Special masters on campus

Chapter 301 A noble dog is also a dog

Chapter 301 A noble dog is also a dog

For a while, the surrounding area became extremely quiet.

"Whoa... whoa..."

Only the sea breeze blowing the villa's battered windows made weird noises.

The third floor of the villa in the wilderness.

"Is it over!" When the last gunshot came, Li Tenglong stood up from his chair, obviously he had great hopes for the sniper.

This sniper was hired by him at a high price. This person is well-known in the killer world and has never missed a shot.But this person is acting weird, and he doesn't even bother to kill a student at the beginning of the period.But after Li Tenglong talked about Chen Dong's terrifying strength, he came here happily. He said that the people he sniped could not be killed by others, so he felt like sniping.

He took the mission not all for the money, but more for the excitement and enjoyment of killing the strong.

"The gunshots stopped. Could it be that Chen Dong really died this time?" Lin Feiyu said in a low voice.

"The sniper I hired has never missed a shot. And just now he shot when Chen Dong was most relaxed..." Li Tenglong looked in the direction of the door with cold eyes.

"But what happened to those two gunshots at the end? Could it be a shot?" Lin Feiyu asked with a puzzled expression.

"No! It should be a confrontation between the two sides..." This was the white-browed old monster who was closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Oh? How did you see that?" Li Tenglong asked.

"The last two gunshots just now sounded almost at the same time. It would be hard to explain if it wasn't for the two sides shooting at each other." Bai Mei said in a low voice, and sure enough his years of being in the arena were not in vain.

"That means the two of them died together?" Lin Feiyu said.

"It's possible." The white-browed old monster nodded.

"Haha! It would be great if we really died together! But it's better to send someone to confirm it." Li Tenglong laughed and looked at Lin Feiyu.

The white-browed old monster closed his eyes and continued to rest his mind.

"Young Master Long, what do you mean?" Lin Feiyu was taken aback when he saw Li Tenglong look up at him.

"Young Master Yu, our Li and Lin families have always had a good relationship. Many of your family's businesses are taken care of by my Li family. If you encounter any danger, my Li family will give your Lin family ten times the compensation." Li Tenglong said in a cold voice. arrive.

"Ten... ten times the compensation? Long... Long Shao, you don't mean to make me want to see whether Chen Dong is dead or not?" Lin Feiyu said with a look of surprise.

"Besides you, who else do you think is more suitable to go here? Me? Or your master, Senior Baimei?" Li Tenglong smiled, a dog is a dog after all, whether it is the most humble dog or a noble shepherd dog, change to the director When making sacrifices, he will still be ruthlessly abandoned.

"No no! I can't go down! Master..." Lin Feiyu kept shaking his head in horror, no one knew more about Chen Dong's strength than him.But when he looked at his master, he saw that the white-browed old monster was resting with his eyes closed, as if he hadn't heard the conversation between the two of them. His intention was obviously to let him go downstairs!
"No! I can't go down! If he didn't die, wouldn't I send it to the door myself? Long Shao, you know that these few times it was my design that almost killed him. He will never let me go when he sees me Let me go." Lin Feiyu kept backing away and shaking his head, almost crying.Although he is a master of internal energy, he is an ant in front of Chen Dong, who can kill him with a finger!
"Do you think you have a choice?" Li Tenglong smiled.

"I... I quit! I quit! I don't seek revenge from Chen Dong, and I don't want any reward from your Li family!" Lin Feiyu said with a grim expression.

"Chen Dong?" Wu Jiajia, who was squatting in a corner on the third floor, seemed to hear a name she was very familiar with.

"It seems to be the strange Shu who came to see me with Aunt Dandan that day. There is a little secret between me and him..." The little girl rolled her big cute eyes.

"Want to quit now?" Li Tenglong looked at Lin Feiyu with a smile.

"Yes! I quit, I quit, I will die!" Lin Feiyu said loudly, he chose the latter between seeking revenge on Chen Dong and saving his life.

"It's late!" Li Tenglong's voice turned cold, and the expression on his face suddenly froze.

"Late... late? Haha, Li Tenglong! I usually call you Long Shao because of your family's power! You think I'm really afraid of you! I'm not only one of the heirs of the Lin family, but also a master of inner strength, You think I want to leave, can you stop me?" Lin Feiyu laughed loudly and said with a sarcasm, which meant that he completely broke with Li Tenglong.It was obvious that it was a pit of fire but he let himself jump into it. He, Lin Feiyu, had some background at any rate, so he was a fool!

"Are you mocking me?" Li Tenglong frowned, and looked at Lin Feiyu viciously.

"I don't dare, but you want me to give you a thunderstorm. If Lin can't do it, leave!" Lin Feiyu said and turned around to walk towards the window. The height of the third floor is not for him. what is the problem.

"Did you leave?" Li Tenglong suddenly laughed.

"Teacher..." This is the white-browed old monster who closed his eyes and meditated suddenly.

"Master!" Lin Feiyu quickly looked at his master, happily thinking that his master would speak well for him. After all, he didn't want to offend Li Tenglong unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Go down and have a look!"

"This!" Lin Feiyu was like a bolt from the blue, he didn't expect his master to push him into the fire pit!

"But, if Chen Dong didn't die, I would die if I wanted to go!" Lin Feiyu really wanted to cry this time, if the white-browed old monster didn't let him go, even ten of them wouldn't dare to go!

"Go ahead, as a teacher, I have five points of confidence. Chen Dong was shot dead just now." The white-browed old monster still didn't open his eyes.

"What about the remaining five points?"

"Then it's up to you, my apprentice..." The white-browed old monster waved.

"Fate..." Lin Feiyu thumped in his heart, and he took several steps back. Only now did he realize that in the eyes of Master and Li Tenglong, he was a more noble dog!
Lin Feiyu had no choice but to walk towards the door silently, praying in his heart that Chen Dong would not be alive.

And just when Lin Feiyu walked to the door on the third floor with a sad face, the wooden door that was originally closed opened with a creak!
A face that he was extremely familiar with and fearful appeared in front of him!
I saw Chen Dong holding a sniper rifle in his hand, the muzzle of the gun was pressed against Lin Feiyu's forehead, and he looked at him with a smile on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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