Special masters on campus

Chapter 416 Is it him?

Chapter 416 Is it him?

All the members of the special team stared at Chen Dong with their eyes wide open. At least they were not sure that they could hit the target accurately in this situation. The wind speed was too strong!

As the team leader, the assassin knew that there was only one person in their most elite special forces unit who could do this, and that was the sniper code-named "Leng Feng" who was known as a lunatic!
But now the situation is urgent, it's a matter of urgency!Chen Dong couldn't help hesitating!Once Li Jianye succeeds, the whole helicopter may be destroyed!
And he has this confidence!
"Bang!" Without any hesitation, Chen Dong pulled the trigger at once, and the bullet went straight towards Li Jianye's back in a flash of fire!

Li Jianye's strength has already surpassed the middle stage of Sea of ​​Qi, and he can perceive almost every slight change around him.

But seeing his face change, he had to give up the attack helicopter, his body twisted in the air, and the bullet flew past his scalp.

"Dang!" But hearing a sharp crisp sound, the bullet hit the landing gear of the helicopter directly, splashing a dazzling spark.

"I can't escape!" Li Jianye sneered, his body was still in mid-air, but he quickly changed direction and headed towards the helicopter's hatch again!This speed is so fast that ordinary people only feel that Li Jianye's figure has appeared outside the helicopter hatch in a blink of an eye!
"Don't even think about it!" Chen Dong's eyes turned cold, and he kept pulling the trigger with his finger!
"Bang bang!" The bullets almost kept hitting Li Jianye.

"Ah! Chen Dong!" Li Jianye was forced to dodge continuously, and his body made continuous difficult movements in mid-air, which seemed extraordinarily funny.

"Dangdangdang!" Under such a strong wind speed, Chen Dong has maintained extremely high accuracy. The bullets that Li Jianye dodged all hit the landing gear of the helicopter, sparking sparks, but there was no Hit the key position of the helicopter and the wounded inside.

"Hoohoo!" Under the cover of Chen Dong's firepower, Li Jianye couldn't interfere with the helicopter.The rickety helicopter finally kept rising, completely out of Li Jianye's attack range.

"Chen Dong!" Seeing that the attack helicopter was no longer feasible, Li Jianye flipped backwards several times and landed on the roof.



The special forces behind Chen Dong were all in a daze. Each of them's marksmanship was considered a top-notch master in the army.But in the situation just now, no one could push me back with every shot and Li Jianye didn't hit the key point of the helicopter.

"Hoo hoo!" As the roar of the helicopter's propellers became smaller and smaller, the situation on the roof of the Tenglong Building became stalemate again.

Li Jianye's face was cold, Chen Dong's side was too fierce, even though he was extremely strong, he still couldn't completely ignore such fierce firepower.He was forced to retreat again and again in the few storms just now because he was afraid of bullets, which made Li Jianye calm down.

On Chen Dong's side, including Chen Dong, nine people were fully armed and formed a circle with guns in their hands.The big old bear stood in the middle with a heavy-duty Gatling gun, responsible for suppressing firepower.In order to save ammunition, they did not take the initiative to shoot at Li Jianye.

This stalemate is beneficial to Chen Dong, but for Li Jianye, the longer the stalemate lasts, the more unfavorable it will be for him.Now that he had alerted the Special Forces to intervene, it wasn't the Special Forces that he was worried about.What he was worried about were those old monsters in the cultivation world. The longer the time dragged on, the more attention they would attract. Once the old monsters above the golden core stage were attracted, then he would snatch the chance of Tianhuo Xuanbing from Chen Dong. Almost zero!

"Come on! Then let someone like Li accompany you to have fun!" But seeing a sneer on the corner of Li Jianye's mouth, he stomped on the ground with one foot, and rushed towards Chen Dong and the others like a fired shell!

"Shoot, pay attention to saving bullets!" After all, the assassin was a special elite who had experienced many battles, and when he saw Li Jianye moving again, he hurriedly shouted.


"Bang! Bang!" Almost everyone in the most elite special team is a sharpshooter, and several members cooperate with each other very tacitly.But seeing that Li Jianye's figure kept quickly reading the moving position, the bullets flashed past, and the bullets hit the concrete floor of the roof, leaving a large crater.

"Nine o'clock direction! Fire suppression!"

"2 o'clock direction!"

"6 o'clock direction!"

Although Li Jianye couldn't get close to Chen Dong and the others for a while, he began to change his position constantly, circling around Chen Dong and the others.

"He is deliberately consuming our bullet leader!" a special forces member shouted.

"Nonsense! Can I not know? But there is no way now! The old bear who has the strongest individual defense among us has been injured internally by him. Do you think who can stop this old boy once he rushes forward?" The assassin's face turned pale. shouted ugly.

"Assassin, let the old bear meet him again!" At this time, the old bear shouted loudly.

"No! Let's block him first like this. I ask for air support!" the assassin said coldly.

"Bang bang!" These special forces did not dare to be distracted, and all stared at Li Jianye, constantly changing positions and shooting.

And Chen Dong returned the automatic rifle to the team member, and was directly surrounded by these team members.At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged, with his eyes closed, and the Nine Yang Kung Fu in his body was fully operating.An invisible vortex formed in the dantian, continuously absorbing the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of several miles.But this is the urban area of ​​Donghai City, where the aura of heaven and earth is the weakest, and the recovery speed of the aura in Chen Dong's body is extremely slow.

"Leng Feng! Leng Feng! How can you be a sniper? Where are you? We need support!" At this moment, the team leader, the assassin, shouted into the headset.

"Pricking la la..." There was a burst of electromagnetic noise in his earphones, and then a cold voice came.

"Lao Tzu, in the sky..."

"Heaven?" The assassin was taken aback.

"Huhu!" At this moment, there was a roar from far to near, and everyone raised their heads to have a look.I saw an armed helicopter rapidly approaching Tenglong Building.

Chen Dong, who was sitting among the crowd, also opened his eyes all of a sudden. He always had a feeling that he might know the sniper "Leng Feng" that these special forces called.

"The marksmanship is so similar..." Chen Dong raised his head and looked into the sky.

"Hoo hoo!" At this moment, the armed helicopter was approaching the sky above the building.

"Bang!" The hatch of the helicopter opened suddenly, and a sniper in full armor wearing a camouflage uniform and a pair of windshield glasses appeared inside the door with a sniper rifle.

"The coquettish glasses..." Chen Dong frowned.

"Could it be him?" Chen Dong's eyes lit up as if he suddenly thought of something.

(End of this chapter)

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