Chapter 427
The special forces behind Chen Dong were all happy when they saw this player wake up.

"Be vigilant, no one can take it lightly until the other party's identity is fully clarified!" But only the team leader said in a cold voice.


The corner of Chen Dong's mouth raised. As expected of a professional special force, he never judged by emotion when encountering a situation.

"My head hurts so much. I feel like I just finished running [-] kilometers. I feel like I'm going to fall apart." At this time, the team member who was sobered up by Chen Dong put his hand on his temple and said.

"Well, it should be fine after a period of recuperation." Chen Dong nodded and stood up.

"The team leader and the others... just now I just felt a huge force rushing towards me under my feet, and then I lost consciousness when my eyes went dark! By the way, what about the enemy?" The team member looked up and looked around. The other team members looked tense again.

"Run away!" Chen Dong gasped and said.

"Run?" The team member was stunned. He had seen how tough the enemy was before. With such an elite special team, coupled with aerial fire support and a master like Chen Dong, he could only Barely suppressing the opponent, once the ammunition is exhausted, they are in danger of being wiped out by that person at any time.Such an unimaginably powerful enemy actually ran away?How powerful it is to scare him away!

The team member froze there, he couldn't believe that there could be someone stronger than Li Jianye in this world.

Chen Dong continued to walk in front of the special team leader codenamed "Assassin" and knelt down.

And as Chen Dong moved forward, the special team members from the other team also followed up and helped the player who had just woken up.

"How are you all right?" The team leader walked up to the team member and asked.

"It's okay, Ajie." The team member who woke up nodded.

"Who is this person? Do you know him?" The special team leader named Ajie looked at Chen Dong.

"By the way, your team is going to rescue the hostage in the dark room. He is the hostage we want to rescue." The team member said.

"Is he the hostage you want to rescue?" Ajie was stunned. It turned out that the two groups had a clear division of labor before the action. Their group was responsible for rescuing Su Hong sisters who were locked in the dark room by Li Jianye and Class 1 of the medical school. All the classmates, so he didn't see Chen Dong's message, so naturally he didn't recognize Chen Donglai.

"A hostage who should be rescued is actually saving you special elites who came to rescue?" Not only the team leader Ajie was dumbfounded, but the other team members also looked at Chen Dong in disbelief.

At this time, Chen Dong on the other side had already awakened the "Assassin".

"What are you still doing there? Hurry up and call the medical staff." Chen Dong stood up while talking, and walked towards another team member who was lying on the ground.

"That's right! Hurry up and tell the medical staff to come up." The special team leader named Ajie said quickly.

"Hey, send medical personnel up immediately. There are wounded people on the roof, and their injuries are unknown!" Immediately, a special team member started calling into the headset.

Soon, under the healing of Chen Dong's pure yang qi, several special forces members who had been stunned by the powerful impact woke up one after another.After receiving the notification, the medical staff also rushed to the roof of the building to give simple treatment to the wounded, and then began to transfer to the hospital.

And Chen Dong stood aside and watched all this quietly, raised his head and looked up at the sky, as if he was waiting for someone.

"Hoo hoo!" Sure enough, it didn't take long for the hanger helicopter in the sky to hover and land on the top of the building.

The hatch of the helicopter opened, and a special team member in camouflage uniform, holding a sniper rifle, and a pair of transparent windshield glasses jumped out.

Chen Dong looked at this person, and at the same time, this person's gaze happened to look at Chen Dong.

The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his hand and pointed at that person.

And that person also smiled at the corner of his mouth, and also stretched out his hand to point at Chen Dong.

"Haha!" Then the two laughed at the same time.

Obviously, these two people not only know each other, but should be very close.

"Leng Feng? Could it be that he knew this hostage?" The surrounding members of the second group were all taken aback.They all knew Leng Feng, and the name Leng Feng was very resounding in the entire special team.He is not only the sniper of the first group but also the number one sniper of the whole team.Many major missions are handled by him as a sniper, and he has never missed it.However, this person's personality is as the name suggests, he rarely speaks, and basically has no friends in the entire special team.Although it seems a bit arrogant and indifferent to everyone, but who makes his marksmanship the best in the entire special team.

Obviously none of them thought that a master like Leng Feng would know Chen Dong.

At this time, Leng Feng had already walked over, and he took off his windshield glasses. This man had a handsome appearance, especially his tall nose and sharp-edged face, which gave him the air of an English aristocrat.

"I didn't expect you to be dead yet?" At this moment, Leng Feng walked in front of Chen Dong and said in a cold voice.

"I said, I won't die even if you die!" Chen Dong smiled.

"You! Chen Dong! I saved you this time, okay? Can you save me some face..." Leng Feng whispered helplessly.

"It seems that these two people really know each other, and they seem to have a good relationship."

"I heard that Leng Feng had been on the battlefield for ten years, and he returned to Huaxia to join our team not long ago. To be friends with him, this hostage named Chen Dong is also a master, right?"

Seeing Tao Kan, who was so familiar to each other, the special forces members who stayed on the roof of the building began to discuss.You must know that Leng Feng seldom talks to them on weekdays, even when performing tasks, he usually only speaks a few words and never talks much.

"If I'm not mistaken, these two people should both come out of the death training camp!" At this moment, the assassin, the leader of the first team, came over and looked at Chen Dong and said in a low voice.All the wounded were transferred away by the medical staff, but he was relatively lightly injured, and he wanted to thank Chen Dong face to face, so he flowed down.

"Death training camp? It's the death training camp where the survival rate is less than 2/[-], and it is claimed that the people who come out of it are either heroes or devils?" At this time, the team leader of the [-]nd team named Ajie said with a look of surprise. .

"That's right..." The assassin nodded solemnly.

"Yeah, when did your artist learn to save face?" Chen Dong chuckled.

"Ahem! Don't call me by my real name. In the army, you have to call me by my code name, Leng Feng!" Leng Feng said with a very shameless face.

"Oh? It's not called Yixing, but changed to Leng Feng?" Chen Dong suddenly realized.

"Yes. Icy cold, the front of the blade, Leng Feng, the current No. [-] sniper of the Dragon Slaying Special Team!" Leng Feng tossed his hair, his eyes flashed, and said coquettishly.

"Dragon Zhan special team?" Chen Dong frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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