Special masters on campus

Chapter 304 How dare you compete with the sun and the moon?

Chapter 304 How dare you compete with the sun and the moon?
"Hmph!" When Li Tenglong walked out, the white-browed old monster snorted disdainfully. The reason why he let Li Tenglong go out first was because he still needed to distract himself from protecting this trash with Li Tenglong here.

"As long as this junior Chen Dong is killed and this mission is completed, I will be able to leave the Dragon Shouhui. A strong man in the middle stage of Qi refining will be enshrined as a strong man wherever he goes! He will no longer be subject to the Li family and the dragon head." I will be angry!"

"Chen Dong junior, it's still too late for you to beg for mercy!" The white-browed old monster suddenly laughed, because this time he didn't think he would lose to Chen Dong again!
"You really talk too much!" Chen Dong didn't change his face. The current situation is indeed a little unfavorable for him.He is not afraid of Baimei, even if Baimei's current state is the same as his, the true energy in the body of the Nine Suns Book he cultivated is three times that of those of the same state, so even if Baimei's strength reaches the late stage of Qi refining, he is not afraid.

What Chen Dong was worried about was Wu Jiajia. This white-browed old monster practiced evil skills in a very spicy and vicious way. He never considered morality or ethics, otherwise he wouldn't do anything to a little girl like Wu Jiajia who was only a few years old.Moreover, this white-browed old monster is a master of poison, and he may attack Wu Jiajia when he is dealing with him.A child as young as Wu Jiajia would definitely die if he was exposed to even a little bit of poison!
"We must think of a foolproof solution!" Chen Dong's brain started to work quickly, and now the primary goal is to ensure the absolute safety of little Jiajia.

My current position with Xiao Jiajia is facing the door, and the white-browed old monster just stands in front of the door, blocking the way out.

Chen Dong definitely couldn't fight Baimei with Xiao Jiaji in his arms. Not only would he be disturbed, but Xiao Jiajia's safety could not be guaranteed.

"Jiajia, just hide behind Uncle, stand where you are and don't run away, okay, Uncle go beat the bad guys, okay?" Chen Dong put little Jiajia on the ground.

"Yeah!" Little Jiajia looked at Chen Dong with big watery eyes, and looked at Chen Dong like a little adult. No wonder children from poor families are easy to be in charge of the family. Older girls are much more sensible than children of the same age.

"Hmph! Junior Chen Dong, don't make unnecessary resistance anymore! If the old man's guess is correct, you have already been hit by the old man's cold palm just now, and now you are just trying to delay time!" But seeing the white-browed old monster at this time With a sneer on his face, he rushed towards Chen Dong!

"Han Yin Palm? Is that considered cold for you!" At this time, Chen Dong instructed Xiao Jiajia, and turned around with a cold look, and punched Bai Mei who was rushing towards him!
"Hmph! Overestimate your own strength! Do you think you can rely on foreign skills to deal with this old man this time! This old man is in the middle stage of Qi training..." And before the white-browed old monster finished his sentence, His face suddenly changed!
"Boom!" The two collided again, and this time Chen Dong didn't take a step back and used his own powerful true energy to completely resist the shock wave in his direction, so that the little Jiajia behind him would not be affected by the slightest wave of anger. Shock!

And the white-browed old monster took three steps back in a row, high and low, strong and weak, immediately see the difference!
"This! How is this possible! This junior Chen Dong directly touched his palm just now, and he would definitely hit my cold yin palm according to common sense. Now he should be able to use his inner strength and true energy! Unless his realm is higher than mine. But he His realm is obviously in the middle stage of Qi training like me!" The white-browed old monster stood in front of the door with a gloomy expression.

"And why can he stand still! Could it be that he is hiding his strength!" The white-browed old monster suddenly thumped in his heart. The young man in front of him defeated him several times, so he had to think about it.

"What? Is it like keeping me with just such a little strength? You are a little too overwhelmed!" Chen Dong patted the dust on his body with his hands, and looked at the puzzled white-browed monster with his mouth curled up.

"Junior, you are too arrogant!" The white-browed old monster stumbled on Chen Dong several times, really angry from embarrassment!
I saw this white-browed old monster move, and an invisible wave of cold air surged out of his body!Like a wall of water invisible to the naked eye, it rushed towards Chen Dongyong!

"I have practiced cold yin kung fu for decades, how can you, a junior, be able to defeat it? Let me see how you can protect that little doll this time! Haha!" The white-browed old monster smiled slyly, his cold yin kung fu is an indiscriminate attack , Chen Dong may be able to protect his body with true energy, but the little Jiajia behind him obviously cannot protect himself.

And if Chen Dong doesn't protect his body but protects Xiao Jiajia, then Bai Mei can take the opportunity to attack Chen Dong's back with a killer move!This is the calculation in the heart of the white-browed old monster.

"Crack, click!" In just a split second, starting from the feet of the white-browed old monster, the entire ground including the ceiling began to be covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the hoarfrost was quickly spreading towards Chen Dong and Wu Jiajia. !

If the hoarfrost spread to little Jiajia, her weak body would not be able to withstand the extreme cold, and she would be frozen into an iceman in an instant!

"Haha! Chen Dong, you are a strong man in the realm of cultivation. Don't tell me you want to abandon your child and live in spite of everything!" The white-browed old monster laughed in a strange way. She was waiting for the opportunity, as long as Chen Dong dared to save the little girl Baby, he'll do it.

"Despicable!" Chen Dong's face turned cold, and soon the hoarfrost had spread to his feet!

"Haha! Despicable? Before you entered the world, little baby, didn't your elders tell you that in this world, as long as you can achieve your goals, there is no distinction between justice and despicability? Right and wrong are the rules set by the winner! Only Weak people will say what is despicable or not!" The white-browed old monster suddenly stopped laughing, and stared at Chen Dong with a vicious expression, he knew that Chen Dong would definitely save people in order to protect Wu Jiajia's safety!
"Crack!" Just as the cold hoarfrost spread in front of Chen Dong, less than two meters away from Wu Jiajia, Chen Dong suddenly raised his head, and a burst of pure yang energy burst out from his body in an instant. out!

"Boom!" At this moment, Chen Dong is like a sun, endless pure yang power gushes out from his inner body!

"Clatter clatter!" The moment those hoar frosts came into contact with the power of pure yang, they receded faster than the spreading speed just now, like the ebbing tide!
"This!" The white-browed old monster shrank his eyes and pupils, and retreated unconsciously!
"In front of the power of pure yang, if you practice the authentic Nine Yin Cold Kung Fu, you may still be able to compete with me, but how dare you compete with the sun and the moon with your crooked kung fu!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, Take a step towards the white-browed old monster who keeps retreating!
Today, he is going to kill!
Because this person deserves to be killed!

(End of this chapter)

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