Special masters on campus

Chapter 398 Chairman, He's Coming!

Chapter 398 Chairman, He's Coming!
The security guards looked at it calmly, and saw that my thing on the ground was really a short dwarf, holding a black sack in his hand.

"Really...really a human! Jumped off the building! Someone jumped off the building!"

"Call an ambulance! Call 120!"

When had these security guards seen such a scene, they were so frightened that they panicked and almost cried.

And just when these bodyguards were all about to call an ambulance, the dwarf on the ground moved a little, and his eyes that were originally closed opened suddenly.

His eyes were so red that it made people get goosebumps all over his body!

"No... not dead! The captain is not dead!" A sharp-eyed security guard said hastily when he saw the bone-boned man open his eyes.

"I'm going! I'm really not dead! I jumped from such a high height, and I didn't fall to my death!" Several other security guards immediately surrounded him, and they were not so afraid if the person was not dead.

"Brother...you...are you alright?" the security captain asked tentatively.

And that white bone just opened his red eyes, but didn't speak.

"Ahem! Dude, life is sad these days, everyone is the same. Why do you have to jump off the building? If you have no way out, come to our security team, we are just short of people..."

"Ah! Chen Dong!" The security captain's words obviously stimulated his bones, and he let out a shrill cry.Why did he jump off the building!He is a deacon of the Dragon Head Association, why did he jump off the building!All this is thanks to Chen Dong!
"Oh my mother!"

The security guards were so frightened that they all jumped back. The voice was so eerie that it didn't sound like a normal person's voice at all!

At the same time, the No.40 eighth floor staircase of Tenglong Building.

Chen Dong supported the wall and dressed roughly.Although the punch just now severely injured his bones, it also consumed half of his true energy.

"Fortunately, I have just broken through the late stage of Qi refining, otherwise I would have been drained by the punch just now." Chen Dongping calmed down the boiling pure yang power in his body.Nine Suns Divine Fist is a skill that can only be used after reaching the fourth stage of "Nine Suns Treasure". This kind of skill is about condensing a large amount of pure Yang power to one point, and then bursting out instantly.Just like the difference between an atomic bomb and an ordinary bomb, the Nine Suns Divine Fist has extremely high attack power, but it also requires extremely high reserves of true energy.With Chen Dong's true energy reserve in the late stage of Qi refining, he can blast at most two Nine Suns Fist.Therefore, the remaining punch must be timed and never used lightly.

"The strong ones in the Qi Sea stage are indeed very strong. If I didn't have a black deacon in my hands today, and let that white-boned man fight against the mouse, this battle will be even more difficult, and it's hard to say who will win!" Chen Dong He secretly thought in his heart, although the battle between him and Bai Guzi today was very brief, it was more dangerous than any other time!The victory or defeat of a master's fight often happens in a few moments, and any slight flaw will lead to irreparable results, because the master will never give you another chance!

"After resolving the grievances with the Li family, I have to continue to make myself stronger! The black and white two deacons of the law enforcement hall were abolished by myself, and the Dragon Head Club will never let it go. There is also the mystery of my parents, master, and the others that happened 20 years ago. There is an illusion that it will reappear in Donghai City, and all of this may be related to the sudden disappearance of the younger sister from school."

"If I still have the strength I have now, I won't even have the strength to protect myself! Why are you talking about finding out the mystery of your parents and finding your junior sister?" Chen Dong's eyes flickered and his fists were clenched. This battle made him realize again. The importance of strength!Here, in Donghai City, even more strength is needed to survive than on the battlefield back then!
"Now it's time to meet that Li Jianye! He wants to force me to show up so much, I think it's not simply that I hindered their ulterior motives towards Shanshan!" Chen Dong looked up at the top of the stairs.

There may be more powerful opponents and more dangerous traps waiting for you.Moreover, Li Jianye, Chen Dong, is only famous and has never seen a real person. What kind of background and strength is he, Chen Dong is blank.

But in this situation, it is impossible for Chen Dong to back down. He came here to make Li Jianye regret everything he did!
"Thump!" Chen Dong walked up the stairs step by step, heading for the 48th floor of the building.

The 49th floor of the building, the president's office.

"Boom!" The door of the president's office was pushed open from the outside, and the gray-haired butler, Uncle Liu, walked into the office.

"Chairman, he's coming up!" Uncle Liu's face was obviously not very good-looking.

"So fast?" Li Jianye, who was sitting on the president's big chair, originally looked out the window with his back to the door, and frowned when he heard Uncle Liu's words.

He could think that the bones of the bones might not be able to stop Chen Dong, but Chen Dong would have to pay a heavy price if he wanted to pass the bones of the bones. Even if Chen Dong beat the bones of the bones by chance, he would also be seriously injured.But Chen Dong's ability to come to the 48th floor so quickly shows that his bones probably didn't cause much trouble to Chen Dong.

"Where is the bone? Didn't he go to the seventh floor of No.40?" Li Jianye's face darkened.

"Going to go, but..."

"But what to say!" Li Jianye's eyes turned cold.

"That white bone was knocked downstairs by Chen Dong, and now his life or death is uncertain!" said the butler Uncle Liu with an ugly face. He couldn't believe it, because the white bone had been famous for many years, and he was a strong man in the sea of ​​qi!Every cultivator knows the strength of a strong person in the Sea of ​​Qi Stage. If the chance of being able to enter the Qi Refining Stage of the Realm of Internal Strength is one in a thousand, the chance of breaking through the Qi Refining Stage and entering the Sea of ​​Qi Stage is extremely high One or even one hundred thousandth!And even such a strong man did not stop Chen Dong's footsteps!
"What! The white bone was knocked downstairs by Chen Dong?" Li Jianye's face also became ugly, it seemed that he really underestimated this Chen Dong, and overestimated the black and white deacon!
"Is Chen Dong not injured?" Li Jianye asked.

"No injuries, we have reached the 48th floor!" Uncle Liu said in a low voice.

"Order everyone, stop Chen Dong, you can shoot but leave me alive!" Li Jianye said coldly.

"It's the chairman!" Uncle Liu agreed and quickly left the president's office.

"Being able to completely defeat the bones, Chen Dong, you are really more and more interesting to me! A cultivator in the Qi refining stage can defeat a strong person in the Qi sea stage. I don't believe that you don't have any magic treasures on you! What to watch now It's whether Tianhuo Xuanbing is with you or not! Chen Dong, Chen Dong, don't let me down!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Jianye's mouth.

The eighth floor of No.40 Tenglong Building.The door was slowly pushed open, and Chen Dong stepped in.

"Do it!" Just as Chen Dong stepped into the eighth floor of No.40, a group of bodyguards of the Li family with pistols in their hands surrounded them all.

Dozens of cold muzzles were aimed at Chen Dong at once!
(End of this chapter)

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