Chapter 381
Li Jianye looked at Su Hong with a smile on his face as he was supported by the official Uncle Liu and walked into the golden gate, and then his face suddenly became extremely cold.

"Chairman, look..." At this moment, the bodyguard who just ran in said with his head down.

"Continue to monitor and make all preparations according to the original plan. We must welcome this distinguished guest well, ha ha..." Li Jianye suddenly laughed, but the laughter made people's skin crawl.

"Yes!" The bodyguard agreed, turned around and wanted to leave the banquet hall.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, the dwarf in white, Deacon Bai, stopped him.

"Mr. Bones, what other orders do you have?" The bodyguard lowered his head and said, obviously he knew the identity of the dwarf in front of him, and even if he had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to treat him in the slightest just because he was a dwarf in front of him. disrespectful.

"How many people did Chen Dong come here?" The dwarf said in a sinister voice.

"Return to Deacon Bai, it should be one person." The bodyguard said respectfully.

"Should? How many people are there?" The dwarf looked at the bodyguard and said in a sinister voice.

"Yes! It's a person! I'm sure it's a person. He's driving towards the headquarter of the group alone!" The bodyguard was so frightened that his legs were weak. You know, even if he was the bodyguard of the Li family, Li Jianye would not He would never mind that Deacon Bai of the Dragon Head Meeting took his own life!

"Hmph! If you were a member of the Dragon Head Council, you would have turned into a pile of bones!" The dwarf looked sinister.

"Yes..." The bodyguard nodded in fright.

"Also, have you seen Black Butler?" Bai Guzi continued to ask in a dark voice.

"After Black Deacon arranged for us, he left alone. As for where the old man went, the subordinates didn't dare to ask..." the bodyguard said in a low voice.

"Leave alone?" Bai Guzi's already wrinkled forehead wrinkled, "The second brother is in charge of the arrangements below the 46th floor, but I don't seem to have seen him since this morning? Could it be that he went to find Chen Dong alone?

"My subordinates think that with the strength of Black Deacon, I am afraid that it will be difficult to have any opponents in Donghai City, and nothing will happen if I think about it." The bodyguard said that the Dragon Head Club itself is a well-known underground assassin organization in the world. The deacon is also a long-established master, and in the eyes of ordinary bodyguard killers like them, he is like a god.

"Well, let's go!" the bone-boned man snorted.

"Yes!" The bodyguard bowed his head and exited the banquet hall.

"Mr. Wutong left alone?" Li Jianye said at this moment.

"My second brother has been a genius in comprehension since he was a child, but his biggest problem is his arrogance. He was once forced to retreat by Chen Dong because he underestimated the enemy. I'm afraid he will act impulsively!" The younger brother knows very well that this pair of freak brothers have a very high IQ and a very strong body. Even if their opponents are stronger than them, they dare not underestimate them.

"Oh? You mean he might go to find Chen Dong by himself?" Li Jianye said coldly.

"It's possible, but now that Chen Dong came alone, it means that the second brother should not have found Chen Dong, otherwise, with the strength of the second brother, it is absolutely impossible to lose to Chen Dong. Even if there is an accident, at least he will come back strength," said the dwarf.He never dreamed that Chen Dong would be so crazy that he would defeat Black Deacon Wutong in one fell swoop at the cost of his serious injury!
"Well. Then I will leave everything to Mr. Bai Guzi, and wait for our distinguished guest to arrive!" Li Jianye smiled slightly.

"Boss Li, don't worry, this kid surnamed Chen was hiding in the dark before and didn't dare to come out. Now, as long as he dares to die by himself, I will definitely make his wish come true!" Bai Guzi smiled sinisterly.

"Haha!" Li Jianye also laughed loudly and picked up a wine glass.

"Then Li will respect Mr. Bones first!"

The dwarf bone also picked up a wine glass, "Drink this wine in a hurry, we will take down Chen Dong junior later, and we will drink three cups with Boss Li!"

"Okay! Haha!" Li Jianye laughed loudly, although in his eyes the black and white deacons were nothing more than noble hunting dogs.

"Congratulations, Chairman Li, double salary!"

"Same joy, same joy! Everyone must give Li a face today, and he will not return if he is not drunk! Haha!"

There were bursts of laughter from the resplendent Li family banquet hall.

While the banquet hall on the 46th floor of Tenglong Building was full of luxury, a white Maserati galloped past on the highway from the western suburbs of Donghai City to the urban area.

Inside the car, Chen Dong was wearing a gray sportswear and a pair of sunglasses. It was impossible to tell that he was seriously injured just this morning.

"Woooo!" There was a black sack on the back seat, and there were angry whimpers from time to time.No one would have thought that a master who once ruled the killer world and made countless people fearful, the black deacon of the Law Enforcement Hall ranked fourth in the Dragon Head Club, would be put in a sack like a piggy and thrown on the car seat at this moment!

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chen Dong's eyes were like stars, his expression was calm.The injuries on his body have basically healed. Apart from the pure yang power he cultivated, which is the best true qi for healing, more thanks to the shards of Heavenly Illusion and Black Ice!This thing is worthy of being a treasure in the world of cultivation. The aura in it is not only refined and pure, but also the combination of yin and yang is suitable for people with any attributes and physiques to heal injuries.It can be said that no matter how many injuries a cultivator suffers, as long as you are not dead, catching the spiritual energy in the Illusory Ice of Heaven can restore your injuries, it is against the sky!

"Just a small fragment can have such a heaven-defying effect. If it is a complete piece of Tianhuo Xuanbing, it is unimaginable! No wonder so many cultivators want to die for this big thing!" Chen Dong thought.

"What secrets do my parents have other than their status as law enforcement officers in the cultivation world? How did they get this shard of skyfire black ice back then? Where are they now? You must find the old man to ask clearly, absolutely not I'll let him fool the past again!" After experiencing so many things, Chen Dong was more eager to learn about his parents' past.

"To settle Dong Hai's grievances, I'll go find the old man! Don't try to hide this time, old bastard!" Chen Dong cursed in a low voice.

"The premise is to step on the Tenglong Group first!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and then he stepped on the accelerator with his right foot.

Whoosh!Maserati speeds up again, targeting the downtown of Donghai City, Tenglong Group headquarters, Tenglong Building!
10 minutes later, Tenglong Building is downstairs.

A bright white Maserati president stopped.

I saw a boy in a gray sportswear get out of the car, then opened the rear door, and pulled out a black sack from the car.

"Woooo!" The thing in the sack struggled angrily, but it was obviously useless. Even a strong man in the realm of cultivation, with blind eyes and severed limbs, is still a useless person!

"Don't worry, I'll send you brothers to reunite now!"

 Bros!Yu Dou's eyes were already red, and Chen Dong's anger had already ignited!What about your support!The fifth one is here!

(End of this chapter)

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