Chapter 451
At 07:30 in the evening, in classroom 101, Medical Building, Tunghai University.

There were only two people in the classroom. At this moment, Chen Dong completely covered Liu Yashu in his arms, and his eyes were shining.

But Liu Yashu was completely blindfolded, with his eyes wide open, he looked at Chen Dong who was facing her with a look on his face.

"Xiao Shu, don't worry, I will definitely be responsible for you." Chen Dong said with a look on his face, and leaned towards Liu Yashu's lips with his lips pouted.

"Responsible...responsible!" Liu Yashu's eyes rounded and he realized it all at once!
"Scum! Who will make you responsible!" Liu Yashu stretched out his hand with a flushed face and slapped Chen Dong's old face.

"Hey!" But just when Liu Yashu's hand was about to slap Chen Dong's face, Chen Dong grabbed it.

"You!" Liu Yashu wanted to pull out his hand but found that it was impossible. Although Chen Dong's hand didn't hurt her, it seemed like there was an invisible suction that made her unable to move her hand.

"What's wrong with me?" Chen Dong said innocently.

"Are you shameless?" Liu Yashu's face was like a blushing apple. Now the straight-line distance between her and Chen Dong was less than three centimeters, and her hand was still tightly held by Chen Dong, so she could only turn her head to one side. Otherwise, I am afraid that the two of them will be in close contact.

"I'm shameless? Oh, don't you often say that?" Chen Dong smiled, and moved closer to Liu Yashu by another centimeter.

"You!" Liu Yashu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Chen Dong's face to be so thick, "If you do this again, I'll call someone!"

"Call someone? Go ahead and shout. If someone sees the two of us being so close in the classroom, they will probably turn around and leave. We are all college students. This kind of thing is commonplace. And even if someone sees it, I'm afraid it's not good for you." Good!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth twitched, and now he was less than one centimeter away from Liu Yashu's forehead.

Feeling Chen Dong's scorching breath blowing on his face, Liu Yashu felt that his face was red and hot, and his heart was thumping almost out of his throat.

"It's strange why I feel so nervous and obedient..." Liu Yashu almost wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. Originally, he should hate this kind of thing, but when Chen Dong completely covered her in his arms Sometimes, instead of feeling disgusted, Liu Yashu felt that he was very nervous.

"Chen Dong, what are you going to do?" Liu Yashu tried his best to tilt his face, and said with fascinated eyes.

"What am I going to do? Don't you know?" Chen Dong smiled at Liu Yashu who was so nervous that his eyes were closed.

"How would I know..." Liu Yashu closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Don't you know? Didn't you just tell me to hurry up and get down to business?" Chen Dong almost laughed out loud. Of course he knew that the business Liu Yashu asked him to do was cleaning. The reason why he misunderstood it was actually to get revenge on Liu Yashu. .Liu Yashu was the first person who dared Chen Dong to work. Although Chen Dong couldn't really do anything to her, he could still get some cheap money and collect some interest.

"What's the matter! Where are you thinking, you scum? I'll tell you to clean up quickly!" Liu Yashu opened his eyes suddenly.

"When can't we clean up the hygiene? Since ancient times, the battlefield is always cleaned after the battle is over? Ya Shu, today this classroom is our battlefield. How do you feel?" Chen Dong said with a serious face.

"The battlefield..." Liu Yashu was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized the meaning of the battlefield in Chen Dong's mouth, and his face turned red again.

"Look, your catchphrase, but I quite like it..." Chen Dong said intentionally.

"You..." But just when Liu Yashu was about to say something, the lights in the classroom suddenly went out.

Almost at the same time, the lights in the corridors and other classrooms were also turned off at the same time.From the outside, the lights in the medical building seemed to go out at the same time.Immediately afterwards, the lights in all the buildings of Tunghai University began to go out, and the brightly lit Tunghai University campus became pitch black in a moment.

From time to time, there were shouts from all directions on the campus. Obviously, the sudden power outage shocked many people.It is rare for a school-wide blackout to happen, so it's no wonder it elicited such a big reaction from students.

Chen Dong and Liu Yashu, who were in the classroom, were also taken aback for a moment, and they still don't know what happened.

At this moment, the entire classroom suddenly became pitch black, and even Chen Dong and Liu Yashu, who were almost stuck together, couldn't see each other clearly.The surrounding area also became very quiet, only the rapid breathing of Chen Dong and Liu Yashu.

The two of them were quiet for a while at first, until their eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and they could see each other's silhouette a little bit clearly.

"Chen Dong! What tricks are you playing? There may be students studying in other classrooms." Liu Yashu in Chen Dong's arms said anxiously.

"Other self-study students? When I came just now, I saw that there were no one in at least a dozen classrooms on the first floor." Chen Dong said calmly.

"Even if there is no one on the first floor, you can't be sure that there is no one on the other floors. How bad is it for you to turn off all the lights like this?" Liu Yashu said anxiously. As the president of the medical school student union, she naturally didn't want to be said yes by others. Because of what he and Chen Dong did in the classroom, the lights in the entire teaching building were turned off.

"You can also see that not only the lights in our classroom have gone out, but also the lights in the entire teaching building have gone out?" Chen Dong said.

"Nonsense, if the lights are turned off in our classroom, there will definitely be lights thrown into the classroom from the corridor or from the window. It's pitch black now, and it's definitely not just our classroom that has turned off the lights. Chen Dong, don't play too much Already!" Liu Yashu said very unhappy.

"I still want to go too far, but it seems that some people are obviously unwilling. You are right. Not only are the lights in our classroom off, but all the lights in the entire medical building are also off. Not only that, but if my guess is right, all the lights in the entire Tunghai University will also be extinguished." Chen Dong's voice was no longer as frivolous as before, but changed to Gujing Wubo again.

"You... what did you say? The lights in the whole school are off?" Liu Yashu's tone was full of surprise.

"That's right, it seems that someone has come, but it's hard to say what this person's purpose is." In the darkness, Chen Dong's eyes turned cold.Being able to make such a big commotion with such a great ability to instantly extinguish all the lights in the entire Donghai University, Chen Dong can basically determine that the other party is not just one person, and their target is likely to be himself, or the Skyfire Xuanbing on him. !
"Could it be the Dragon Head Meeting? Did they come after you so quickly?" Chen Dong narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became more murderous.

"Bang bang!" And almost at this moment, there was a loud noise!
 Chen Dong: I heard that Yu Dou is not happy this year, and there is not even a single reward for the new year!not a dime...

(End of this chapter)

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