Special masters on campus

Chapter 368 Li Jianye's Invitation

Chapter 368 Li Jianye's Invitation

In the room on the third floor of the villa in the western suburbs.

At this moment, Chen Dong has reached the most critical and dangerous stage in his impact on Qi refining. If he is not careful, he will not only fail the impact, but may also explode and die!

If it were any other person, he would definitely find an absolutely safe place to practice in secluded cultivation while possessing the most treasured treasure in the world of cultivation, the Heavenly Fire and Black Ice Fragments.Chen Dong would probably do this in the usual way, but the current situation does not allow Chen Dong to do that!
The realm of comprehension advocates strength, the strong are respected, and the weak prey on the strong.Really powerful cultivators often don't value family and friendship at all, but Chen Dong is just the opposite!What is a strong man?Those who have the strength to protect those who need to be protected are the real strong!
So Chen Dong must go crazy once, even if the price of going crazy is very painful, but if he is not crazy now, he will fight with his life. Chen Dong knows that the regret in his heart will accompany him for the rest of his life!

"Break it for me! Break it!" As more and more spiritual energy in the shards of Tianhuo Xuanbing was sucked into Chen Dong's dantian, it transformed into the power of pure yang and then crazily charged!The No.20 four innate meridians in Chen Dong's body are about to be opened up!
"Isn't that enough! Then come again! Haha!"


In an instant, a torrent of aura centered on Chen Dong shot up from Chen Dong's heavenly place like a volcanic eruption!

This incomparably powerful torrent of aura even shocked the entire room!You must know that this room was reinforced by the old man with formations, and even the strongest in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi might not be able to shake it with a full blow.

It can be seen how powerful this aura is!
At the same time, Chen Dong slowly opened his eyes, and stopped absorbing spiritual energy from the fragments of the Skyfire Black Ice.

"The power of pure yang circulates in the meridians in the body for 24 weeks! It feels good in the late stage of Qi refining!" Chen Dong clenched his fists tightly, feeling the explosive power in his body and the zhenqi that was more than twice as strong as before thickness.

The current Chen Dong can easily kill the white-browed poisonous scorpion before, far from being able to match in the middle stage of Qi refining!
"It feels so good to be a strong person. No wonder those cultivators would fight for a small piece of spirit stone, even causing a tragedy!" Chen Dong thought to himself.

"I don't know what's going on outside? Are the two daughters downstairs also safe and co-existing peacefully?" During the three days of retreat and impact on the late stage of Qi refining, Chen Dong was most worried about Chu Shanshan's situation, because He knew that the Li family knew that he and Chu Shanshan had a mediocre relationship, and they might use Chu Shanshan and even Su Hong to threaten him to show up.

The other one is the second daughter downstairs. Apart from the jealousy between the two daughters, once Zhang Yaxi is followed, if a few A-level killers come here, their lives may be in danger!
"It's time to solve all this!" Chen Dong secretly said.Although he possesses fragments of Skyfire Black Ice, it means that he has an almost inexhaustible aura, which is enough for him to hit the Sea of ​​Qi.But now the critical situation does not allow him to continue retreating!

"Bangbang..." Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Chen Dong, are you there?" The voice was Situ Xiadan's.

"Why did Situ come to the third floor? Did something happen?" Chen Dong frowned and quickly covered the wooden box in his hand and put it in the ice coffin. He was still beside the unconscious Feng Bingbing, and then immediately walked towards the door .

During Chen Dong's three days of retreat, neither Situ Xiadan nor Zhang Yaxi visited the third floor. Obviously, they both knew that Chen Dong needed a quiet environment.Unless something happened beyond their control, they would never disturb Chen Dong easily.And now that Situ Xiadan is knocking on the door, it means something must have happened!
Outside the door, Situ Xiadan was about to knock on the door again, but the door was opened from the inside, and Chen Dong came out of the room with his upper body bare.

The perfect muscle lines on Chen Dong's body made Situ Xiadan stunned for a moment, his eyes staring wide open.

"What happened Xia Dan?" Chen Dong asked sternly.

"Ah? Ah!" Situ Xiadan was stunned for a moment, and his face turned red before he came back to his senses.

"Did something happen?" Chen Dong asked.

"Yes, go downstairs and take a look." Situ Xiadan said hastily.

"Going downstairs? Let's go!" Chen Dong frowned and his figure didn't wait for Situ Xiadan to go downstairs first.

Situ Xiadan stood there before he realized that Chen Dong's figure had disappeared.

"I didn't expect that this scumbag sometimes has a bit of manliness..." Situ Xiadan stared at the stairs in a daze.

"Hey! What are you thinking about? Even if you're handsome! Men are unreliable, scumbags are still scumbags!" Situ Xiadan scolded himself, and then quickly ran downstairs.

The living room on the first floor of the villa.

Chen Dong stood in front of the TV, his eyes were full of coldness.

It was the Tenglong Building, the headquarters of Tenglong Group, that was broadcast on the TV screen at this time!

"Thank you, friends from the business circles of Donghai City, for coming to the engagement banquet between my son Li Tenglong and Miss Chu Shanshan, daughter of Canghai Group. Tenglong Group and Canghai Group will join hands in the future to contribute to the development of Donghai's business community and economy!"

The person speaking on the TV screen is none other than the chairman of Tenglong Group, Li Jianye, the father of Li Tenglong!

"Wow, wow..." As soon as Li Jianye finished speaking, there was a burst of applause.

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Congratulations, Chairman Li!"

"This person is the chairman of Tenglong Group, Li Jianye, a bigwig in the business and economic circles of Donghai City!" Situ Xiadan ran down from upstairs and stood beside Chen Dong and said.

"Li Jianye, Li Tenglong's father, we have known each other's existence for a long time, and now it seems that it is time to meet!" Chen Dong's face became murderous, and the last thing he wanted to see happened. In order to force him to show up, the Long Shouhui behind him really kidnapped the sisters Su Hong and Chu Shanshan!
"Since just now, all the channels of Donghai TV Station have been reporting the news of the marriage between Tenglong Group and Canghai Group. Originally, the entertainment channel and the financial channel reported that it was reasonable, but now even the education channel sports channel is reporting this matter!" Situ Xia Dan frowned.

"He wanted me to see it on purpose!" Chen Dong's eyes became more murderous. If he didn't get rid of the Li family or take down the Tenglong Group, it wouldn't be Chen Dong's character!
At this time, Li Jianye on the TV clapped his hands to everyone, signaling them to be quiet.

"Thank you! Thank you for your blessings! In addition to Ms. Chu Shanshan herself, her elder sister, Ms. Su Hong, the chairman of Canghai Group, and the college classmates of Xiaoer Tenglong and Ms. Chu Shanshan's college classmates are here today. I hope Other students who have not come can come as soon as possible. I, Li Jianye of Tenglong Group, will definitely welcome you sincerely!"

Li Jianye smiled at the camera!
 It will break out at five o'clock tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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