resolve it.

"It's really strange. Since I came to Donghai City, I have encountered more cold poison than I have encountered in the past ten years! Is this one of the reasons why the old man asked me to come to Donghai City? No way ? If the old man can snatch a woman from him without his mistress, how can he be so kind as to arrange for him to save beautiful women? I wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!" Chen Dong thought.

Half an hour later, under the healing power of Chen Dong's pure yang, Feng Bingbing's face began to turn a little bloody.The lips that had been darkened by the cold poison also returned to their redness.

Chen Dong reached out and touched Feng Bingbing's forehead. Although it was still a little low, it had already reached the normal temperature range. Feng Bingbing should be fine now.

And just when Chen Dong was about to put his hands down, Wen Feng Bingbing, who had been keeping his eyes closed, suddenly opened them. With a movement of his body, his hands clawed towards Chen Dong's face like a white lightning bolt. go!

"Okay!" Fortunately, Chen Dong reacted quickly enough, quickly withdrew his hand and shot it with a burst of pure Yang force!
"Boom!" Accompanied by a deafening sound of internal forces colliding, Feng Bingbing's delicate and white body was bounced back and landed on the sofa again.And just when Feng Bingbing was about to stand up and continue attacking again, a sharp dagger directly touched the artery in her neck!
"So these two daggers are a pair! The longer one in my hand should be male, and the smaller one is female. The two daggers are made of a single piece of cold iron. They are extremely sharp and can cut iron like mud. Do you think your neck is harder than iron?" Chen Dong looked at Feng Bingbing coldly.

"Chen Dong?" Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong with some doubts in his eyes.

"Nonsense! Of course it's me, or who do you think it would be? You thought about it last time?" Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"I... I'm not dead?" Feng Bingbing looked down at himself with some doubts, as if surprised why he was still alive.

"With me here, it's not so easy for you to want to die? If you don't reveal the instigation behind the scenes, I will use all methods to torture you! Make your life worse than death..."

"I said..." But when Chen Dong said that he was working hard and preparing to YY, he didn't expect Feng Bingbing to agree!

"Eh..." Chen Dong was taken aback. Didn't the girl beat him to death just now, did she kill him after she woke up?Why did you suddenly change your mind and agree?It seems that the female killer is also a female after all, I really don't understand, if you said it earlier, it would take so much effort!

"I am the killer of the Dragon Head Club." Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong with his big eyes.

"Dragon Shouhui, it's Dragon Shouhui again!" Chen Dong's expression became normal. It seemed that Feng Bingbing and Baimei were both sent by the Dragon Shouhui.

"Yes, it seems that you know about the Dragon Shouhui. If I'm not wrong, it's Baimei who missed, the employer will wake me up early and attack you." Feng Bingbing kept staring at Chen Dong with his big eyes when he spoke. , Chen Dong also saw Feng Bingbing's somewhat abnormal behavior, because he found that Feng Bingbing's eyes looking at him had changed a little, or this kind of eyes should not be what a killer should have.

"Needless to say, you, like Baimei, were hired by the Li family to kill me from the Dragon Shouhui assassin organization," Chen Dong said.

"Yes." Feng Bingbing still looked at Chen Dong without blinking. With her long eyelashes, big eyes, and her perfect figure, if no one said she was a killer, she might be more like A top model walking on the catwalk.

"If I'm not wrong, Feng Bingbing is not your real name. I want to know what your name is?" Chen Dong asked.

"My name in the Dragon Head Meeting is Frozen Demon Fairy." Feng Bingbing looked at Chen Dong and said.

"Frozen Enchantress?" Chen Dong seems to have heard this name before. She is a notorious S-rank female assassin in the assassin world. Legend has it that she will do anything to kill her target.Especially for some male targets, when their bodies are found, they are usually in the bathroom, just like today!
"It seems that this name is very annoying. But Feng Bingbing is my real name." Feng Bingbing said.

"Real name?" Chen Dong was a little surprised, usually the killer would not use his real name, even in disguise he would use other names.

"Yes, I haven't used my own name for more than ten years. Although these days are very short, it feels really good and real to be called by my real name, as if I am a normal person. "Feng Bingbing's tone was a bit strange, completely different from the previous cold tone.

"Then let me ask you, do you know a girl named Lin Wan, who was a sophomore in the Chinese Department of Tunghai University before." Chen Dong stared at Feng Bingbing and said.

(End of this chapter)

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