Special masters on campus

Chapter 383 This Electric Baton Is Good

Chapter 383 This Electric Baton Is Good
"Stinky boy, you are giving you face, you are shameless!" Seeing that Chen Dong had no intention of stopping, the fat and thin security guard turned ugly.Usually, those bosses, directors and managers look down on them, so they just put up with it. Today, a boy who collects rags looks down on him, which immediately makes them angry!

"If you forcefully transfer to my company, I have the right to stop you! But it is also possible to accidentally hurt you. Brother, don't blame me, blame yourself for not having eyes and wanting to break into Tenglong Group!" An electric baton, as soon as the switch was pressed, the electric baton was swung up and stabbed at Chen Dong's back!

And the fat security guard behind him obviously reacted slower than him, and behind the thin security guard also swung the electric baton towards Chen Dong.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." The electric batons full of electricity waved in mid-air, causing a burst of air bursting.

"Boy, don't blame brother! Brother, I'm just doing my duty!" The thin security guard had a smile on his face. Today he was finally superior to others. I didn't expect being a leader to feel so good!

At this time, the crowd who had stopped around when they saw something happened at the entrance of the Tenglong Building also looked in this direction.But most of the people were gloating, waiting to see Chen Dong's jokes.

"Who is this person, was his head kicked by a donkey or caught by a door panel? He came to Tenglong Group to make trouble, isn't this just asking for trouble?"

"The key is that he doesn't pick the time when he's looking for something. Today is a big day for the Li family. I guess this kid will lose half his life even if he doesn't die!"

"Couldn't you be a fool? You're holding a tattered sack that looks like it's for tattered..."

"Brother, don't worry, the electric shock won't hurt you. At most, let you lie down for a while!" The skinny security guard smiled, and he had never felt this kind of teasing of others in his life. Such teasing of him, today finally let him experience it himself!
And when the electric baton in the thin security guard's hand was about to hit Chen Dong's back, Chen Dong's figure suddenly swayed to the right!
"What!" The electric baton in the skinny security guard's hand suddenly went blank, and the whole person also rushed forward due to inertia.

"What happened, why did this kid dodge suddenly?" he thought to himself when the skinny security guard rushed out from Chen Dong's left side.

But before he could react clearly, his body that was rushing forward due to inertia suddenly stopped!

"Huh?" The skinny security guard was taken aback, his eyes wide open.It turned out that the thin security guard's arm was firmly grasped by Chen Dong's left hand!

"It's cold on the ground, don't lie down for a while..." The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, and at the same time he pulled his left hand back violently!
"Ah!" But seeing that the skinny security guard hadn't reacted yet, he was thrown out by Chen Dong like a chicken.

"Haha!" At this time, the slow-moving fat security guard was waving the electric baton in his hand, and had just rushed over, with a smug smile on his face!
"Ah?" And at this moment, he suddenly felt that his eyes went dark, and a figure slammed towards him. The fat security guard was stunned, and he stopped suddenly, so as to keep the electric baton in his hand swinging forward. pose.



Two shrill screams came almost at the same time, and the two security guards, one fat and one thin, were all lying on the ground at this moment, their faces pale and motionless, obviously they had been shocked by electric batons.

"I'm going! What just happened?"

"No... I don't know. My eyes blurred. Why are the two guards and security guards of Tenglong Group lying on the ground?"

"That's not right! Shouldn't it be the two security guards who knocked the young man to the ground? Why is it the other way around?"

The people watching the excitement around were all stunned, but what happened just now was so fast that no one could see clearly what happened.By the time they reacted, the two security guards were already lying on the ground!

But at this moment, Chen Dong turned around and looked at the two security guards lying on the bed with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

"I don't want to embarrass you, but I am indeed here to find someone. Not only do I want to find Li Tenglong, I also want to find his old man Li Jianye."

The two security guards were stunned by the electric batons and couldn't speak for a while, but they could hear them!When they heard that Chen Dong was not only looking for Li Tenglong, son of the Li family, but also Li Jianye, the chairman of the group, they were about to cry!
"This electric baton is good, I'll use one after another." Chen Dong smiled harmlessly, knelt down and picked up an electric baton from the ground.

And just when Chen Dong got up and was about to continue walking towards the Tenglong Building, the crowd outside suddenly let out an exclamation!

"Oh my god! Big news! The biggest gossip news in Donghai City this year!"

"The chairman of Tenglong Group announced his remarriage after 20 years of widowhood! The woman is Miss Su Hong, the chairman of Canghai Group!"

"Oh my God! Double happiness is coming to the Li family!"

At this moment, everyone raised their heads and looked at the big electronic screen on the Tenglong Building. Obviously, this news was released on the big screen!

"Li Jianye? You want to die!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and his left hand tightly held the electric baton in his hand!The reason why sisters Su Hong and Chu Shanshan lost their reputations today is all because of themselves!And what I can do is to make Li Jianye regret everything he has done!
But seeing Chen Dong holding an electric baton in his left hand and a black sack in his right hand, his eyes were as cold as ice as he stepped into the revolving glass door!

As soon as he walked into the hall on the first floor of Tenglong Building, Chen Dong only felt an illusion of entering the royal court.The hall on this floor is decorated with resplendent and magnificent atmosphere.I saw that the main color of the entire hall was gold, and the ceiling was as high as seven or eight meters, which was equivalent to two or three floors. Everything showed the talent and status of Tenglong Group.

The lobby on the first floor of the building is the face of the Tenglong Group, and it is also an important place for the security of the entire building, so the Tenglong Group has arranged a lot of people in the lobby on the first floor.Usually, in addition to the ordinary administrative reception staff at the front desk of the building, in the lobby on the first floor of the building, there will also be some bodyguards from the Tenglong Group to prevent people from deliberately causing trouble.

And today is the day when Tenglong Group entertains the upper class people from all walks of life in Donghai City, and the security forces on the entire first floor have been strengthened even more.In addition to the usual ten bodyguards of the Li family, professional killer bodyguards from the Dragon Head Club were also arranged to assist the ordinary bodyguards of the Li family.The number of professional assassins at the Dragon Head Meeting also reached ten.

At this time, the twenty bodyguards and killers of the Li family and the Dragon Head Club, all dressed in black suits, white shirts and black ties, were scattered in every corner of the lobby of the building to inspect.They dare not be negligent on a day like today.

"Who are you?" Just as Chen Dong entered the hall through the revolving door, a bodyguard near the door noticed him.

(End of this chapter)

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