Special masters on campus

Chapter 455 Terrible Speed

Chapter 455 Terrible Speed
"It's you who are waiting!" The corner of Chen Dong's mouth curled up, and the endless pure yang power in his dantian rushed out crazily!

"Boom!" In an instant, a fiery and powerful pure yang force surged out around Chen Dong crazily!Just like an invisible tornado of flames, although Chen Dong's late-stage qi-refining state still can't achieve the effect of condensing qi-forming, this indiscriminate attack cannot be blocked by the surrounding early-stage qi-training and internal and external kung fu killers!



But seeing the killers around who were rushing towards Chen Dong, they were either blown away by Chen Dong's blow or took several steps back!Form a three-meter vacuum around Chen Dong and Liu Yashu!

This is the horror of the power of pure yang and the "Book of Nine Suns"!Chen Dong below the Sea of ​​Qi Stage can almost completely ignore it!
At this moment, the lights in the distance began to light up slowly, and quickly turned on towards the side of the medical building. Obviously, the power supply of Donghai University was restored!
"Shua Shua!" The lights turned on quickly, and the figures around them also began to leave quickly, receding in all directions like black tides.These people have obviously received extremely strict training. Not only did they retreat extremely fast, but they even retreated in an orderly manner, far better than the so-called masters of the Dragon Shouhui that Chen Dong had seen before. class!In just a few seconds, these figures quickly disappeared among the surrounding tree shadow buildings and disappeared without a trace.

The attack was fierce and fierce, and the retreat was orderly. Although the individual strength of this group of people was not absolutely strong, none of them dared to ignore it.I'm afraid that even Xu Cheng's Dragon Slaying Special Team would have a hard time surviving in front of this group of people if they didn't use guns!
"Huh!" Chen Dong let out a long breath, he did not choose to pursue any killer.It was of no value to him to hunt them down. He knew that even if he captured one or two of them, these people would not give any valuable information, or even commit suicide.

And if they didn't call in time, these people might exhaust Chen Dong's true energy, and the consequences would be unimaginable at that time!
"Terrible opponent..." Chen Dong's eyes were serious, especially the strong man in the Sea of ​​Qi who was able to hide his aura, which still shocked Chen Dong.It's exactly like a ghost, even if Chen Dong has the confidence to fight the strong man in the early stage of sea of ​​qi, but facing a strong man in the sea of ​​qi stage where you don't even know where it is, it's like facing Li Jianye in the late stage of sea of ​​qi!
"No! Did the strong man in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi leave?" At this moment, Chen Dong, who had just relaxed a little bit, was shocked!Although those killers seemed to have retreated just now, but the strong man in the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi hid his aura and mixed with these ordinary killers, Chen Dong couldn't be sure whether she had left or not!

At the same time, he instinctively felt that there was an extremely secret murderous intent behind him!This kind of murderous intent was extremely weak, but at that moment when the lights came on, many killers retreated at the same time, which paralyzed Chen Dong's attention, making him careless to ignore this murderous intent!
And for the masters of the Qi Sea stage, such a moment is enough!
"Not good!" But seeing Chen Dong's expression change, he turned around abruptly!
"Huh!" And the moment Chen Dong turned around, he saw a figure in a black cloak pounced behind him, and she couldn't see her face clearly with a black hat on her head!

At this time, this person had already stretched out her hand and slapped Chen Dong's face. The moment Chen Dong turned around, her palm was almost attached to the tip of Chen Dong's nose!A dazzling blue light erupted from this person's palm, and the condensed air formed and shot out through the body, a strong man in the Sea of ​​Qi!
Although this hand is white and tender, it looks weak and weak, but it has extremely terrifying destructive power. If you are under the Qi Sea Stage, you will be killed or injured by her palm!But Chen Dong was an exception!
"Nine Suns Fist!" In the nick of time, Chen Dong stomped his foot on the ground and slammed back. At the same time, the golden glow on his right fist rose violently, and the strongest blow of Nine Suns Fist met him!
"Boom!" The dazzling blue light and the dazzling golden light collided instantly, and an invisible shock wave continuously gushed out around the two of them!It's like a stone falling into the water, but this is not a water wave but a shock wave caused by air vibration!

This is the strongest blow that Chen Dong sent out by draining one-third of the pure yang power in his dantian, which is enough to fight against the strong in the early stage of Qihai!And the opponent is an out-and-out strong man in the Sea of ​​Qi!The two of them can be said to have used [-]% of their skills, and they hit each other abruptly!
And the power of the shock waves caused by the two strongmen fighting hard is obviously stronger than any water waves!
"Crack! Crack!" Accompanied by the crisp sound of trees cracking, all the trees within a radius of 20 meters around these two people were instantly snapped!
"Bang bang!" And the street lights that had just been turned on again were also unavoidable, and they all burst at almost the same instant!The surrounding light became dim again!This is the terrifying power of this shock wave!If this person and other students were present, I am afraid that it is not just these trees and street lamps that were broken and burst!

"Hoo hoo!" The strong wind blew past Chen Dong's ears, Chen Dong hugged Liu Yashu tightly in his arms, and retreated quickly after the impact just now.If it was him alone, he would not be afraid to entangle with this person, but now that she is holding Liu Yashu, he is not afraid.

Although the surrounding street lights were turned on again just now, the situation was too urgent just now and the other party was wearing a cloak with a black hat on his head, so he couldn't see the other party's face clearly.

"You must get out of here!" Chen Dong's eyes were solemn, and he made a quick decision, no matter whether the other party's target was himself or Liu Yashu, he couldn't love to fight and must ensure Liu Yashu's safety!

And at the same time that Chen Dong retreated quickly holding Liu Yashu who was in a coma, the strong man in the sea of ​​Qi wearing a black cloak obviously saw what Chen Dong was thinking, and rushed towards Chen Dong again in a flash!

"What a speed!" Chen Dong's pupils shrank sharply. Speed ​​has always been his greatest honor. So far, the opponents he has encountered have been out of breath. Li Jianye in the later stage can completely overwhelm him in terms of speed. Overwhelm him in speed.But today this terrifying opponent is even faster than him!If Chen Dong's comprehension realm was at the early stage of Sea of ​​Qi like her, he might not suffer in terms of speed, but not yet!
"Huh!" Chen Dong only felt that a black figure had come to him in front of him!
 Good dreams everyone!I am very happy to accompany you with this book, and I will always write it with my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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