Special masters on campus

Chapter 362 1 male and 3 female

Chapter 362 One Man and Three Women

"Who's going to sleep with him?" Situ Xia Dan rolled his eyes at Chen Dong and said with disgust.

"But he just slept on the sofa on the first floor." Zhang Yaxi said.

"What? Didn't you say that you are the landlord? There are also landlords who sleep on the sofa?" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong.

"Hey, I'm a landlord with no status..." Chen Dong shook his head and said.

"Then what should we do?" Situ Xiadan asked.

"It's okay, Yaxi, you should sleep on the second floor, Xia Dan, you can just sleep on the sofa, and I'll go to the room on the third floor." Chen Dong said.

"The third floor? Are you going to sleep in that room?" Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong. She knew that the room on the third floor was very unusual, and even Chen Dong had to be very cautious when entering.

"Yeah, why can you go to sleep in the room, I'm injured and can only sleep on the sofa?" Situ Xiadan also looked at Chen Dong.

"It's very difficult for anyone other than me to enter that room. Although Feng Bingbing is also a cultivator, he only entered that room with my help. You will definitely be in danger if you go in." Chen Dong looked at Situ Xia Dan explained.

"It's so mysterious." Situ Xiadan looked in disbelief.

"Chen Dong wasn't joking, what he said was true." This time Zhang Yaxi took Chen Dong's side.

"Okay, I barely believe you." Situ Xiadan sat down on the sofa again.

"Okay. Then everyone knows what they are going to do, we must hurry up!" Chen Dong looked at the second daughter, and now he really has no time to waste.The Dragon Head Society must have already laid a net all over Donghai City, and the black and white deacon might find it here soon.

"Hmph!" Situ Xiadan and Zhang Yaxi glanced at each other, then ignored each other.

Zhang Yaxi carried her bag up to the second floor, and Situ Xiadan simply lay down on the sofa.

"Ahem..." Looking at this posture, Chen Dong didn't dare to say anything more, because the war among women was temporarily subsided. .

"Then why I don't have a phone, how can I call the search team?" Situ Xiadan said at this time, she changed into Feng Bingbing's hospital clothes yesterday, so the phone was also on Feng Bingbing's body.

"Where's your phone number?" Chen Dong asked.

"It's on that beautiful classmate of yours..." Situ Xiadan said.

"Okay, just wait a moment..." Chen Dong didn't dare to neglect this elder sister and hurried up to the third floor.

Walking to the door of the room on the third floor, the pure yang power in Chen Dong's body began to circulate. If he wanted to enter this room without the protection of the pure yang power, even a strong man in the sea of ​​energy stage would have to peel off his skin if he entered rashly. Death is injury.

"Squeak..." Pushing open the door, an extremely cold air rushed towards Chen Dong quickly, but the amazing thing is that when the terrifying cold air reached the door, it seemed to be alive, but it didn't dare to take a step further, as if It's like being locked in this room.

"Even I can't see what the old man is, and he never said it himself. But it must be above the late stage of Qi Sea!" Chen Dong thought of his cynical master Yang Tianding. Dong is not afraid of anyone, but the old man.In addition to being raised and trained by him, it is more because of the unfathomable strength of this old bastard. No matter how strong I am, standing in front of him is like a three-year-old urchin looking up at a burly man.

"Boom~" Chen Dong closed the door, and walked into the room with a serious expression.Previously, he designed Situ Xiadan to replace Feng Bingbing, took Feng Bingbing out of the hospital, and then brought her back to the villa immediately and put her in the ice coffin.

Chen Dong didn't turn on the light, and because of the mysterious ice coffin in the room, there was a soft cold light, illuminating the room.It can be seen that there is a layer of ice mist slowly floating on the floor, covering Chen Dong's ankles like a layer of clouds. One can imagine how low the temperature here is.

Chen Dong walked to the ice coffin with a serious expression, and pushed open the coffin lid, revealing Feng Bingbing, who was pale and still unconscious inside.

Although in this ice coffin, it is not like in a hospital that Feng Bingbing can be supplemented with nutrient solution to keep her alive.However, due to the pure aura emanating from the sky fire black ice in the ice coffin.For a cultivator like Feng Bingbing, it is far better than those nutrient solutions.

"Feng Bingbing! You will wake up soon..." Chen Dong clenched his fists tightly. He has three days to hit the late stage of Qi refining, so that his dantian and meridians can use more pure Yang power!Not only can he blast out two Nine Suns Fists in a row, but it also greatly increases the chance of success in healing Feng Bingbing.

Chen Dong leaned over and put his palm on Feng Bingbing's face.

Feng Bingbing's face could hardly find any blemishes, it was flawless, but at the moment it was very cold, without any warmth.

Chen Dong's eyes were as cold as ice, and he seemed to have changed into a different person, but no one knew that this was not a change, but that Chen Dong had returned to the way he was in the killer world and on the battlefield back then!
Chen Dong found Situ Xiadan's mobile phone from Feng Bingbing's pocket. Fortunately, the mobile phone was not damaged by the low temperature.

When Chen Dong walked downstairs, he found Situ Xiadan lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, falling asleep again.She had consumed too much physical strength and energy yesterday, and indeed she still needed adequate sleep.

This fiery policewoman can only think of a normal woman when she is sleeping, Chen Dong thought.He walked to Situ Xiadan's side, first put his mobile phone on the sofa, and then took off his white coat, revealing the gray sportswear underneath.Chen Dong took off his sportswear and put it on Situ Xiadan's body, and quickly returned to the third floor at random. He was not allowed to waste time!
What Chen Dong didn't notice was that when he put his sweatshirt on Situ Xiadan, a smile appeared on the corner of Situ Xiadan's mouth.

"This scumbag is sometimes quite caring..."

In this way, Chen Dong let three women live in a house with his perfect personal charm!One man and three women, all of them are beauties.In the past, Chen Dong's head would definitely be filled with all kinds of gossip, but now it's completely different. Under the seemingly calm appearance, there are countless murderous intentions hidden!This is the last calm before the storm, maybe tomorrow or even today, a bloody storm will come!
Villa in the western suburbs, in a room on the third floor.

Chen Dong sat cross-legged holding the black ink cartridge containing Tianhuo Xuanbing in his hand.Chen Dong still doesn't know that the things in the wooden box in his hand once caused a war in the entire cultivation world!And more than one!Since the first appearance of this object, the major forces in the cultivation world have fought wars to capture it.The most recent one happened 20 years ago, the year Chen Dong was born.

What Chen Dong didn't even know was that this thing had a closer relationship with himself.Now there are already major forces sending people to Donghai City to hide in this secular society with various identities, and their ultimate goal is for it!The most precious treasure in the realm of comprehension, the shards of sky fire and black ice!
(End of this chapter)

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