Special masters on campus

Chapter 376 It's time to understand the grievances

Chapter 376 It's time to understand the grievances
"It's so powerful..." Situ Xiadan thumped in her heart. In the past, she would definitely think that Chen Dong was talking nonsense.But now that she knows that real practitioners exist, she has no choice but to believe it.And in this situation, she knew that Chen Dong would not joke with her like this.

Chen Dong was not trying to scare Situ Xiadan.Not to mention the two ordinary people Zhang Yaxi and Situ in this room, even those cultivators, unless the exercises they practice are pure yang exercises, no one below the sea of ​​energy stage can withstand the cold air of the sky fire and black ice.Feng Bingbing was only able to enter when Chen Dong used the power of pure yang to protect her body, and she also practiced Yin and cold attributes.

"If it weren't for Situ and Zhang Yaxi being ordinary people, they wouldn't be able to get in even with Chen Dong's pure yang power protection, this room on the third floor would be the safest place in Donghai City." Chen Dong thought to himself.

"Okay, don't worry, I will come out before the sun goes down. Xia Dan, you go back to the police station immediately, Yaxi, you go back to the school immediately, remember not to leave the police station or the school until I go to find you." Chen Dong Looking at the second daughter said.

"Okay!" Situ Xiadan and Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong and nodded vigorously.

"Ah! Junior Chen Dong! I'm going to kill you!"

And at this moment, a sharp shout suddenly came from downstairs in the villa!
The three fell silent for a while.The scream was extremely shrill, like killing a pig. Fortunately, this is a suburban area with few people, otherwise someone else would definitely come back.

"Chen Dong, is another gnome coming?" Situ Xiadan looked at Chen Dong solemnly.

Zhang Yaxi also clenched her fists tightly, her face pale.

"No, it was the black deacon downstairs who was seriously injured and fell into a coma just now, but now he is conscious." Chen Dong looked in the direction downstairs.

"Then what should we do? Will he come up?" Zhang Yaxi asked with a pale face. She is an ordinary college intern female teacher, let alone a cultivator, and she has never seen even an ordinary killer.

"He can't get up, I have broken all his limbs, and now he is blind and has a serious head injury, so he can only lie there and scream." Chen Dong said with cold eyes. There will be no mercy.

"But let him keep shouting like this? Do you want me to call Team Zhao and the others and take him back to the police station first?" Situ Xiadan asked with a frown.

"No, I'm still useful if I keep him." Chen Dong smiled. He was a deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Dragon Shouhui, a strong man in the Qi Sea Stage. You don't even have the right to let him call out, probably he will die of anger directly.

"Okay, before Longshouhui and Li's family realize that this black deacon has fallen into my hands, you two hurry to the police station and school, remember not to turn around and go directly to where you are going! Don't believe what I say before I go to find you!" Chen Dong said seriously.

"Okay!" The two girls went downstairs together without any ink marks, and then went towards the police station and Donghai University respectively.

"Bah!" Watching the second daughter leave the villa, Chen Dong finally spat out a mouthful of blood. The blood was the blood that Chen Dong forced out of his body just now, and the color of the blood was completely black.

Chen Dong's eyes were cold, and he stretched out his hand to rub the corner of his mouth, wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth.He had been holding back the bruise just now and didn't spit it out in front of the two girls. He was afraid of scaring these two kind girls.

"It seems that it's time to fully understand the grievances with the Li family and the Dragon Head Club! Otherwise, not only will I not be able to distract myself from finding the whereabouts of my junior sister, but more importantly, these people around me will continue to be hurt!" Chen Dongshuang A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Ah! Junior Chen Dong! How dare you break my tendons, you are finished! You will die in an ugly way! Ah!" After the second daughter left, the entire villa became empty.Apart from the black butler's hog-killing howls coming from downstairs from time to time, there was no other sound.

"Hmph!" Chen Dong glanced at the direction downstairs, smiled at the corner of his mouth, then turned around and opened the door, and walked in.

"Ah! Chen Dong, come out! Come out! I'm going to kill you!" In the huge villa, only the vicious and unwilling screams of the black deacon echoed continuously.

The time has come to noon.

In the urban area of ​​Donghai City, Tenglong Building.

The sixth floor of Tenglong Building No.40, the entire floor is a huge banquet hall covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

This huge and luxurious banquet hall is decorated with gold and jade splendor.The style of the entire banquet hall is the style of the medieval palace in Central Europe, just like the royal palace in Europe.In the middle of the ceiling is a huge crystal chandelier, luxurious and noble.The ground is completely paved with the finest marble, and then covered with a red carpet inlaid with gold.As for other various jewelry decorations, it is even more dazzling.As soon as people enter the banquet hall, they feel as if they are really in the royal banquet of Central Europe.

At this time, the banquet hall was already full of high-class people wearing suits and various high-end dresses.Today is the banquet for the marriage of the two giants in the business circles of Donghai City, Tenglong Group and Canghai Group. This is a big event for the entire business community of Donghai City and even the entire Binhai Province.

Apart from some media reporters, all the people who could be invited to such an occasion today were prominent figures from all walks of life in Donghai City and Binhai Province, almost including most of the upper class.In Donghai City, who would dare not give Tenglong Group Li Jianye face?What's more, today it is not only Li Jianye but also Su Hong, the chairman of Canghai Group.Although Su Hong is very young, she has only taken over the Canghai Group for a few years. Instead of letting the Canghai Group decline in her hands, it has made the Canghai Group even stronger!In addition, Su Hong's appearance and body are first-class, so Su Hong's reputation in the East China Sea business circle has become even louder in the past few years.

At this time, the upper class people in Donghai City in the magnificent banquet hall were holding wine glasses in their hands, standing in twos and threes in the banquet hall while chatting and drinking while drinking, the scene was very lively.

"Everyone! Ladies and gentlemen!" At this time, a banquet master in a black dress with a bow tie said with a microphone in his hand.

The originally bustling banquet hall suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked in the direction of the master of ceremonies.

Behind this master of ceremonies is a huge gilded gate, the golden light and dazzling decorations all show the nobility of the owner of this banquet hall.

"Dear distinguished guests, please be quiet, Mr. Li Jianye, chairman of Tenglong Group, is invited!" the master of ceremonies said very professionally.

Nearly 200 people in the huge banquet hall fell silent, and all of them turned their attention to the golden gate behind the master of ceremonies.

"Ka Ka!" At this moment, the golden door slowly opened, and several figures walked out slowly from the door.

(End of this chapter)

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