Special masters on campus

Chapter 326 The Old Man's Letter

Chapter 326 The Old Man's Letter
Half an hour later, at the villa in the western suburbs of Donghai City, the old man left Chen Dong's house.

Chen Dong opened the door and walked into the villa. He hadn't been back for several days, but the living room on the first floor was cleaned up. Needless to say, it must be Zhang Yaxi's credit.

At this time, Zhang Yaxi, who was behind her, also followed in. After closing the door, she took off her coat, and went to close every window and draw the curtains.

Chen Dong was wearing a white shirt brought to him by Situ Xiadan, and his lower body was also a pair of black slacks that Situ Xiadan bought for him.As for the previous sports pants, although they were not completely torn, they were still worn out.

"This... Do I need to take off my clothes?" Chen Dong stood there looking at Zhang Yaxi who was closing the window and drawing the curtains.

"Undress? What are you doing undressing?" Zhang Yaxi turned her head and was taken aback.

"You close the window and draw the curtains, so you have to do something..." Chen Dong looked innocent, and he began to wonder what important things he, a beautiful teacher and tenant, could make her so nervous?
"Can you be more serious!" Zhang Yaxi blushed slightly, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Can we get down to business now? The windows are closed and the curtains are drawn..." Chen Dong also sat down.

"Okay!" Zhang Yaxi adjusted her glasses, then opened her handbag, and took out a brown paper envelope from it.

"This is?" When Chen Dong saw the kraft paper envelope, his expression suddenly became serious, because in his impression, there was only one person who would use this kind of envelope.That is his master, the old bastard in his mouth, old man Yang Tianding!

"This is a letter I just received today." Zhang Yaxi handed the kraft paper envelope to Chen Dong.

"At first, I was surprised that people still write letters in this age, and they still use this kind of kraft paper." Zhang Yaxi said.

"Letter from the old man!" Chen Dong took a look at the envelope, and there was a line written on it.

"Unworthy Disciple Xiaodongzi himself - Yang Tianding", only an old man would call himself Unworthy Disciple Xiaodongzi.

"Old man?" Zhang Yaxi was taken aback.

"Well, that old bastard..." Chen Dong said, what Chen Dong hated the old man the most was that when he was young and ignorant, he tricked himself into practicing a kind of martial arts that was said to be the most powerful in the world, that is "Nine Suns Treasure" .Later Chen Dong practiced it, and this kind of kung fu was really powerful, making Chen Dong almost invincible among his peers.Let him survive and become stronger in the cruel battlefield and chaotic dark world.

But when Chen Dong was 14 years old, when he saw a girl with a yellow flower taking a wild bath, the old man said to him with a serious face, "Little Dongzi, you must be calm and restrained! Although you are now Your body can grow twenty times a night, but when your Nine Suns Collection is less than the ninth level, your impulsiveness will become a devil, and you will become a eunuch..."

"Calm down, restrain yourself! You're going crazy, you know?" Chen Dong recalled his painful experiences time and time again.

"What's wrong with you? Chen Dong?" Seeing Chen Dong's strange expression, Zhang Yaxi hurriedly asked.

"Aren't you injured or sick with a fever?" Zhang Yaxi quickly stood up, walked in front of Chen Dong, bent down and put her hand on Chen Dong's forehead.

Zhang Yaxi's move is out of concern for Chen Dong, but it doesn't matter if she leans over, because she is wearing a white tight-fitting T-shirt now, and such a body is clearly displayed in front of Chen Dong's eyes. .You can also vaguely see two pieces of black bra cloth inside...

At this time, Chen Dongzheng resented the old man for cheating him, letting him see and touch everything he should see and touch many times, but he couldn't do his business thoroughly.Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Dong almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, what he really wanted!Old man, I must practice the Nine Suns Book, and when the time comes, Qunmei will surround her with wives and concubines. I am so mad at you, you are afraid that you will only be held in the palm of your teacher's wife for the rest of your life!
Made!It seems that I really seized the time and became stronger!There are too many reasons why I must become stronger...

"It's really hot...I'm going to get the medicine!" Zhang Yaxi touched Chen Dong's head and then her own forehead. Feeling that Chen Dong's forehead was hot, she turned around and went to the second floor to get the medicine. .

"Can it not be hot? It's too hot!" Chen Dong grabbed Zhang Yaxi's hand.

"Chen Dong, you..." Zhang Yaxi was about to turn around but was grabbed by Chen Dong, and she lost her balance and sat on Chen Dong's lap.

"My dear..." Chen Dong, who was sitting on Zhang Yaxi's lap, squinted his eyes comfortably. The feeling of being seated was unexpectedly so comfortable.

"Ah!" Zhang Yaxi was taken aback for a moment, and sat on Chen Dong's lap for a few seconds, and then she reacted all of a sudden, screaming and bouncing up.

"What are you doing, Chen Dong! I'm your teacher!" Zhang Yaxi only felt that her face was extremely hot, hotter than Chen Dong's forehead.

"It's just acting as a teacher..." Chen Dong corrected.

"A mentor is also a teacher!" Zhang Yaxi is a typical conservative woman. She was caught by Chen Dong just now, and she felt her heart was about to jump out when she sat on her lap.

"It's also my tenant..." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up.

"You! Bastard! Scum!" Zhang Yaxi cursed with a flushed face.

"It's not the first day you know that I'm a scum..." Chen Dong took it for granted.


"Okay, I'm just kidding, I'm not really sick." In normal times, Chen Dong might be able to get a little better, but now it's different.The reason why he felt a little hot was because he had crazily absorbed the aura of two low-grade spirit stones not long ago. If he hadn't been born with a pure yang physique and practiced the Nine Suns Book, maybe Zhang Yaxi wouldn't be a little hot to the touch So easy.

"Really?" Zhang Yaxi asked in disbelief.

"Really." Chen Dong nodded solemnly, then lowered his head and opened the kraft paper envelope in his hand.

Zhang Yaxi was also attracted by this envelope. Ever since she rented this house from Mr. Yang Tianding a few years ago, there was no news about this expert until Chen Dong appeared.

The most important thing is that she knows that Mr. Yang Tianding is not an ordinary person. She once saw this old man with white hair and childlike face disappear from her eyes in a blink of an eye after taking a step of ten meters.

I saw Chen Dong take out another piece of kraft paper from the envelope, and a line of words was written on this kraft paper with a brush.

And when Chen Dong saw the above words, Zhang Yaxi could clearly notice that Chen Dong's face changed.

"What's written on it?" Zhang Yaxi asked.

"A very strange sentence!" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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