Special masters on campus

Chapter 370 You Brothers 1 Get Up

Chapter 370 Come Together, Brothers

Inside the villa in the western suburbs.

The anti-theft gate of the villa was smashed by the black deacon's punch.

In the living room on the first floor, the tall black deacon wearing a pair of sunglasses looked at Chen Dong with contempt, and might launch an attack at any time.

Chen Dong stared fixedly at the back of the black deacon. He was observing whether the black deacon really came alone.That dwarf was full of tricks, and now Chen Dong was not 100% sure whether he would be watching him from a corner outside the door.

Therefore, Chen Dong must first determine whether the black deacon came here alone!

"So you were looking for me, that's really hard work for you." Chen Dong said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You!" The black deacon Wutong was taken aback for a moment. Generally, if the target he chased and killed saw him, even if he didn't run away in fright, he would never act so relaxed.And this boy surnamed Chen can still laugh, which shows that he doesn't take himself seriously at all!

"Haha! Kid, we won't waste our efforts until you die!" The black deacon sneered. He had been punched back by Chen Dong in the hospital before, which made him lose all face. That's why he abandoned himself. The reason why my brother chased here alone, he couldn't afford to lose this person!A strong man who has been famous for many years was actually forced to retreat by an unknown junior. If word spread, let alone within the Dragon Head Association, he would not be able to hold his head up even in the entire cultivation world!
And the only way to completely shut up Chen Dong is to make Chen Dong disappear from this world forever!

"Want to kill me?" Chen Dong smiled.

"You are not too stupid! I advise you to hand over Bai Feng, otherwise you will have to kill those two chicks upstairs. I will let them taste the happiness of being a woman first, and then let them go to Huangquan Road Looking for you!" The black deacon said with a sneer.

"Hehe! So the famous black and white deacons of the Dragon Head Club are only so capable? Threatening me with a woman? Can you be any more ridiculous?" Chen Dong also sneered.

"You!" The black deacon originally thought that Chen Dong was afraid, but his face changed when he heard Chen Dong say that. Since he became famous, who would dare to speak to him like that?
"Boy, I promise you won't die very happily, I want you to die slowly little by little!" the black deacon said in a dark voice.

"Really? This is not the first time someone has said this to me. The last time it was Baimei, and the last time it was Poisonous Scorpion, but they were the ones who died in the end!" While Chen Dong said these words again, He stared fixedly at the door, as long as there was even the slightest movement outside the door, he would not be able to escape his eyes.

"Boy! Do you think I'm the one with the white-browed poisonous scorpion!" The black deacon was trembling with anger, his fists clenched tightly, and he might launch a fatal blow to Chen Dong at any time!
"Stop talking nonsense! Are you alone or are you two brothers coming together?" Chen Dong smiled "contemptuously".

"You're courting death! Ah!" But seeing the black deacon's body suddenly sway, he had already arrived in front of Chen Dong in an instant!Chen Dong's words made him completely furious, because Chen Dong's words were full of disdain and contempt for him!
"Hmph!" Chen Dong snorted coldly, and instead of retreating, he punched the black deacon with his fist!

"Crack clack!"

Between the lightning and the flint, the two fists directly clashed together!An invisible and powerful shock wave rushed towards the surroundings centered on the two of them.This powerful shock wave shattered all the glass and mirror technologies in the hall on the first floor at the same instant!
"Deng Deng!" Chen Dong took three steps back, and he felt as if he had hit a train that was speeding at full speed.This arm has suffered a huge impact, and it feels like the muscle may be shattered at any time.

After taking three steps back, Chen Dong stopped and looked at the black deacon.

"Thump!" And looking at the black deacon, he also took a step back with some surprise on his face!It turned out that he thought that Chen Dong was a junior in the middle stage of Qi training, and he was a strong man in the early stage of Qi Sea. The gap between the two was as insurmountable as a chasm!Don't think it's just a difference in realm, but even if it's between the peak of the late stage of refining and the early stage of the sea of ​​​​qi, the difference in true energy that can be used is countless times!
"This kid is only in the Qi refining stage. Normally, I can easily blow him away with this punch! Even if he doesn't die, he is not far from death! But he actually took three steps back. Could it be that there is something wrong with this kid? Can the strange treasure hide its strength?" The black deacon stood there and looked at Chen Dong with his eyes under the sunglasses.

"Late stage of Qi refining?" The black deacon stared at Chen Dong and said.

"Black Deacon really has good eyesight!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"This kid was clearly in the mid-stage of Qi refining three days ago, but after three days, he became the late stage of weapon refining! And that day he was able to punch me so that I had to retreat! Could it be that he really has some cards?" The black deacon thought to himself, breaking through from the middle stage of Qi refining to the late stage of Qi refining within three days is simply impossible in the eyes of ordinary people!
But he didn't know that in Chen Dong's hand was the treasure of cultivation, the shards of Tianhuo Xuanbing, which were haunted by countless experts in the cultivation world!Based on this alone, not to mention the late stage of Qi refining, if Chen Dong is given enough time, the Sea of ​​Qi stage is not impossible!
"I advise you to go home and find your elder brother. You two brothers have always bullied the less with the more you have. I am afraid that you will be the one who will die ugly today!" Chen Dong said with a smile. That being said, I was still trying to see if the black and white deacon was the only one here.

Although after he broke through the cultivation base, the realm of cultivation was only in the late stage of Qi refining, and the black deacon Wutong was a strong man in the sea of ​​Qi stage.But the Nine Suns Collection practiced by Chen Dong is the top skill in the cultivation world!In the same realm, Chen Dong's zhenqi thickness is more than three times that of ordinary cultivators!So even in the face of Chen Dong, a strong man in the Sea of ​​Qi stage, he still has the confidence to fight. With the skills he has honed on the battlefield for many years, it is not impossible to obliterate the existence of Sea of ​​​​Qi in the early stage!
But if the other party came from two strong men in the Sea of ​​Qi, then Chen Dong could only have the ability to protect himself, and the second girl upstairs would be in danger today!
"You! Junior, you are too deceitful! You don't need the two of us to join hands to kill you, I alone is enough!" Chen Dong's words obviously made the black deacon completely furious, Chen Dong didn't take himself seriously at all!
But seeing the murderous intent on his face, he rushed towards Chen Dong again, and this time, two groups of black lights appeared on his hands!

True Qi condenses, physical attack!This is a sign that the realm of comprehension has entered the Qi Sea period!It is also the truly terrifying place for the strong in the Sea of ​​​​Qi period!It seems that the black deacon didn't have any reservations, but wanted to kill Chen Dong with one blow and then hurry up!
"So strong!" Chen Dong could feel that the other party hadn't arrived, but the pressure of true energy had already rushed like a huge wave, causing his hair to fly back!
(End of this chapter)

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