Chapter 414

"I have to see that you are not dead before I can leave!" Situ Xiadan shouted loudly.Even so, her voice was not loud because of the strong wind hanging from the propeller.

"Go! You can't stay here, be obedient!" Chen Dong also shouted loudly.

"En!" Situ Xiadan was a policeman after all, she knew that since she had seen that Chen Dong was not injured, staying here would be a drag on Chen Dong.She glanced at Chen Dong, then stood up, lowered her body and ran towards the helicopter!
"Lao Xiongliang, cover the transfer of the wounded!" The assassin squatted on the ground of the roof holding a submachine gun and shouted.

"Understood!" At this moment, the special team member named Lao Xiong actually raised a huge machine gun to aim at the position where Chen Dong came up from below.

"Gatling!" When Chen Dong watched Situ Xiadan run to the helicopter and turned his head, he immediately recognized the guy in the big man's hand.

I saw that the old bear was holding an improved version of the Gatling machine gun in his hand, and the ammunition was placed directly on the ground, but this set would have to weigh two hundred catties.Generally, it takes a squad of soldiers to fully play with such a heavy machine gun, but he even picked it up by himself!However, the veins and blood vessels on the old bear's arms protruded like two iron arms. If it weren't for this kind of person with natural supernatural power, no one would be able to do this!
"Boom!" At this moment, Zong's hand suddenly grabbed the edge of the roof from below.

"Here we come!" the assassin said with solemn eyes.

And just before he could finish his sentence, he saw a figure jumping up from below!
"Huh!" This person is none other than Li Jianye!
"Old Bear!" the assassin shouted loudly.

"Look!" The old bear laughed loudly and pulled the trigger with his fingers!

"Da da da!" The Gatling gun barrel in his hand spun all of a sudden, and more than a dozen flames roared towards Li Jianye, who was still in mid-air, like burning fire chains!

"It's really fierce!" Standing behind the smart special team, Chen Dong couldn't help sighing. The arrival of this mysterious troop not only saved Chen Dong and everyone else, but also made Chen Dong's heart cool down. Burn again!This kind of life is the life that a pure man should live!In the hail of bullets, life and death are talking and laughing!
"No!" At this moment, Li Jianye yelled angrily, and his body abruptly changed direction in mid-air, not only dodging Gatling's bullet, but also pounced in Chen Dong's direction!
"I'm going! You're really not a normal person, old boy! You're even more abnormal than my old bear!" Seeing that Li Jianye could dodge his face like this, the old bear was so embarrassed that he quickly adjusted the direction of the machine gun and continued. Hit towards Li Jianye.


This is really a wave of bullets like rain!The bullet hit the reinforced concrete, blasting pieces of earth and rock, leaving countless deep bullet holes on the ground.

But this Li Jianye is too strong!His speed is obviously beyond the range that everyone can recognize!Gatling's bullets are almost completely empty!

"You die for me first, ants!" At this time, because of the old bear's blocking, Li Jianye obviously changed his strategy and temporarily gave up directly attacking Chen Dong, but jumped directly at the old bear in a flash!

"Suppress everyone!" the assassin shouted.


"Bang bang! The remaining eight special forces members, including the assassin, all set fire on Li Jianye!
"Haha! Ants! You are ants after all!" Li Jianye laughed loudly, his figure flickered, and everyone felt that Li Jianye had disappeared in a blur!

"Oops!" Chen Dong, who was standing at the back, thumped in his heart. The intuition he had developed in countless battles on the battlefield made him turn around suddenly, and at the same time, Zhou Zhong threw an extra dagger towards his back. go out!

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, the dagger thrown by Chen Dong was blown away by a figure, and the figure was also forced to eat!It was Li Jianye!
It turned out that Li Jianye had already circled behind everyone. If it wasn't for Chen Dong's intuition to judge the murderous intent behind him, Li Jianye might have already succeeded in a sneak attack!
"Does a group of ants think that there are guns that are my opponents! You all have to die today!" Although Chen Dong's dagger just now made Li Jianye pause, it did not hurt him.Li Jianye sneered with disdain all over his face, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed towards Chen Dong again!

"Get out of the way!" But seeing Chen Dong slid back quickly, he grabbed the shoulders of the two special forces behind him and pushed them out!

"Boom!" Li Jianye slapped the ground where they were just now just as they backed away!

"Crack!" But the roof of the building suddenly condensed into a piece of ice!One can imagine the consequences if the palm was slapped on anyone just now!
Naturally, Li Jianye wouldn't give Chen Dong a chance to breathe, but he saw that he was knocked into the air, and he took advantage of it without any pause, and continued to pounce on Chen Dong who was still in the process of repelling backwards.

"Fire cover!" At this time, the assassin and the old Xiong and several special team members reacted. They all turned around as quickly as possible, and fired at Li Jianye crazily again.In fact, their reaction time was long enough, but the speed of practitioners like Li Jianye and Chen Dong was obviously faster!


"Da da!"

For a while, dozens of fire snakes once again covered the sky and covered Li Jianye!

"Damn! Annoying! Where did you ants come from!" But seeing Li Jianye's body pause in mid-air, he retreated abruptly.With this level of fire suppression, even if the gods came, they would not give up chasing Chen Dong again!
"Bang bang!" Countless bullets hit the concrete surface of the roof like a torrential rain, splashing the concrete into pieces, but Li Jianye dodged them all.But this time, Li Jianye was successfully pushed back by nearly seven or eight meters.

"Thump!" But seeing Li Jianye kneeling on one knee and resting his left hand on the ground, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked gloomyly at Chen Dong and several special forces members who came to the rescue.

"You block my way, Li Jianye, there is only one end and that is death!"

"Phew!" Chen Dong was panting heavily as he was bullied violently in his chest.It was too thrilling just now, there was not much true energy left in his body, and it was only with all his strength that he narrowly escaped Li Jianye's sudden sneak attack.He knew that if Li Jianye came again, it would be difficult to escape!This rooftop is open enough, which is very unfavorable to our own side, and even more beneficial to Li Jianye, who has absolute speed!
So once Li Jianye got close, it was impossible for these special team members to be Li Jianye's opponents!
And at this moment, Li Jianye was clearly planning to get close to Chen Dong or any of the special forces again.

He wants to defeat each one!

(End of this chapter)

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