Special masters on campus

Chapter 314 Chen Dong's Choice

Chapter 314 Chen Dong's Choice

Situ Xiadan instinctively wanted to resist, but how could she, an ordinary person, be the opponent of a cultivator like Du Xie?

But seeing that the poisonous scorpion easily came to Situ Xiadan's back, a pitch black palm grabbed Situ Xiadan's neck.

And Chen Dong, who was delayed for half a second because of a piece of black powder just now, also rushed over!
"As long as you take half a step forward, I can't guarantee whether this girl's neck is intact or not!" The poisonous scorpion said coldly.

Chen Dong had no choice but to stop. He noticed that one of the poisonous scorpion's hands was extremely black, which should be caused by practicing some kind of evil skill.And this black hand should be the reason why he didn't become a poisonous scorpion. If Chen Dong's guess is right, there must be a strong poison in his five fingers. As long as he wants to inject it, Situ Xiadan will definitely not survive!

"Young Master Li is okay?" Du Xie said, looking at Chen Dong coldly.

"No problem, no problem! Haha! Chen Dong, do you think it's your dexterity or Mr. Poison Scorpion's dexterity!" Li Tenglong panicked from the ground in pain. He was really almost crippled by Situ Xiadan just now.

"Hmph! So this is some kind of poisonous scorpion. It doesn't even have the courage to fight with me in an open and honest manner. Instead, it came to threaten a girl." Chen Dong snorted coldly.

"You!" The poisonous scorpion's expression changed. Although he hadn't taken down Chen Dong just now, he was a little impatient to fight against an opponent with a lower level than himself like Chen Dong for so long and not get any advantage at all.But being impatient is still impatient, and it's not enough for him to lay hands on a woman.The main reason why he captured Situ Xiadan was because of Li Tenglong's trash!
This Li Tenglong is the only son of Li Jianye, and Li Jianye's background is so far behind that even the poisonous scorpion can't see through it.If Li Tenglong suffered any accident today, even if he killed Chen Dong, he would not be able to explain it to Li Jianye.The poisonous scorpion thought that it would be no problem for Li Tenglong to deal with a policewoman with a gun in his hand, and he only needed to take down Chen Dong.But who knew that Li Tenglong, a good-for-nothing with a gun, was subdued by a girl.In order to ensure the safety of Li Tenglong, the poisonous scorpion had no choice but to take advantage of Chen Dong's concern for the safety of the little girl behind him. He feinted a shot and then regained his senses to subdue the policewoman.

"Haha! Chen Dong, do you think I will hit the aggressive method? This time you can try whether you are faster or I am faster! I just need to move my finger now, and your little lover will bleed to death from seven orifices!" Li Tenglong Said in a cold voice.

"Sure enough!" Sure enough, as Chen Dong expected, the poisonous scorpion's fingers were indeed poisonous!Just like the scorpion needle of a poisonous scorpion, it can be injected into the body of the prey!
For a while, the situation became extremely unfavorable to Chen Dong's side. On the one hand, Wu Jiajia needed Chen Dong's distraction to protect him at any time, and on the other hand, Situ Xiadan fell into the hands of the poisonous scorpion and might be poisoned to death at any time!This is my biggest disadvantage now!

"Chen Dong! I beg you! You know that I have never begged anyone else in my life! I beg you to take Jiajia away now! Leave me alone! I beg you!" I can't even move under control.

"Tsk tsk! So touching, so touching!" Li Tenglong said in a strange tone.

"It's a pity! It's a pity! Chen Dong, you have the heart to let such a beautiful girl like a flower die like a policewoman? Do you have the heart to see the child lose his mother at such a young age?" Knowing that Li Tenglong is now I always thought that Wu Jiajia was the illegitimate daughter of Chen Dong and this policewoman.

"Chen Dong, don't listen to his nonsense, hurry up and take Jiajia away first! I'm a policeman and they dare not do anything to me!" Situ Xiadan said emotionally.

"Mr. Poisonous Scorpion, do you think this woman is barking at the wrong time or place? I think we should give her some strength to let her bark on the bed instead of here!" Li Tenglong said with a sneer.

"As you wish!" At this time, the poisonous scorpion also tore away his gentle and elegant face just now, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time stretched out his other hand to cover Situ Xiadan's mouth.

Chen Dong noticed that his injured one was wearing a pair of white gloves.

"Woohoo!" Situ Xiadan instinctively wanted to struggle, but her struggle was obviously useless in the hands of the poisonous scorpion.

"Bastard!" Chen Dong clenched his fists tightly, and the anger in his heart burned instantly!Although Situ Xiadan is not his woman, he does not allow anyone to treat her like this.

"Chen Dong! I advise you to calm down! Haha! As long as you hand over the head, you will be arrested. I guarantee the life of this policewoman, but if you dare to act rashly, Mr. Poison Scorpion's hands will not be sympathetic!" Li Tenglong said in a dark voice.

"Woooo!" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong, his eyes wide open, and he kept shaking his head.

How could Chen Dong not know what she meant, he wanted to take Wu Jiajia and leave first, but if that was the case, then he would not be Chen Dong!

"Damn it! The fingers of this poisonous scorpion are just grabbing Situ Xiadan's neck. No matter how fast I am, I can't be faster than his fingers!" Chen Dong quickly thought of countermeasures. It's too slim!
At this moment, a scene that Chen Dong didn't want to see appeared.I saw that little loli Wu Jiajia saw her Aunt Dandan being grabbed by the neck by my mouth, this little loli rushed over instinctively!
"Woooo!" Situ Xiadan's eyes suddenly widened and he wanted to speak but couldn't.

Chen Dong keenly sensed what was happening behind him, turned around and hugged Wu Jiajia, who rushed over, into his arms.

"Bad guy! Let go of Aunt Dandan! Uncle Chen, hurry up and save Aunt Dandan!" Little Lolita showed childish anger on her immature face.

Chen Dong frowned. Although he hugged Xiao Jiajia in time, he still put himself in a passive situation.Holding Xiao Jiajia in his arms, there is no way to save them, and if the poisonous scorpion attacks him and Xiao Jiaji, he and Xiao Jiaji will face even more dangerous situations!And it is possible that both Situ Xiadan and Xiao Jiajia died here!
In this situation, Chen Dong had to make a choice!
"Okay! I promise you!" Chen Dong looked at Li Tenglong and said.

"What? What did you say?" Li Tenglong was taken aback.

"I said I should do as you please! But you must let the two of them go first!" Chen Dong said.

"Are you sure! Are you sure?" Li Tenglong seemed to be unable to believe his ears.

"Woooo!" Situ Xiadan couldn't help shaking his head, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'm sure!" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Haha! Good! Chen Dong counts you as knowledgeable about current affairs! What do you think, Mr. Poison Scorpion?" Li Tenglong almost jumped up. Today's scene is what he has dreamed about countless times in his dreams!
"If you dare to play tricks, you should know the consequences!" The poisonous scorpion said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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