Special masters on campus

Chapter 357 Drift!

Chapter 357 Drift!

At this time, besides these boys, there is another person who is also paying attention to this scene that is happening now!
Donghai Dijing District, Donghai City, Su Hong's home.

Su Hong just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, only wrapped in a white bathrobe, any man who saw this scene would probably be eagerly waiting.

I saw Su Hong wiping her hair with a towel, while sitting on the sofa and picking up the remote control to turn on the TV.

"Friends of the audience, we are now interrupting a piece of news. According to the latest news received by this station..."

And when she saw the next picture, Su Hong suddenly stopped the towel in her hand, and stared at the TV screen with wide eyes.

"My car? Chen Dong?" Su Hong looked puzzled, and she quickly picked up the phone and dialed Chen Dong's number.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

Su Hong put down the phone, but no one answered Chen Dong's call, and of course she knew that car was hers, and she naturally saw that the crazy Mercedes behind was heading for Maserati.

"The car in the back? Could it be the Li family!" Su Hong stood up all of a sudden, all she could think of was the Li family!

At this time, on the TV screen, the black Mercedes-Benz accelerated again and overtook the car and came behind the Maserati.

Ten meters!

The Mercedes-Benz where the black and white deacon is located is less than ten meters away from the Maserati in front!
In front of the Maserati, Chen Dong still didn't intend to speed up.

"Chen Dong! They're catching up!" Situ Xiadan, who was sitting beside him, said while looking at the rearview mirror while covering his injured arm.

"It's okay!" Chen Dong naturally saw the black Mercedes rushing towards him in the rearview mirror!

20 meters ahead is the turning point, and it is also the place where Chen Dong intends to completely shake off his tail!
"Haha! After completing the mission this time, I will be able to become an A-level killer! The mission rewards I will get will be doubled in the future! Thank you two deacons for your support!" He was delighted, because he saw that the Maserati in front was very close, and seemed to have given up on running away.

"Yeah! You're a good junior, and the benefits of returning to the headquarters are indispensable!" The dwarf nodded with a sneer. In his opinion, it was impossible for Chen Dong to escape this time.As long as Chen Dong is captured, not only can he fulfill his promise to Li Jianye, but he can also find Bingfeng, then the mission of the two brothers to come to Donghai City this time will be considered a successful completion!


And at this moment, two police cars following the Mercedes-Benz suddenly overtook the killer from both sides while the assassin was proud!Then he skillfully leaned towards the middle, blocking the road in front of the Mercedes-Benz!

"Phew!" The killer slammed on the brakes, and the wheels rubbed against the road rapidly, blowing out a puff of pungent white smoke!
Even if it was like this, the Mercedes-Benz rushed forward several meters and crashed into the rear of a police car!However, because he had already braked in advance, the impact was not very powerful.

At this time, several traffic policemen rushed out from the police car and surrounded the black Mercedes-Benz.

"Please get out of the car and take the alcohol test immediately!" A traffic policeman in a traffic police uniform knocked on the window and shouted.

"What should I do?" The Dragon Shouhui killer who was driving had a gloomy expression. Just now, he was negligent, but two police cars seized the opportunity to stop them.

At this time, the black and white people sitting in the back row looked like stagnant water, there was no way they would let Chen Dong escape just like that!
"Open the door!" the dwarf in white said in a dark voice.


"But what! If you are told to open the door, you will open it! It is not only your hands and your head that will turn into bones!" The black-clothed deacon shouted coldly.

"Yes!" The killer opened the car door in a jerk.

"I'm sorry, please show your driver's license to take a drink test!" A traffic policeman immediately stood in front of the car door.

"Boom! Boom!" And almost at the moment the door opened, the doors on both sides of the back opened at the same time!

But I saw two figures, one black and one white, rushing out of the car like ghosts!

"You guys!" Before the surrounding traffic police could react, the two figures, one black and one white, turned into phantoms at the same time and rushed forward!

"Boom! Boom!" I saw that the two figures were so fast that they couldn't see their appearance clearly, but they could only see the two shadows stepping on the roof of the car in front and striding forward!

"This! What is this!"

"You ask me... who do I ask..." Seeing this scene, the traffic policemen around were all blindfolded, and they all stared at the two fast moving figures!

I rely on!Who is this person who I have been chasing for most of the day!It's so fast, and it can run forward while stepping on the roof of the car!

And this moment was all captured by the live aerial footage.

As long as the TV screens in the whole city of Donghai City are broadcasting news channels, this scene will be broadcasted!
In the picture, there are only two figures, one black and one white, one tall and one short, stepping on the roof of the car on the road and moving forward!
Everyone in the audience was stunned, even the host of the TV station forgot to speak, everyone looked at this scene in disbelief!
God, who are these two people!

This is not a martial arts novel or filming, this is a real scene staged in real life!How can people not be surprised!

At this time, in the Maserati in front, Chen Dong's eyes were like water, looking at a corner in front of him.He knew that the traffic police behind him couldn't stop those two freak brothers!The real show is coming soon!

"Boom! Boom!" At this moment, the whole car trembled violently. It wasn't that the car hit something, but something obviously fell on the roof!

Situ Xiadan suddenly raised his head, and saw four deep depressions on the roof of the car!
"What is Chen Dong!" Situ Xiadan couldn't think of anything that could fall on the roof of the car and make such an obvious dent on the roof!

"Here we come!" Chen Dong frowned, his expression was solemn, Situ Xiadan didn't know what was left on the car, he knew it!Who else is it not the freak brothers of the Dragon Head Club!
"Hold on to me!" Chen Dong shouted loudly.

"Ah!" Situ Xiadan grabbed Chen Dong's shoulder almost subconsciously!

And almost at the moment when Situ Xiadan grabbed Chen Dong's shoulder, the car came to the corner that Chen Dong had observed for a long time!
"噗! Whoosh!" There was a harsh sound of tires rubbing against the road, and the whole body drifted, a perfect ninety-degree drift!A burst of white smoke rose and left two deep tire marks on the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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