Chapter 393

But seeing this group of A-level killers who were driven into a desperate situation nodded to each other, and almost at the same time, nineteen figures rushed towards Chen Dong at the same time!

Nineteen A-level killers shot at one person at the same time. This kind of scene is rarely seen even in the Dragon Head Meeting, unless the opponents they face are enough to threaten their lives!
Who are these people?Which one is not a desperado whose hands are covered with blood, and each of them has a big name in the world, and some are even wanted by certain countries around the world. It is obviously impossible for them to retreat without a fight !
Nineteen A-level killers who were forced to attack at the same time, this kind of scene is also extremely spectacular!
"Hoo hoo!" But I saw a series of black shadows surrounding Chen Dong in all directions!At this time, even if you want to retreat, it is absolutely impossible.

"Brothers, let's do it!"


"噗噗!" Accompanied by the sound of piercing through the air, dozens of cold blades flashed out at the same time, and then stabbed at Chen Dong from five directions, front, back, left, right, and top at the same time!

"Hmph! Overestimate yourself!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched. He wasn't afraid of these A-level killers attacking at the same time, but he was afraid of wasting his time!

"Huh!" Chen Dong's eyes flashed coldly, the electric baton in his hand swung horizontally, and his figure moved!

These killers are fast and well-trained, and every move is a killer move that can kill people!But Chen Dong's speed is faster, and his strikes are more sophisticated, because in the killer business, Chen Dong is the senior of each of them!


But seeing Chen Dong's figure like a black dragon constantly skipping around these killers, and these killers wanted to attack Chen Dong to find that every strike and every punch was completely empty!And the electric baton in Chen Dong's hand was hitting each of them on the vital points, and those killers who approached Chen Dong a few times were all swept away by Chen Dong with the sack in his right hand!

As the so-called martial arts in the world can only be broken by speed, Chen Dong interpreted this word fast to the extreme!The only person in Donghai City who could compete with Chen Dong in terms of speed was now being sacked by Chen Dong and became his shield!A dignified and famous old monster ranked fourth among the nine masters of the Dragon Sect, was used as a human shield by a junior.If Chen Dong hadn't tried to knock the black deacon unconscious before entering the building just now, he would probably pass out from anger now!

"Bang bang!"


Accompanied by the sound of bodies slamming heavily on the floor and screams of pain.It was only a few breaths, and I saw that these famous killers who wanted to attack Chen Dong with more attacks and less were all lying on the ground!
"Ah!" But I saw these A-level killers who had killed countless people all over the world were all lying on the floor covering their faces or rolling with their hands and feet.They never dreamed that so many A-level killers attacked at the same time, and they were so vulnerable!
"Who is this Chen Dong! Could it be that he is not only a cultivator, but also a terrifying powerhouse who is at the same level as the black and white deacon!"

"It's too strong! It's not on the same level as us at all! Even a hundred powerful ants can't be the opponent of an elephant!"

This time, the gazes of these ruthless killers who were usually high above them all looked at Chen Dong with fearful gazes!They knew that if Chen Dong wanted to kill them, it would not be their limbs but their necks that would be broken now!

Hit a rock with an egg!This is the best explanation of pebble hitting rock!
In fact, if they knew that Chen Dong was a strong man in the late stage of Qi refining, they wouldn't be so surprised.

And if they knew that the sack in Chen Dong's hand contained the Black Deacon of the Dragon Head Society whose eyes, hands and feet had been crippled by Chen Dong, they wouldn't even have the guts to do it just now!

I saw Chen Dong stroking the corner of his clothes with his hands, without any expression on his face.I have already been wasted a lot of time by these killers, and I have no time to waste here with them.It doesn't matter whether it is an A-level killer or a B-level C-level killer below the level of comprehension, it is the same for Chen Dong.If it comes to ten, it's crushing, and if it comes to a hundred, it's still crushing. At best, it will delay Chen Dong's time to move forward.

Today, he entered the Tenglong Building by himself not to show his prestige and fight with these killers. His goal was the ninth floor of No. 40, the office of the president of Tenglong Group.

With a blank expression on his face, Chen Dong walked past the screaming A-rank killers with a sack in his hand, and took a few steps up the stairs leading to the next floor.

The design of this Tenglong Building is quite special, the elevator can only reach the sixth floor of No.40.On the upper floors, you can only take the stairs. Obviously, Li Jianye thought very carefully when he built the Tenglong Building.Once someone comes and reaches the sixth floor of No.40, you can only take the stairs, which will greatly slow down your speed.

"Thump!" After a few breaths, Chen Dong had reached the seventh floor of No.40.

The seventh floor of No.40 is a little different from what Chen Dong thought. This place is not like a normal office building with a lot of office space.And the entire empty first floor was actually completely empty, like a huge indoor football field.The entire ground was covered with red carpets, but nothing was placed, or something that had been left before had been removed.

Chen Dong frowned slightly, the more abnormal he was, the more careful he should be.

But now time is running out, Su Hong and Sister Shanshan fall into the hands of Li Jianye, and the students in Class 1, if I arrive quickly, they will be less hurt.

Chen Dong looked up and saw that the stairs leading to No.40 were just outside the door at the end of this empty room.

"Huh!" Without any hesitation, Chen Dong's figure flickered, and his whole body turned into a phantom and quickly moved towards the end of the room.

Without encountering any obstacles, Chen Dong's figure had stopped at the end of the room in three seconds.

And just as Chen Dong wanted to rush out of the room and continue up the stairs, a figure came down the stairs.

"Crack!" The person who came was none other than the dwarf's bones!
I saw this bone-boned man looking at Chen Dong with a smile on his face, and his two wrinkled hands were still clapping.

"Not bad! Not bad! As expected of a strong man who can kill white-browed poisonous scorpions in a row! It seems that those people downstairs don't even have a chance to trouble you." The white-boned man looked at Chen Dong with a sinister smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, what about people?" Chen Dong said lightly.

"Human? Who is it?" The bone-boned man said with a puzzled look on his face.

"I think you know it!" Chen Dong looked at the dwarf with cold eyes. Although this man is short in stature, he has a sophistry mind, which is by no means comparable to his brother with well-developed limbs and simple mind.

"Haha! Good! Even if I know where the person you want to find is, why should I tell you? You are the target of our Dragon Head Club to hunt and kill all over the world!" The bone-boned man laughed sinisterly.

"I think you have to hand it over." Chen Dong also snorted coldly.

"Oh? Really? Are you threatening me? But I can let him go, but I have one condition!" Bai Guzi looked at Chen Dong with a gloomy expression.

"Take your life in exchange!"

(End of this chapter)

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