Special masters on campus

Chapter 418 The Real Bad Fight

Chapter 418 The Real Bad Fight

Chen Dong stared coldly at Li Jianye who was holding his arms and retreating to the edge of the roof. The automatic rifle in his hand was aimed at him and ready to pull the trigger again.

"Hoo hoo!" At this moment, the helicopters in the sky kept circling Li Jianye's head, as if they were also looking for the right time to attack Li Jianye again.

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth smiled slightly, although because the helicopter flew relatively high, and the sniper was fully armed and wore a windshield, it was difficult for him to see his face clearly.

But being able to cooperate with him so tacitly, Chen Dong became more and more convinced of who the sniper on the helicopter was.The two shots just now required absolute tacit understanding and precision. The aim of each shot was a little off, or a little faster or slower, and it might not be able to hit Li Jianye.

For a moment, Chen Dong and Leng Feng on the helicopter forced Li Jianye into a corner. Behind him was the edge of the 49-story rooftop. If he took a step forward, Chen Dong and the two would naturally greet him with bullets in tacit agreement.

"Damn! The bullets of these two boys seem to have eyes! We can't continue to consume them like this!" I saw that Li Jianye's face was extremely ugly. Whether he was a cultivator in the middle stage of Qihai or a member of Tenglong Group, Li Jianye When had the chairman been forced into such a state of embarrassment?

"Didi..." At this time, there were bursts of sirens again from the downstairs of Tenglong Building.The downstairs of the building has attracted more and more citizens to watch because of the series of huge movements just now and the arrival of several helicopters in succession.Now the entire 200-meter area around the Tenglong Building has been cordoned off by the police, but there are still a steady stream of citizens gathering around the building and looking up.There are also more and more police forces around the building, constantly diverting the crowd of onlookers.

"If it continues like this, it won't be good!" Li Jianye looked at Chen Dong with a gloomy expression. Now he only needs to move one step forward, and the bullets on the helicopter will definitely shoot at him.

"Chen Dong! Since I can't get Tianhuo Xuanbing, then no one else can get it! You forced me!" But seeing a sneer suddenly appear on Li Jianye's face, his body moved, and he didn't choose to continue to move towards Chen Dong attacked, but leaned back and jumped behind him!

"I'm going! What's the matter? You were so fierce just now, why did you jump off the building after being shot twice?"

"Yes! What kind of medicine is sold in this old boy's pot?"

Everyone on the rooftop, including Chen Dong, was taken aback. With Li Jianye's formidable strength, he would not be able to attack Chen Dong for a while, and he would be able to leave here, so he wouldn't choose to jump off the building, right?
There was a sudden silence on the rooftop, only the roar of helicopter propellers in the sky, and everyone held their breath.These people can enter China's top special forces, and they are not fools. At this moment, everyone is looking at the four directions of the building with guns in their hands. They know that Li Jianye will definitely not just let it go, maybe they are not paying attention. At that time, Li Jianye would jump onto the roof again from any direction.

"What does this Li Jianye want to do? No matter which direction he jumps on the roof again, it is the same for him. The helicopter is in the sky, and for the sniper Leng Feng above, there is no blind spot on any side of the building. He has no choice Get rid of the firepower tracking in the sky." Chen Dong frowned, he knew the importance of Tianhuo Xuanbing to Li Jianye this day, this person has lived in the secular world where the aura of heaven and earth is extremely thin for 20 years in order to find Tianhuo Xuanbing!From this point, we can be sure that he will never give up!
"Front, back, left, right, up...down!" At this moment, Chen Dong's eyes flashed as if he suddenly thought of something!
"Not good! Be careful where you step!" Chen Dong shouted loudly.

"What? Under your feet!" The nine special forces were taken aback when they heard Chen Dong's words, and lowered their heads almost subconsciously.What's under your feet?There is a reinforced concrete roof under your feet!


And almost at the same time as Chen Dong just finished yelling, the roof where everyone was standing on suddenly trembled!
"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise that shook the sky, and in an instant, the roof of the building under everyone's feet exploded!No!To be precise, it should be knocked away by someone!And it smashed into pieces!

"Boom!" The huge impact made the special forces standing on it have no chance to react, and all of them flew up uncontrollably.For a time, countless pieces of reinforced concrete mixed with broken steel bars and special forces were thrown into the sky by this irresistible force!
"Damn it!" In a split second, Chen Dong exerted all his strength, and retreated quickly to avoid it!

But these special forces did not have such good luck.Although they are all the top special forces, they did not expect that Li Jianye would directly crash into the roof from below!By the time Chen Dong reminded, it was already too late and it was impossible to escape!And although their bodies are extremely strong, they are basically unable to resist the full impact of the mid-qi sea practitioners!

"Ah!" Almost at the moment of the impact, most of the team members were knocked unconscious by this powerful impact!Losing the suppression of the bullets, these special forces who are not cultivators let Li Jianye get close, and this is the result!

"Bang bang!"

"Crack, crack!"

In an instant, countless pieces of earth, stone, steel bars and the bodies of nine special forces fell to the roof. The roof was littered with debris.Including the big man named Old Xiong, the nine special forces soldiers were all lying motionless on the roof, life and death unknown!

And where they stood just now, they were knocked out of a big hole several meters in square!It can be seen how terrifying the power of the impact just now is!And this is the terrifying power of a cultivator in the mid-stage Qi Sea or even a higher realm!Their strength has almost exceeded the imagination of normal people!
Chen Dong knelt down on one knee, raised his automatic rifle with both hands, and aimed at the big hole.Now is not the time to complain and blame himself, Li Jianye has obviously become angry and will do everything possible!

"Haha!" At this moment, with a sneer, Li Jianye jumped up from the big pit in a mess and squatted on the edge of the big pit.

"Tsk tsk! It's a pity for these little guys playing with guns! Especially the big one, if he can practice body training, he will definitely be a genius, but unfortunately he only knows how to use brute force, which makes him vulnerable." Then Li Jianye Looking at these special forces scattered on the roof with disdain, it is obvious that in his eyes the elite of these special forces are all ants.

"Then..." Li Jianye suddenly raised his head to look at Chen Dong.

"Now it's your turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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