Special masters on campus

Chapter 437 Not Like You Think

Chapter 437 Not Like You Think
The warm sunshine in the afternoon shines on every corner of Tunghai University.Compared with the city full of hustle and bustle, the campus seems to be a quiet haven.

But what they didn't know was that under this seemingly peaceful surface, there was an undercurrent surging, and a competition among various forces was slowly unfolding.

The white-faced Maserati slowly drove into the gate of the campus.

Chen Dong parked the car in the parking lot and rushed to the boys' dormitory immediately.

In the dormitory, Fatty Bai, Zhang Xing and the boys from Class 1 were all there. When they saw Chen Dong return to the dormitory, they cheered almost at the same time.

Seeing that the boys were fine and just suffered some skin trauma, Chen Dong felt relieved.Then Chen Dong went to forget the teaching building of the medical school.When Chen Dong came to the door of the teacher's office, Zhang Yaxi was in a daze, wearing a pair of glasses with pale pink frames.

"What is Yaxi thinking?" Teacher Song, who was sitting next to Zhang Yaxi, said to Zhang Yaxi who was in a daze.

"No...it's nothing..." Zhang Yaxi said after recovering from a daze.

"Could it be that you're thinking about that little man of yours? It's been so long since school started, how are you doing? Tell my sister quickly." At this moment, Teacher Song looked at Zhang Yaxi curiously. .

"Mr. Song, what nonsense are you talking about? What a little man, nothing..." Zhang Yaxi blushed and quickly explained.

"You said you didn't miss a man? Elder sister, someone who came here can tell that you are a girl Huaichun now hahaha..." Teacher Song covered her mouth and laughed, so that even the proud man in front of her flickered along with her. .

"No way..." Zhang Yaxi hastily covered her reddened and hot face.

"Bangbang..." At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

"Mr. Zhang..." Chen Dong, who had put on a new sportswear, was standing at the door, smiling at Zhang Yaxi.

When Zhang Yaxi saw Chen Dong standing at the door intact, she couldn't help feeling relieved. This meant that the matter had been completely resolved, and a big stone that had weighed on her heart these days finally fell to the ground.

"Look and see what you say!" Teacher Song stood up quickly.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you going to do?" Zhang Yaxi was taken aback.

"Of course it's to create time and space for you. I don't need to know how to make light bulbs, hee hee..." I saw the smile on Teacher Song's face, as if she was in a relationship.

"Mr. Hu, Mr. Ding, let's go and have afternoon tea, I'll treat you!" Mr. Song greeted two female teachers in the office.

"Okay, okay!" The other two female teachers also stood up happily.

"Sister, my sister spent a lot of money on your lifelong event for you!" Teacher Song whispered next to Zhang Yaxi.

"Hey..." Before Zhang Yaxi could say anything, Teacher Song turned around and dragged the other two female teachers to the door of the office.

"Hello, Teacher Song." Chen Dong said with a smile to Teacher Song.

"It's still the same sentence to boldly pursue your own love, don't be afraid when you are a college student!" Teacher Song patted Chen Dong's shoulder and covered his mouth with a smile.

After the three female teachers walked out of the teacher's office, only Chen Dong and Zhang Yaxi were left in the entire office.

The two of them just looked at each other for a while without speaking, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"I went home just now and found that you were not at home, so I came to the office to look for you." Chen Dong looked at Zhang Yaxi and said with a slight smile, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"I'm back, it's good to be back." Zhang Yaxi's eyes were a little rosy, but she tried her best to control her emotions.Before this incident, she didn't have such a strong feeling. It wasn't until this incident that she realized that Chen Dong already had a figure in her heart.

"Yes! I'm back, and I'm back intact. By the way, are all the students in our class okay?" Chen Dong walked into the office with a smile and sat down beside Zhang Yaxi.He could feel that his beautiful tenant was a little unstable now. These days, because of his own reasons, a weak girl like her suffered a lot of fright and worry.

"Hello everyone, except for a few boys who were injured but were bandaged in the hospital and are fine. Now all the students have returned to school. Oh, for Chu Shanshan and Xu Jiaying, both of them were injured. The parents have temporarily taken them home." Zhang Yaxi said.

"Okay, that's good. Everything is over..." Chen Dong nodded.

"Chen Dong... are you okay?" Zhang Yaxi looked at Chen Dong with rosy eyes.

"I'm fine. I'm not an ordinary person. What can I do! I said that I can kill me, and I, Chen Dongren, haven't given birth yet!" Chen Dong said with a smile, he didn't want this Yaxi to worry about his capital. .

"Pfft... bragging again..." Seeing Chen Dong's vivid expression, Zhang Yaxi covered her mouth with a puff and smiled, but tears fell from her eyes.Now it was finally confirmed that Chen Dong was not injured, and the fear for so many days was finally over.

Chen Dong's heart warmed when he saw Zhang Yaxi's tears. The two of them got acquainted because of a misunderstanding at the beginning, and finally lived under the same roof without meeting each other.Although they were always noisy and never let each other go, Chen Dong could feel Zhang Yaxi's thoughts.

"Why are you still crying? Your make-up is gone." Chen Dong smiled slightly, reaching out to wipe Zhang Yaxi's tears.

"Mr. Zhang heard that Chen Dong is back..." At this moment, an urgent voice suddenly came from outside the office door.

It was none other than Liu Yashu who ran in from outside in a hurry, but it was her who was completely stunned at the door, staring blankly at Chen Dong and Zhang Yaxi in the office.At this time, Chen Dong's hand was right on Zhang Yaxi's face.

"Student Yashu..."

"Liu Yashu..."

Chen Dong and Zhang Yaxi looked at Liu Yashu at the door almost at the same time.

"No...it's okay, it seems that there must be nothing wrong..." Liu Yashu was stunned for a while and then murmured.

"Student Yashu is not what you think." Zhang Yaxi knew that Liu Yashu must have misunderstood, so she quickly explained.

"It's nothing, Mr. Zhang, I just came to take a look. Since Chen Dong is fine, I'll report the situation to the department and school leaders." Liu Yashu's words were obviously weird, and he didn't listen to Chen Dong. Explained to Zhang Yaxi, turned and ran away.

"Chen Dong, go and explain, it's not what she imagined!" Zhang Yaxi hurriedly said to Chen Dong.

"Isn't it what she imagined?" Chen Dong smiled slightly.

"I..." Zhang Yaxi was stunned and blushed, suddenly not knowing what to say.

"He hasn't said anything yet, you just say it's not what he imagined, even if he didn't think that way, he would still think about it..." Chen Dong raised his mouth.

"Ah..." Zhang Yaxi quickly covered her mouth, only then did she realize that she had said the wrong thing just now.

"Mr. Zhang, you see that we are just two lonely men and widows here. Otherwise, let's push the boat along and let everything come true as we imagined?" Chen Dong looked at Zhang Yaxi with bright eyes.

"You...what do you want to do?"

 The previous big plot climax has just ended, and the next big plot begins with an excessive plot, which will also ease everyone's emotions...

(End of this chapter)

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