Chapter 422

"Huh!" How fast is Li Jianye?In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of the old man, but he saw that his right fist was covered with a thick layer of white cold air, which can only be achieved by the condensation of true energy in the late stage of the sea of ​​​​qi!

"Boy, look carefully. From now on, remember to hit a snake to hit seven inches, and hit a dog to hit the head first!" And just when Li Jianye saw that he was about to fall in front of the old man, the old man suddenly moved.

"Huh!" The old man's small sleepy eyes opened suddenly.

Before Li Jianye even had time to react, the old man's skinny palm slapped Li Jianye's forehead!


Li Jianye was taken aback for a moment, and felt as if an iron hand had directly grabbed the top of his head, his figure stopped suddenly!

"It's impossible! I saw him in the great battle that year, and he was seriously injured and almost died!" Li Jianye's eyes were wide open, bloodshot.He originally thought that after 20 years of cultivation, he had finally reached the late stage of Sea of ​​Qi. Although he didn't know how strong Yang Tianding was, he at least had the strength to fight!But what he didn't expect was that the old man's speed was even faster than him!

"Go down!" But at this moment, the old man snorted, and the hand on Li Jianye's head slapped down violently!
"Boom!" Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, and the entire Tenglong Building trembled for a while, showing how terrifying the force of this blow was!
"Crack! Crack!" Hearing the sound of violent collapse, puffs of smoke and dust rose up, and the roof of the building was shaken with cracks, which spread from where Li Jianye was just now to the surrounding area for at least There are ten meters!

And looking at the position where Li Jianye was just now, he has been smashed out of a big hole at this moment!It was bigger than the big hole he just knocked out by himself!

Chen Dong was sitting on the edge of the building, staring at it for a while. If he kept playing like this, the building would probably collapse!
And what shocked Chen Dong the most was the strength of the old man!With one blow, Li Jianye, who was in the late stage of Qihai, was blasted directly into the building. How strong is that old man?The terrifying combat power he displayed was totally different from that lecherous, wretched, henpecked old man in Chen Dong's impression...

"I'll go... Is this still that lecherous and wretched old bastard who regards money as his life..." Chen Dong opened his mouth wide and looked at the big hole in front of the old man and said.

"What are you talking about, little bastard!" This is the majestic old man who suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Dong!
"Ahem..." And when he saw the old man's appearance, Chen Dong almost burst out laughing.

Seeing this old man from the back, he would feel that he is a fairy, and he has the feeling of an outsider.But when she turned around, that was not the case at all.But seeing the wretched face of this old man, with two gray mustaches and a pair of small triangular eyes staring at Chen Dong, he didn't feel like a childlike face at all.

Although his appearance is a little sorry for the aura just now, Chen Dong still feels warm in his heart. The dog doesn't think his family is poor. No matter how greedy this old man looks, he is the master who raised him after all.

"Ahem! Well... I said it's been a long time since I've seen you, Master, you look so radiant!" Chen Dong said things against his will with a serious face and a very natural tone.

"Well, I forgive you, a little bastard, but you dare not speak ill of me." The wretched old man nodded.

"Ahem, that's because you don't know your apprentice too well..." Chen Dong muttered in a low voice.

"What are you mumbling about?" The old man frowned.

"'m saying that I have a lot of questions in my heart and I want to ask you..." Chen Dong is not stupid, he has learned from the old man's punch just now, this bastard has hidden too deeply for so many years, he dare not Let him hear himself speak ill of him.

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, but you will understand gradually." At this moment, the old man said with a sigh.

"Didn't you go to a small island in the South Pacific for vacation with your wife? Why did you suddenly appear in Donghai City? And what happened to you leaving me a letter saying that the thing was left to me by my parents? And I didn't find my junior sister, she was suddenly suspended from school and now there is no clue..." Chen Dong had too many doubts in his heart.

"Why am I here? I'm just passing by..." I didn't expect the old man to say this lightly.

"Just passing by... You're lying! If it weren't for the fact that you are my master, I wouldn't be able to beat you to death!" Chen Dong's expression was extremely complicated, with an urge to beat someone up.

"Little bastard, before you start, think about whether you can beat me..." The old man chuckled.

"I..." Chen Dong was at a loss for words, and his clenched fists suddenly loosened.Can't beat... not at the same level at all...

"Ah! Yang Tianding, do you think I'm that weak?" At this moment, Li Jianye's voice came from the pit again, but Li Jianye, who was in a mess and covered in blood, rushed out of the building with a cry .

"Don't make noise!" But seeing the unhappy expression on the old man's face, he suddenly turned around and kicked Li Jianye who had just rushed up!

Then Li Jianye was originally imposing, with a murderous look on his face, Li Jianye had no time to dodge. This old man looked thin, but his speed was even faster than that of Li Jianye who was in the late stage of Qihai!
"Ah!" But hearing this Li Jianye uttered a miserable cry again, he who had just rushed up was kicked down by the old man so casually before he even got to the ground.

"Boom!" Immediately after, there was a continuous sound of huge collisions coming from the pit, and the whole building trembled violently again. Obviously, this time Li Jianye knocked down more than one floor of the floor!

"What are you arguing about? Didn't you see me chatting with my apprentice?" The old man said impatiently.

"Ahem... This is the late Qihai strongman who beat the entire special team against himself just now and has no ability to fight back! But in front of the old man, he is like an annoying dog, because the barking is too loud. Annoyed, being kicked away by someone. Damn old man, you are hiding too deeply! Why do you let me carry out such dangerous tasks every time you are so powerful! Can't you just stretch out your hands and feet?" Sit Chen Dong on the ground stared blankly, his jaw almost dropped.

"Dongzi, what did you say just now? Keep talking!" At this moment, the old man Yang Tianding turned around and smiled kindly at Chen Dong.

"Ahem... that's how Smiley Tiger came here..." Chen Dong thought to himself.

"Speaking of the disappearance of Junior Sister!" Chen Dong's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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