Chapter 306
After the white-browed monster faced Chen Dong, he retreated to the door again, looking at Chen Dong with a sinister smile.

"Haha! Junior Chen Dong, how do you feel now? Do you think that your pure yang power is designed to restrain the old man's cold kung fu and I can't do anything about you! Those poisonous needles just now were all feigned attacks for this white bone black needle! Junior, you are still too tender! How about the old man’s white bone black needle tastes pretty good, right?”

At this time, Chen Dong's face was gloomy, and the left arm hit by the black poisonous needle had completely turned black, hanging there unable to move.Fortunately, he had sealed all the poisoned meridians in his left arm in time, otherwise, if he was a little slower, even if he had the power of pure yang to protect his body, it would be difficult to recover from the poisonous gas!

"Haha! It seems that you don't feel good right now? The old man's white bones and black needles were soaked in hundreds of poisons for ten years, and they were tempered by the old man's cold work! Ordinary people will rot all over if they touch it. It turned into a puddle of black water! It's beyond my expectation that you survived the old man's bone and black needle!" The white-browed old monster said in a dark voice.

Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, staring at the white-browed old monster. At the same time, the pure yang power in his body quickly circulated, and all of them rushed to his left arm, expelling the poison outward with all his strength.However, although I practice the pure yang power of "Nine Suns Collection" to restrain all yin and evil things.But now I have only cultivated to the third level of the Nine Suns Collection, and it will take a while to force out all the poison in my left arm!
And this white-browed old monster obviously wouldn't give Chen Dong the time to heal his wounds!
"Haha! Chen Dong's son! You are poisonous now, and you only have one arm left! What are you fighting with me for? Now you just need to cut off your own meridian, and I will guarantee the safety of the child behind you!" The white-browed old monster With a sneer, he has absolute confidence in his ultimate trump card, the White Bone Black Needle, not to mention that Chen Dong is only in the middle stage of Qi refining, even if his strength is two levels higher, he can't force out his poison in a short time!

"Old man, you talk a lot..." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up. Although he was poisoned so badly that he couldn't move his left arm at all, as long as he gave himself a certain amount of time, he was sure to force the poison out.

"Tick-tock, tick-tock!" At this time, black liquid began to drip on the ground from the tip of Chen Dong's left finger. It was the poison he had forced out of his body!
"There is a way to heaven, if you don't go to hell, you can break in! Die, junior!" Chen Dong said that Bai Mei was an old man, and his complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. Chen Dong rushed over!

"Boy, you should be forcing the poison with all your strength now, let's see how much energy you can fight against the old man! And you only have one hand left now, if the old man can't hold it, you don't have to mess around!"

All forms are not good for Chen Dong. If Chen Dong wants to force out the poison in his body as soon as possible, he has to use a lot of true energy to force the poison out.But when the old monster with white eyebrows came rushing again, he had to be distracted to deal with white eyebrows.And if there is a slight mistake and the toxicity is not suppressed, it will cause the poisonous gas to attack the heart, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Boom! Boom!" But seeing that the white-browed old monster was obviously planning to take advantage of your illness to kill you, he had already rushed in front of Chen Dong, clapping his palms and attacking Chen Dong fiercely!

"There are many people who want to kill me, but in the end they all die!" But Chen Dong didn't fight and retreat like Bai Mei thought, but instead sneered and punched him with a single punch!
"What! He actually gave up defense, only attacking but not defending!" The white eyebrow saw that Chen Dong directly let go of the opening in front of him, and instead of defending, he punched himself, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart!
To hide or not to hide?If he didn't catch Chen Dong's punch, even though he would hit Chen Dong, he would still receive Chen Dong's punch.To be honest, fists are afraid of young people, and Bai Mei is really a little afraid of Chen Dong's punch, especially after seeing how hard Chen Dong's fists are at the police station last time.

"Hmph! I don't believe how long you can last if you only attack but not defend!" But in the blink of an eye, the white-browed old monster had already made a decision.

"Boom!" At the last moment, Baimei still chose to touch Chen Dong's punch first.

But this time, although Chen Dong had the power of pure yang to protect his body and was not afraid of Bai Mei's cold yin palm, he thought that he would be distracted to force the poison, so Bai Mei was not shocked like before this time.Instead, he immediately slapped Chen Dong's left shoulder!
"Die!" Bai Mei's face was sinister.

"It's not certain who will die!" And Chen Dong also smiled, and instead of blocking Baimei's palm, he punched Baimei's chest instead!

"What!" The white eyebrow was startled, he had no idea at all, he had already attacked Chen Dong's vital points, but Chen Dong still attacked him without defending!
Both of them are masters, their speed is too fast, it is too late to react now!
"Boom! Boom!" Only two muffled sounds were heard, and the two backed away at the same time!
"Pfft!" Chen Dong took three steps back, protruding a mouthful of blood, he was slapped on the left shoulder by the old monster with white eyebrows, and this is the place where he sealed the meridian just now!

"Pfft!" The white-browed old monster also took two steps back and squatted on the ground with one knee. Chen Dong's punch on his chest obviously hurt him a lot!

"Crazy! It's crazy!" The white eyebrow stood up again and touched the blood on the corner of his mouth.According to his judgment, when Chen Dong sees himself attacking the meridian of his left arm, he will definitely let go passively, because once his meridian is opened by himself, it is likely to cause the failure of forcing the poison, and the poisonous gas will attack the heart.

But instead of defending, Chen Dongfei attacked him at the same time!This doesn't follow the routine at all, it's a completely desperate way!
But at this time, Chen Dong's left arm, which was originally full of black air, had now receded from the black air ten centimeters below the shoulder.

Chen Dong's eyes were cold, staring at the old monster with white eyebrows. The reason why he dared to only attack but not defend was because he had absolute confidence in the strength of his body.Although I can't guarantee that I can always see Baimei's attack with such a hard resistance, but as long as it is enough for him to force the poisonous gas out of his body, it is enough.

"I don't believe you can only attack but not defend!" The white-browed old monster obviously didn't want to stop there, but when he saw his figure, three more poisonous needles appeared in his hand again.

"Chem!" Three poisonous needles whizzed towards Chen Dong, and at the same time, the white-browed old monster followed closely behind, striking out with both palms.

"This time it's up to you to keep it!"

"Hmph!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, swung the sportswear in his hands, and swept away the three poisonous needles that were roaring towards them!

"You have to defend this time!" Bai Mei saw Chen Dong waving his clothes to block the poisonous needle, with a sneer on his face, and while Chen Dong was defending, he attacked Chen Dong's heart!

Chen Dong is forcing poison at this time, if his chest and heart veins are attacked, all previous efforts will be wasted, and he will definitely die from the poisonous gas!

(End of this chapter)

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