Special masters on campus

Chapter 359 2 women meet

Chapter 359 The Two Girls Meet
"What! You mean those two eccentrics stepped on those four dents?" Situ Xiadan's brain froze. When Chen Dong elegantly threw off the black and white deacon just now, she was in a blank state, so she didn't know at all. Chen Dong's sudden drift at the corner was to throw out the two weirdos on the roof.

"Now do you understand? The enemies you are facing are not ordinary criminals and gangsters. Let alone arresting people in the police station, if they are willing, they can even arrest people in the special forces!" Chen Dong Said.

"I understand..." Situ Xiadan encountered too many shocks today.First, he was transferred directly from the 9th floor by Chen Dong, but he was still intact, and then he met two weird people with inhuman strength and speed!For the first time today, she saw with her own eyes the power of the cultivators that Chen Dong spoke of!And she has never felt so weak and helpless like today.

"Okay, don't talk yet, close your eyes, and I'll heal your wounds." Chen Dong said softly.

"Healing..." Situ Xiadan always felt weird and unrealistic, but she still chose to believe that Chen Dong closed his eyes.

"Thank you girl..." Chen Dong said secretly in his heart, and then helped Situ Xiadan up and leaned against his arms.

"Isn't it all about two people sitting face to face and facing each other for healing?" Situ Xiadan asked with her eyes closed, frowning slightly, because she felt that she was now leaning against Chen Dong's arms.

"Ahem... You've watched too many martial arts dramas. Besides, if I let you sit now, can you do it well?" Chen Dong smiled, girls are girls after all, no matter if she is tough or domineering, there is Sometimes the brain will be very simple.

"Oh..." Situ Xiadan pouted, anyway, she couldn't sit still now and could only obey Chen Dong's "manipulation".

I saw Chen Dong supporting Situ Xiadan with one hand and putting his other hand on her injured right arm and shoulder.A soft pure yang force was sent into Situ Xiadan's body.

Situ Xiadan closed her eyes, but the expression on her face changed, because she felt a warm current from Chen Dong's palm into her body, slowly her whole body became warm.

Gradually, as Chen Dong sent more zhenqi into Situ Xiadan's body, Situ Xiadan's face gradually turned red.Situ Xiadan's weakness and pain in the warm current gradually eased, and a strong drowsiness hit him.

Half an hour later, Chen Dong let go of his hands and collected his energy.

"Huh!" I saw him let out a long breath, he was still very confident in his pure Yang Qi.After his healing, Situ Xiadan should be fine after taking a good rest.

At this time, Situ Xiadan in Chen Dong's arms had also fallen asleep, and his whole weight was leaning on Chen Dong's body.Under the warm current of pure Yang Qi and in Chen Dong's embrace, she was completely relaxed for the first time in her life, and fell asleep without any precautions.

Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan in his arms. This hot girl looked so hot and domineering to outsiders, but at the moment she was sleeping soundly like a little girl.

Chen Dong smiled, and suddenly felt a little unreal. The policewoman who usually looked down on him a hundred times, was unexpectedly in his arms at the moment without any defense.Are you really not afraid of me doing something?

Chen Dong looked at Situ Xiadan's fiery body, it was too easy for him to take advantage of it now, and Situ Xiadan was completely asleep. don't know.

But for some reason, Chen Dong is more apologetic and protective towards this girl now, without any evil thoughts at all.

Chen Dong knew that what Situ Xiadan needed most now was sleep. She had lost too much blood and wasted too much energy just now. These cannot be solved at once by healing. In the end, she must sleep and rest to recover.

Chen Dong didn't dare to move around for fear of waking Situ Xiadan up, so the two sat on the sofa next to each other.At this moment, if someone else came in and saw the two of them's current posture, they would definitely misunderstand, but fortunately Zhang Yaxi is not at home tonight, thank God for writing the patriarch, Chen Dong thought to himself.

Time passed by every minute and every second.Situ Xiadan leaned into Chen Dong's arms and fell asleep completely. Naturally, Chen Dong would not waste this precious time and started to practice exercises with his eyes closed.Now he must improve his strength, after all, hiding here is not a long-term solution, and he will have to face those powerful enemies after all!

This night was surprisingly calm, like the night before the storm, without any waves.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunshine floods the earth, the mist permeating the suburbs slowly dissipates.

A scream suddenly broke the silence of the three-story villa in the western suburbs.


"Who is it!" Chen Dong suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, there was a person standing at the door of the villa. This person's eyes were wide open, and his mouth was also wide open. Obviously, she was the one who made the scream just now.

"Ahem, Zhang Yaxi..." Chen Dong was stunned for a moment, then looked down, and suddenly understood why Zhang Yaxi was screaming.It turned out that Situ Xiadan was still lying in his arms and sleeping soundly. In addition, Chen Dong tore off the sleeves of her hospital gown yesterday in order to clean and disinfect her wounds, so she looked a little messy, as if she had been raped in some way. Same!
"Who hates such a loud voice so much, why don't you let people sleep?" At this time, Situ Xiadan in Chen Dong's arms was obviously woken up by Zhang Yaxi's scream, and she rubbed her eyes, opened his eyes.

"Eh..." Chen Dong's old face was frozen, and he suddenly realized what was going to happen next.

"Ah!" There was a scream that was even sharper than Zhang Yaxi's just now, and Chen Dong turned his head quickly, his ears hurt from the shock.

"I...why would I...would sleep here!" Situ Xiadan quickly sat up from Chen Dong's arms.

"Yes! Who is this woman, where did you bring her back, why is she still sleeping here?" Zhang Yaxi also looked at Chen Dong sharply.

"This...that..." Chen Dong kept talking about this and that for a long time, but he really couldn't think of how to explain it to these two beauties at the same time.Said I was saving lives?Situ Xiadan's clothes were all torn, and she was still sleeping in her arms, Zhang Yaxi couldn't believe her innocence!
Besides, Situ Xiadan seems to have forgotten for a while after he fell asleep that he healed her wounds last night...

"Be cautious when making friends! Sometimes it's not a good thing to have too many beauties around you! Just being caught in the middle of two beauties like this, I really have a **** feeling..." by Chen Dongmu He looked at the two beauties.

(End of this chapter)

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