Special masters on campus

Chapter 409 Special Rescue Team

Chapter 409 Special Rescue Team
"Ah!" On the ninth floor of Tenglong Building No.40, Li Jianye kept dodging. Although the bullets were dense, Li Jianye could barely dodge.If this alone is seen by others, they will definitely not believe it!Is a person who can dodge a bullet still a person?
But although he could barely dodge the bullet, he couldn't leave the position near the window. As long as he tried to get close to Chen Dong, the bullet would chase him like crazy.

"Bang bang!" The specially-made warheads kept hitting the desk, wall and floor of the office, and pieces of sawdust and earth and stone debris were thrown up.Fortunately, the bullet seemed to deliberately avoid the armed police and policemen who passed out on the floor, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Jianye was almost going crazy, roaring crazily, this was the first time he was forced into such a mess by a small bullet.

Fortunately, when the armed police and the police entered the building just now, all the people in the entire building had been evacuated, and the sniper rifles on the opposite building had silencers and the gunshots were not loud.Otherwise, the gunshots and Li Jianye's almost crazy shouts would definitely cause a large area of ​​people to panic.

With such a precise yet coquettish marksmanship, Chen Dong seemed to suddenly think of someone.The only person he can think of who can do this is himself.

"It seems that we are even..." Chen Dong looked in the direction of the opposite building.

But at this moment, the gunshots stopped suddenly, and Li Jianye, who was still dodging, was suddenly taken aback.And just when he was stunned, he saw a huge black shadow outside the window, bumping into him like a black bear with a whoosh!
"Boom!" I saw that Li Jianye was knocked out without any preparation, and hit the wall directly!

"Crack! Boom!" And this is not over yet, the huge impact force directly hit the wall and collapsed outwards, and the huge figure hit Li Jianye directly into the corridor outside the office, and then rolled down the stairs!
"I'm going! How fierce!" Chen Dong hugged Situ Xiadan and hurriedly ran towards the window. Just now he clearly saw that the person who knocked Li Jianye out was a person!But this person is more than two meters tall, really like a black bear.

"Bang bang!" Just as the three men in camouflage uniforms with windshields and automatic rifles in their hands slipped from the rope hanging from the roof of the building and jumped into the office.

The three of them lowered their bodies and quickly moved to the door of the office, aiming their guns at the stairs.

"Rescue team in place, call for air support!" one of them whispered into the headset.

"Hoohoo!" Soon there was a roar of propellers outside the window, and five team members who were also well equipped slipped down from the rope and jumped into the office.

From the moment when the strong man like a black bear knocked Li Jianye into the air, to the three team members entering the office and sealing the entrance to the office, and then to the subsequent five team members entering the office, the whole process was completed within three seconds.

Chen Dong looked at these people solemnly. Based on his experience, he can judge that this is definitely not something that ordinary special forces can do!
"Hello, Mr. Chen Dong, I'm ordered to come to the rescue, please get on the helicopter first." A member of the team walked up to Chen Dong and looked at Chen Dong and said.

I saw that this person had a bronze complexion, and his figure was about the same as Chen Dong's. He was 1.8 meters tall, and even a little stronger.Wearing a camouflage uniform and a pair of windshields, he should have rappelled directly from the helicopter to the roof of the building just now, and then entered this office through a rope.

"Who are you? And who sent you here?" Chen Dong's true qi has recovered to about [-]%, but he still has to be careful. First of all, he has to figure out where these well-trained and well-equipped people come from. .

"I can't tell you the specific unit number without the chief's consent. But the chief knew you would ask this question, so he asked me to tell you. You are his daughter's savior, and the pure yang he has been looking for for 20 years He said that you will understand." The special team member said.

"My daughter's savior, he has been looking for the person of Chunyang for 20 years! Could it be Xu Jiaying's father! Uncle Xu?" Chen Dong thumped in his heart. If it is really this person, then this person is hiding too deeply, and he The identity is definitely not simple!
"Okay, Mr. Chen Dong, please move quickly. We will try our best to rescue Miss and the others, and we will try our best to rescue them. And in order not to cause a large-scale social panic, we will introduce Li Jianye to the roof of the building. This also needs your help. Cooperate." The special team member said.

"Understood!" Chen Dong is also a decisive person, because there should not be more than three people who know Xu Jiaying's condition and need to combine with someone from Chunyang to cure her cold poison.Even if not, Chen Dong has no choice but to take a gamble!
"Boom! Boom!" At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the office, and it felt like the whole building was shaking violently!

"Sizzling!" At this moment, a buzzing sound came from the earphones of the special team member standing in front of Chen Dong.

"I told the team leader to act quickly, this old boy is too strong. I can't stand it, old bear!" Immediately after, there was a burst of abuse from the earphones.

"Okay, time is urgent, wake up these people first!" I saw the special forces member shouted.

"Yes!" Immediately, five special forces members took out a small bottle from their coat pockets and began to spray the paralyzed policemen and policemen who had passed out on the floor.

For a while, a strong pungent smell spread in the air.However, the effect of this potion seems to be very good. I saw that the armed policemen and policemen who were stunned just now woke up one after another.Although their eyes were still a little dazed and their faces were pale, they finally regained their sobriety.

"This lesbian, can you come in person?" The leader of the special forces standing in front of Chen Dong also took out a small bottle and handed it to Chen Dong.

Chen Dong took the vial. This powerful sober agent was used by Chen Dong on the African battlefield.Generally, in an emergency, it can restore consciousness to a person who is unconscious or close to unconsciousness in a short period of time.Although there will be certain side effects, but the harm is not great, and it can only be used in extraordinary times.

Time was running out and Chen Dong couldn't help hesitating, so Chen Dong pointed the mouth of the bottle at Situ Xiadan's people and sprayed it lightly.

"Go away!"



At this time, in the president's office, Li Jianye's angry roar became louder and louder, and the vibration of the whole ground became more and more obvious. Obviously, the person who said that Li Jianye hit and flew just now couldn't stop Li Jianye for too long!

In the middle stage of Sea of ​​Qi, let alone in Donghai City, even in the entire dark world, he is also a first-class powerhouse!
"Chen Dong! Do you think you can escape by calling a few small fish and shrimp? You can't escape! Haha!"

(End of this chapter)

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