Special masters on campus

Chapter 387 Apologize with Tenglong Group!

Chapter 387 Apologize with Tenglong Group!
"You!" Many bodyguards were stunned at the same time, they didn't expect Chen Dong to speak like that.

"Boy! Are you impatient?" The bodyguard team leader pointed at Chen Dong and said with a cold face.

But this time Chen Dong didn't say anything more. Since these dogs could only bark and couldn't even convey a human sentence, there was no need to say any more.

I saw Chen Dong's expression was calm, as if these bodyguards did not exist, he continued to boast a few steps up, and he had already arrived in front of the bodyguard team leader.

"You!" The head of the bodyguard's entire face turned blue with anger!Chen Dong's every move is obvious, treat him like air, just ignore him!
"Stinky boy, since you want to die, brother, I'll give you my blessing!" But seeing the bodyguard leader's face turned hard, he swung his fist and punched Chen Dong at a very fast speed. It is difficult for a strong person to block this punch.

But unfortunately his opponent is Chen Dong!
But seeing that Chen Dong still didn't say a word, the moment the bodyguard's fist came in front of him, Chen Dong waved his left hand casually!
"Pfft!" The bodyguard only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and he didn't see what happened clearly. He only felt a sharp pain in his jaw, and his entire mandible was completely shattered!

"Pfft!" But he saw his body flying backwards, spit out a mouthful of blood mist, and then landed heavily on the stairs!It's too weak, the difference in strength between the two is really too big, Chen Dong hit him like a flying insect, just waved his hand so lightly.

"What the hell, this kid is Chen Dong. The chairman and Deacon Bai promised a reward of 1000 million yuan for capturing Chen Dong alive!"

"This kid is very powerful, let's go together, and share the money together!"

"go to hell!"

These bodyguards saw that Chen Dong beat their team leader like this with such a wave of his hand, so they naturally knew that Chen Dong was extremely powerful.But under the lure of the huge bounty, they still chose to take the risk and rushed towards Chen Dong!After all, since these people will take up the dangerous profession of bodyguard killer, they are licking blood on the tip of their knives, and this is the kind of money they earn!As the saying goes, wealth and wealth are sought in danger, even if there is a [-]% chance of winning, you still know how to take risks!

It's a pity that their biggest mistake is that even if there are more than ten or twenty of them, their chances of winning against Chen Dong are zero after all!





Accompanied by screams, bodyguards continued to fall from the stairs on the second road to the ground of the hall on the first floor.

"Bang bang!" It hurts just to hear the heavy and muffled sound.

The result was obvious, Chen Dong didn't even stop for half a step, he walked upstairs all the way, throwing these rushing bodyguards downstairs lightly all the way.


And as the bodyguard fell heavily from the second floor to the ground on the first floor, it caused screams from the girls in the hall on the first floor.

In the blink of an eye, the large group of bodyguards who had completely blocked Chen Dong's path were basically thrown downstairs by Chen Dong, leaving only the two bodyguards standing at the back.

The two bodyguards were standing at the back just now, and they were about to rush towards Chen Dong, as long as they made a move, they would get a share of the money, so they naturally wouldn't just stand there stupidly.But just when they were about to rush up, they found that the front of them suddenly opened up.

"This..." The two bodyguards stopped suddenly, they didn't even realize what happened.What about the others?Didn't they all rush towards Chen Dong?people!
And Chen Dong still had a calm expression on his face, holding the sack in his hand, and continued to walk up as if the two of them didn't exist at all.

"Are you still here?" Chen Dong raised his mouth.

The two bodyguards glanced at each other, they were not stupid, Chen Dong threw all the people in front of them downstairs as if they were throwing something together!Although they want to make a fortune, they don't even want to lose their lives!

"You...you wait for us to notify Chairman Li to you, just say that Chen...Chen Dong is here!"

The two bodyguards took a few steps back, then turned around suddenly, and ran up to the third floor in a hurry.

Chen Dong smiled and ignored the two bodyguards.Since he dared to break into the Tenglong Building today, he is not afraid that Li Jianye will find out!So what if I knew it!Even if a network of heaven and earth is set up, why should Chen Dong be afraid?

"Those who dare to touch me, Chen Dong! The price is very high, and I can only use your Tenglong Group to apologize!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and his figure suddenly moved and strode upstairs!

At the same time, the president's office on the 49th floor of Tenglong Building.

In the office, there were only three people: Li Jianye, Bones and Su Hong.

Li Jianye sat behind the president's desk.As for Deacon Bai, Bai Guzi, and Su Hong sat on the reception sofa on both sides of the office.

That Deacon Bai had a gloomy face and didn't know what he was thinking, while Su Hong's face was numb. The reason why she was sitting here was because Chu Shanshan was holding Li Jianye's hand.

At this moment, Li Jianye was sitting on the big chair and looking at the monitoring screen on the computer with a smile on his face.

"Chen Dong, you are finally here!"

In the surveillance screen, it was the scene of Chen Dong throwing the bodyguards on the second floor down the stairs.

"Miss Su Hong, your little lover has come to save you..." Li Jianye looked at Su Hong with a smile on his face.

"Chen Dong!" Su Hong stood up from the sofa all of a sudden, with an extremely excited expression.

"Your little lover should be very angry now, don't worry, I will take you away in front of him!" Li Jianye laughed, and no one could take away the woman he wanted.

"Li Jianye! What exactly do you want? You can come after me and don't hurt the people around me!" Su Hong was so excited that her whole body was trembling. She didn't want to see Chen Dong get hurt because of herself.She knew that Li Jianye had already laid a net to lure Chen Dong into the bait!
"What do I want? Haha! I want you, don't you know? Would you give yourself to me for this kid?" Li Jianye said with a playful face.

"Li Jianye, you are shameless!" Su Hong hated that she was just a girl, if she were a man, she would rush up and fight Li Jianye!

"Haha! Let me tell you, I don't have any interest in you at all. You are just a tool for me! It's just a tool to get Chen Dong hooked! What I really want is on Chen Dong's body, no accident. !" Li Jianye stood up and walked to Su Hong and said with a smile on his face.

"You!" Su Hong suddenly realized that the purpose of Li Jianye's doing everything was to lure Chen Dong into the bait!

"Oh! Of course, if I'm in a good mood, I don't mind accepting you." Li Jianye raised Su Hong's chin behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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