Special masters on campus

Chapter 433 What Happened 2 Years Ago

Chapter 433 What Happened 20 Years Ago

Xu Chengji was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect Chen Dong to ask such a question directly.

"You are the first person who dares to question me like this directly." The smile on Xu Chengji's face suddenly froze.

"It's nothing, since it's inconvenient for Uncle Xu to say, it doesn't matter. I will still treat classmate Xu Jiaying. If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Chen Dong smiled, nodded slightly, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Haha! Although you are the first one who dares to talk to me in so many years, I have no intention of hiding anything from you. Since you are so curious about how I know so much, then I will tell you a story." Xu Jiji laughed loudly, as if he was not angry at Chen Dong's rudeness.

"Okay, Uncle Xu, I'm all ears." Chen Dong turned around and smiled.Maybe this time he can get more information about what happened 20 years ago.

"Before listening to this story, you first need to figure out what kind of special forces the Zhanlong Special Forces are." Xu Chengji said.

"I've heard before that the Zhanlong special team is one of the most elite special forces in China. Every member is an elite among the special forces and has to go through strict selection. So although this wrong number has never There are more than 30 people, but their combat power is extremely strong, and the missions they perform have never failed." Chen Dong shared the information he knew about the "Dragon Zhan" special team.

"Well, what you said is correct. This is what everyone knows about Dragon Zhan on the surface. But do you know why the Dragon Zhan team is here today?" Xu Chengji nodded and said.

"Why did you appear here? Didn't you follow your order?" Chen Dong frowned.

"It is indeed my order, but even if their supreme commander is not me, they will appear here today. Because the missions performed by this kind of team, the enemies they face are not conventional missions and enemies. For example, this The enemy they faced once was Li Jianye, a powerful cultivator!" Xu Chengji said.

"You mean that Zhanlong's mission is to deal with unconventional events and targets?" Chen Dong asked.

"That's right!" Xu Jiji nodded, "There are many special forces in China, each of which is responsible for different tasks. Of course, you have seen it today, even though every member of Zhanlong is a member of the Chinese elite. Elites, but there is a danger of mission failure in the face of Li Jianye's level of comprehension powerhouse."

"Indeed, even in the world of comprehension, Li Jianye's strength is definitely considered to be a strong man at the upper level. But what does this have to do with what happened 20 years ago?" Chen Dong looked at Xu Chengji with doubts on his face.

"The predecessor of this Zhanlong special team was called the Huaxia Dragon Special Incident Assault Team, and it was the team responsible for investigating that incident back then. And I was the leader of that special team." Xu Chengji said with a sigh.

"What? Were you at the scene where it happened?" Chen Dong asked hastily.

"To be precise, we arrived as soon as the incident happened. But everyone except me died!" Xu Chengji replied.

"What! Everyone sacrificed except you?" Chen Dong was shocked. With Xu Cheng's strength, the special team back then could only be stronger than the current Dragon Slaying special team.If such a special force that can compete with Qi Hai stage cultivators is almost wiped out, then they must have encountered a very strong opponent!

"Yeah, except for me who was seriously injured and survived by chance, everyone else died..." Xu Jicheng seemed to be caught in a painful memory.

"Then what happened?" Chen Dong asked again.

"Back then we received intelligence and relevant departments obtained accurate information that a powerful energy was hidden on an unnamed small island in the sea to the east of Donghai City. But we couldn't know exactly what this energy was. At that time, we only knew that if this If the energy cannot be controlled, the entire Donghai City and even the entire Binhai Province will be razed to the ground once it erupts!" Xu Chengji then recalled.

"The entire Donghai City and even Binhai Province will be razed to the ground!" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, and he seemed to have guessed what it was.The only possibility to have this kind of energy is that there is no Skyfire Xuanbing before it is broken!

"Yes, Jiaying's mother was pregnant at that time, and she was in Donghai City. So I volunteered to take charge of this task. But when we just arrived on the small island, we found that this matter was completely beyond our expectations. Imagine!" Xu Chengji said.

"Oh? What happened?"

"We found that what we were facing was not human at all, or ordinary people! They possessed great strength, which made us unable to get close to the island at all, and could only wander around the island. I didn't know until later that these people were called cultivators. , and what we are facing are some cultivators with terrifying strength!" Xu Jicheng looked at Chen Dong.

"Why are so many powerful cultivators gathered on this unnamed island?" Chen Dong frowned. If he guessed right, his parents, master, and wife should all be there.

"We can't get close to this island at all. We can only see cultivators coming to this island one after another. It seems that these cultivators are all here for a certain thing. But when we want to send a reinforcement request to the headquarters When we found out that we were completely cut off, obviously we were discovered by these cultivators long ago, and the reason why we were not silenced at that time was just because they had no time to take care of us." Xu Chengji continued.

"Indeed, in their opinion, you ordinary people have indeed seen something that you shouldn't have seen." Chen Dong nodded. If he guessed right, these practitioners should all be heading for Tianhuo Xuanbing.And this kind of heaven and earth treasure, which is enough to overturn the entire comprehension world, will definitely attract almost all the powerful people in the comprehension world at that time!It is impossible for these comprehension old monsters to allow ordinary people to see them and see them vying for such rare treasures as sky fire and black ice!

"Then we felt that the whole sky suddenly lit up, and a beam of light burst out from the middle of the small island! Immediately afterwards, there were huge waves and violent hurricanes, and the entire ship we were on was thrown into the sky! That I will never forget the scene until now, as if the world agreed! And I saw a terrible scene before I fell into the water!" Xu Chengcheng became a little emotional, obviously this incident greatly stimulated him.

"What did you see?" Chen Dong's face also became tense, because what happened in the East China Sea 20 years ago may be the beginning and source of all mysteries!

"I saw..." Xu Chengcheng's thoughts seemed to return to the huge waves of the East China Sea 20 years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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