Special masters on campus

Chapter 374 short-lived happiness

Chapter 374 short-lived happiness

But Situ Xiadan and Zhang Yaxi worked together to slowly lift the seriously injured Chen Dong.Because most of Chen Dong's body weight was in Situ Xiadan's arms, some important parts of this fiery policewoman were severely deformed.

If this happened in normal times, Chen Dong would inevitably have to be beaten again, but at this time Situ Xiadan didn't care so much, all she wanted to do was to quickly lift Chen Dong up, so that Chen Dong could heal his injuries as soon as possible.

And Chen Dong, who was lifted up by the two women, was not idle at this time. Situ Xiadan's warm, soft and feminine embrace inspired Chen Dong's whole spirit, and he quickly began to slowly start the Nine Suns Treasure Dharma. healing.

Now for Chen Dong, time is life, he must seize every second to recover himself as soon as possible, because maybe the dwarf Bai Deacon will come in the next second!If Chen Dong was hurting like this now, Deacon Bai came and saw his younger brother was blinded and his limbs were broken, not to mention that Chen Dong would definitely die, the two girls would definitely suffer as well!
At the same time that Chen Dong began to use kung fu to heal himself, Situ Xiadan and Zhang Yaxi worked together to lift Chen Dong to the second floor step by step step by step.

But even if he only lifted one flight of stairs, Chen Dong's weight of more than 140 kilograms was enough to make the two girls panting, so they had to stop first.

"Damn scum, I don't usually notice that you are so heavy!" Situ Xiadan said roughly while leaning Chen Dong in his arms.

"You should lose weight, Chen Dong!" Zhang Yaxi put Chen Dong's feet on the floor of the second floor, wiped the sweat from her forehead with one hand, and patted her chest with the other hand, panting heavily.Although she lifted Chen Dong's feet, Chen Dong's two muscular thighs were enough to make her sweat profusely.

"I'm still heavy, that's why you didn't let you lift Fatty Bai!" Chen Dong said.

"Pfft!" Zhang Yaxi burst out laughing when she heard Chen Dong say that Fatty Bai covered her mouth, which made her tense and really relaxed a little.

"Fatty Bai? Who is Fatty White?" Situ Xiadan looked puzzled and frowned.

"You guys met before, you forgot that my classmate is also a roommate, that fat man at Donghai No. [-] Hospital last time..." Chen Dong said.

"Ah!" When Chen Dong said this, Situ Xiadan obviously remembered the honor of the fat man, and said with a look of disgust, "Don't mention that fat man to me! You are not born to be a good person!"

"Actually, Fatty is pretty good..." Chen Dong naturally wanted to speak for his brother.

"Compared to him, you are better!" Situ Xiadan rolled his eyes.

"Hey..." Zhang Yaxi sighed at this time, "The students in our class are still missing. I am the instructor of Class 1. These students are like my younger brothers and sisters..." Thinking of Class 1 Zhang Yaxi's face immediately became worried.

"Don't worry! I will never let my brothers and classmates suffer any harm." Chen Dong said.

"Really?" Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong.

"En! Please believe me!" Chen Dong nodded.

"But we don't even know where they are now. The school and the police station are looking for them. If no one calls me now, there must be no clue..." Zhang Yaxi said with a worried expression.

"They're at Li's house!" said Situ Xiadan who was on the side.

"The Li family? Which Li family?" Zhang Yaxi quickly looked at Situ Xiadan. She knew that Situ Xiadan was a police officer.

"Don't ask me, ask him~" Situ Xiadan pointed to Chen Dong, most of the reason why she participated was because of Chen Dong.

"Tenglong Group, Li Tenglong's Li family." Chen Dong said.

"Li Tenglong? Is it time for the military trainee to come to our class to mess with the finance department boy?" Zhang Yaxi suddenly remembered.

"That's right, it's that reptile." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, Li Tenglong was indeed as weak as a reptile in his eyes, but the family power behind him should not be underestimated by Chen Dong, especially that Chen Dong had never Li Jianye, the chairman of Tenglong Group and the head of the Li family, who met him personally.

"But just because of the conflict in the military training, Li Tenglong has no reason to arrest our whole class, right? Not only is this a violation of school rules and discipline, it's also illegal!" Zhang Yaxi said with a frown.

"Didn't you watch TV just now?" said Situ Xiadan behind Chen Dong.

"Watching TV?" Zhang Yaxi's doubts grew.

"Yes. You'll know it if you watch it. Now all the channels of Donghai City TV Station are broadcasting the news of the marriage of two business giants, Tenglong Group and Canghai Group." Situ Xiadan said with a serious face.

"Marriage between Tenglong Group and Canghai Group?" Zhang Yaxi was taken aback for a moment, and then, as if she suddenly thought of something, she quickly said, "Chu Shanshan! Shanshan's sister is the chairman of Canghai Group! You mean that Shanshan wants to marry her?" Li Tenglong is engaged?"

"Yes! Right now, the entire Donghai business community is full of turmoil. I guess those students in your class were fooled. After receiving the invitation, they thought that Chu Shanshan was really going to get engaged, so they all went to Tenglong Group headquarters!" Situ Xiadan is worthy of being a professional criminal investigator, and the general situation of the matter is similar to her analysis.

"That's right! If I received the invitation, I would definitely think it was true. After all, Tenglong Group and Canghai Group are business giants in Donghai City, and there is a possibility of marriage between well-matched couples!" Zhang Yaxi suddenly realized.

"You guys are wrong, even if someone doesn't believe this is true, they will be forcibly taken to Tenglong Group!" At this time Chen Dong said, he believed that at least Zhang Xingbaibufan and the boys who knew about his relationship with Chu Shanshan would definitely not Believe it, this nonsense.It's too late for Chu Shanshan to hate Li Tenglong, so how could she get engaged to him?

"That's right, those people can do anything." Situ Xiadan said with a frown.

"Chen Dong, will the students in our class be in danger?" Zhang Yaxi panicked again.

"No! Their goal is me, and everyone else is his bargaining chip. They just want me to show up. As long as I show up, other people will have no effect. And before I show up, they don't dare to do anything to their classmates I don't believe that Li Tenglong dared to broadcast the scene of hurting students to the TV station!" Chen Dong said.

"Well! The most urgent thing now is to carry Chen Dong to the third floor first, Chen Dong's injury can't be delayed any longer!" Situ Xiadan is still calm now.

"Okay!" Zhang Yaxi nodded quickly.

"No need, Xia Dan, Yaxi let me down." Just as the two girls were about to lift Chen Dong up to the third floor again, Chen Dong said.

(End of this chapter)

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