Special masters on campus

Chapter 372 I'm the least afraid of threats

Chapter 372 I'm the least afraid of threats

"What!" The black deacon felt as if a sun had risen in front of his eyes. The dazzling golden light made him unable to resist even wearing sunglasses!
"Ah! My eyes!" He let out a shrill scream, trying to resist Chen Dong's Nine Suns Fist, but he couldn't see anything at all, his eyes were already filled with The golden light of the ocean!


Accompanied by a muffled sound, Chen Dong's most powerful blow hit the eyes of the black deacon in an instant!
The distance is too close, and he can't see Chen Dong at all, so he has no ability to resist at all!

"Boom!" But seeing the figure of the black deacon slam into the north wall of the villa again.

"Crack! Crack!" The extremely powerful impact caused several clearly visible cracks on the concrete masonry wall!
"Huh! Huh!" Chen Dong gasped violently, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood. It wasn't that he couldn't dodge the black deacon's attack just now, but because of the strongest blow just now!Otherwise, it would be difficult for this strong man in the Sea of ​​Qi to relax his vigilance!Chen Dong is betting, whose life is harder to bet on!
"Pfft!" Chen Dong spat out a mouthful of blood, his body swayed and almost fell down. The reason why he can still stand at this moment is entirely due to his own willpower!

"Haha! Cough cough! Junior..." I saw that the sunglasses on the eyes of Hei Deacon, who was hit by Chen Dong's punch directly on the wall, had been completely shattered.His body was leaning against the wall, his eyes were bloody, and he looked quite terrifying.

"Do you think you can kill me like this? Haha! You are indeed strong, but you are still a weak person in the Qi refining stage!" The black deacon leaned on the wall tremblingly and was about to stand up!
"You are also seriously injured now, but can you recover faster than me haha!" The black deacon said with a sneer.

"Unfortunately, you are wrong!" But Chen Dong, who was shaking violently and almost couldn't stand up, suddenly raised his head.

"Impossible! It's impossible that you are holding on. Your injury is no worse than mine, and you can't recover faster than me!" The black-clothed deacon is now completely blind and can't see whether Chen Dong is really recovering. But he didn't believe that Chen Dong could recover faster than himself!
But if he knew that the Tianhuo Xuanbing shards were in Chen Dong's hands, he would believe it!
"Die!" But seeing Chen Dong spitting out a mouthful of blood, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, he took a step forward, and punched the black deacon who was barely standing up on the wall!

"Ah! Pfft!"

Chen Dong hit Black Deacon's left eye with one punch, and then hit his right eye with another punch!The black deacon was already bleeding from both eyes, and now he was hit by Chen Dong again, and the severe pain made him let out a heart-piercing scream.

"Bang!" The black deacon slammed into the wall again, this time his head was already covered in blood!

You must know that even if he is a cultivator, his eyes are always the place where his defense is the lowest, not to mention that the black deacon is born with a bad eye disease, not only very sensitive to light, but also his fatal spot!

And the reason why Chen Dong chose to keep attacking his eyes is because he discovered his Achilles' heel, he took advantage of his illness and wanted to escape, and continuously attacked his weakness!

"Ah! Junior Chen Dong, you are despicable!" The black deacon stood up again, frantically waving his fists!

Continuously using the Nine Suns Divine Fist, Chen Dong's true qi was almost completely exhausted. In addition, his injuries were equally serious, and Chen Dong was going to be exhausted!

But Black Deacon, who was completely blind, couldn't see it. At this moment, although Chen Dong was covered in blood, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth!Sometimes the opponent is ruthless, you have to be more ruthless than the opponent!

"Ah! Give me death!"

"Bang!" It was another punch, and the black deacon just stood up, but was knocked down by Chen Dong again!
"Junior, you..."


"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

"Bang bang!"

At the beginning, after the Black Deacon, who was completely invisible, was knocked down by Chen Dong's continuous heavy blows, he was still screaming like crazy.You must know that he is a master who has been famous for more than 20 years, an absolute strongman in the Qi Sea period, but now he is knocked down by an unknown junior in the Qi refining period. Can't stand up!He couldn't accept and couldn't accept this reality in his heart at all!This is an insult to him, and this kind of insult is more painful to him than killing him!

"I'm going to kill... ah!"

Another heavy punch hit his eyes again!

"Bang!" I saw the blood on the black deacon's head. The black blood flowed from his eyes directly down his face, and his whole body fell straight backwards.

Even though Chen Dong's true energy has been exhausted, don't forget that Chen Dong's foreign martial arts have been practiced to the extreme as early as when he was on the battlefield!And Chen Dong crazily bombarded Black Deacon's dead spot—the eyes dozens of times, just like someone using two iron rods to attack the most vulnerable eyes of another person's body!No matter how powerful a person is, they can't stand this kind of attack!

"You...you..." The black deacon was lying on the floor, his face was covered with blood, he was muttering but couldn't complete the words.

A strong man in the state of the Sea of ​​Qi was beaten to the point where he was lying on the ground without the strength to speak.Where is the invincible look when he first entered the villa just now?This black deacon is usually extremely arrogant, the reason why he dared to come here alone is because he didn't take a junior like Chen Dong seriously!And this was the result of not taking Chen Dong seriously.

"Hoo hoo!" Chen Dong panted violently, and his continuous attacks pushed him, who was also seriously injured, to his limit.

"A strong man in the Sea of ​​Qi is nothing more than that." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched.

"You..." The black deacon was lying on the ground, struggling to raise his hand to point at Chen Dong.

"Hmph, don't worry, I won't let you die. Your life is very valuable!" Chen Dong smiled, enduring the severe pain from the wound on his body, and raised his foot to step on the raised hand of Hei Deacon.

"Ah!" The black deacon screamed again, and his whole body was trembling with anger.Not only because of the pain, but also because of this shame!As a result of his original plan, the current roles of him and Chen Dong should be completely reversed!

"No! Cough cough!" The black deacon suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, which was caused by his impatience and cowardice.

"However, maybe I need to keep your hands and feet temporarily!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed coldly, and there was an extra cold iron dagger in his hand, which was taken from Feng Bingbing.

"You...what do you want to do! I am a high-ranking member of the Dragon Head Association! I will destroy your family! Even everyone around you will die!" The black deacon has not been so afraid for more than 20 years.

"What I'm least afraid of is being threatened..." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched!
(End of this chapter)

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