Special masters on campus

Chapter 429 Pleased to meet again

Chapter 429 Pleased to meet again
The two shook hands, first Xu Jiaying's father laughed, and then Chen Dong also laughed.

"A few days ago, I told Jiaying that I wanted to ask you to come home to treat Jiaying again. I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. I didn't have time to thank you for treating Jiaying last time." Xu Jiaying's father said with a very easy-going smile.

"Jiaying is my classmate. Helping her with treatment is what I should do. Uncle Xu doesn't need to be so polite with me." Chen Dong nodded.

"Haha! Good! Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand the person! I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you later, Jiaying's condition..." Xu Jiaying's father showed embarrassment. So far, no one except Chen Dong can relieve the cold in Xu Jiaying's body. poison.And after observing Chen Dong during this period of time and today's incident, he finally confirmed that Chen Dong was the person he had been looking for for the past 20 years.People of pure yang!
"As long as Jiaying and uncles and aunts don't mind, I, Chen Dong, have no shirkable responsibility." Chen Dong smiled.

Xu Jiaying, who was standing behind her father, lowered her head when she heard Chen Dong's words, grabbed her corner with both hands, her face flushed.Fortunately, no one noticed her expression at the moment.If it was said that Chen Dong's treatment method made her feel extremely shy at the beginning, then at this moment she didn't know why there was an extra expectation in her heart.

"Her mother and I will be very happy that you can come home, how could you mind?" Xu Jiaying's father said with a smile.

"Then I'll treat Jiaying again after this matter is dealt with." Chen Dong said with a smile, but this time he didn't dare to treat her in the bathtub, because Xu Jiaying's father's background is too powerful, The most elite special forces in China all obey him.If I let him know that I dare to take advantage of his daughter, I will die a miserable death...

"Cough cough..."


Everyone around was stunned watching this scene.When had they ever seen their chief speak to a young man so approachably?

"I'm going! Chen Dong! I'm the only one in this world who will obey you. It's not because your marksmanship is better than mine, but because you are so equal to the chief! The most awesome thing is not this! Others are afraid that this chief Xu will still Before it's too late, you ran away from my precious daughter! Chen Dong, I give in to you! I'm so taken in!" Leng Feng looked at Chen Dong and said in his heart, at this moment his eyes were staring wide open, where there was no coldness in the past.

As for the members of the other special teams, they were even more stunned, especially the leader of the 2nd team named Ajie, who was even more grateful that he didn't shoot this young man just now!If he accidentally injured him, he would have to be sent to an African cannibal tribe!
"It seems that Chen Dong has been to the chief's house!"

"I have been in the Dragon Slaying Squad for three years, and I don't even know where the door of the chief's house is open..."

"It won't be the son-in-law of our Dragon Slayer in the future..."

For a moment, all the team members around had a masked expression on their faces, you look at me and I look at you.

It's just that everyone didn't notice that Xu Jiaying's face turned redder.

"Jiaying, did you hear that classmate Chen Dong promised to help you with treatment, don't you feel relieved now? Hehe..." Xu Jiaying's father turned to look at Xu Jiaying behind him.

"Jiaying is an introvert by nature, and I am too embarrassed to say some things, so I, the father, can only speak for her."

"Uh...hehe..." Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment and then smiled awkwardly, thinking that this girl wanted me to heal her, so don't be afraid that I really ate you.

"Dad..." Xu Jiaying, who had been standing behind her father with her head down, raised her head to look at Chen Dong.

"Student Xu Jiaying, why are you not injured?" Chen Dong looked at Xu Jiaying and smiled slightly.

"No...no..." Xu Jiaying's fair cheeks turned red.

"That's good, that's good. The other students in our class are not injured, right?" Chen Dong asked.

"Yes, Zhang Xing and his boys were beaten, but they have been sent to the hospital to be bandaged. They should all be wounds." Xu Jiaying said in a soft voice.

"Well, fortunately everyone is fine." The stone in Chen Dong's heart finally fell to the ground.

"Uncle Xu, thank you very much this time. If you and your subordinates hadn't come to the rescue in time, I'm afraid things would have been unimaginable." Chen Dong bowed to Xu Jiaying's father.

"Hey! Get up, get up." Xu Jiaying's father quickly helped Chen Dong up.

"At this time when Li Jianye is arrogant, I will not stand by and do anything wrong under Xu Chengji's eyes. This is what I should do, and what our Dragon Slaying Special Team should do! Not to mention that I am among the people kidnapped by him. You, Chen Dong, dare to go to Longtan alone to save people, and I have to do it in public or private!" At this time, Xu Chengji's voice finally revealed a hint of domineering, which is a kind of long-standing position. The aura that a person carries.

"This matter happened because of me, and the person who untied the bell is the one who tied it, so Li Jianye's goal is me. If I don't come, then I won't be Chen Dong!" Chen Dong said calmly.

"Okay! What a person to untie the bell and tie it! There are too few young people in Huaxia who are as bloody and responsible as you. With your character and strength, you are fully capable of joining Zhanlong! Why are you interested in joining Zhanlong?" Dragon? You don't need to participate in any assessment and selection!" Xu Jicheng looked at Chen Dong and asked with a very serious expression.

"What? You don't need to participate in any selection and assessment to join Zhanlong!"

"Hiss! If I remember correctly, this is the first time in the 20 years since the establishment of the Dragon Slaying Special Team!"

"That's right! Even when Leng Feng came, the chief inspected him once alone, and he joined Zhanlong only after he successfully passed!"

"Could it be that his strength is really far above Leng Feng's!"

As soon as Xu Chengji said these words, the entire roof of the Tenglong Building was full of gasps.They are members of the dragon-slaying special team, and as a part of the "dragon-slaying", the natural way is the rules of the dragon-slaying special team.

As one of the most elite special forces in China, the Zhanlong special team is known as the elite of the elite.Since its establishment 20 years ago, it has been responsible for carrying out those special missions. It has faced enemies that some conventional weapons and troops cannot deal with at all, and it has never missed it.

Such an elite team has never had more than 30 members. Anyone can imagine how strict selection and assessment is required to join such a team.Every year, those who come to participate in the selection of the dragon-killing special team are the elites in the army, but the elimination has reached more than 90.00%.And even if you pass the assessment, it doesn't mean that you have become a member of "Zhanlong". You have to go through a combat mission test, and only those who pass the test can stay.

And now, as the leader of this elite unit, Xu Jicheng even said that a young man can join "Zhanlong" without participating in any selection and assessment!And judging from his tone, he seemed to be inviting Chen Dong again.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Chen Dong, not knowing how he would answer.

(End of this chapter)

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