Special masters on campus

Chapter 457 7 days of time

Chapter 457 Seven Days


After a rumbling thunder, the autumn rain began to fall.It is now late September, and the rain is no longer as humid and warm as in summer, but slightly cool.

Chen Dong hugged Liu Yashu in his arms. The strange thing was that every time the rain fell on Liu Yashu, it seemed to be evaporated by an invisible heat, but Chen Dong himself was already drenched by the heavy rain.

Since he has the ability to keep Liu Yashu in his arms from being wet by the rain, he can definitely keep the rain from falling on him as well.Obviously, he intentionally let the icy rain wet himself!

He hates himself, hates himself for being too weak!He tried every means to keep Liu Yashu from being hurt!But in the end it hurt her.Although this time it is certain that the other party's goal is to come for Liu Yashu.But Chen Dong still couldn't forgive himself, he had the responsibility to protect this girl when he was here today, a girl student president who is a bit masculine and unreasonable, but there is a girl who is as clean as a piece of white paper .

As a man, what I need to do is to protect these people around me, but in less than a month, so many people around me have suffered various injuries because of me.The root cause of all this is because I am still too weak!

"Yashu, please allow me to call you by your name. Don't worry, I will definitely wake you up within seven days!" Chen Dong looked at Liu Yashu in his arms with bloodshot eyes.

Liu Yashu's situation is more dangerous than Feng Bingbing's. Feng Bingbing is a cultivator, so her physical endurance is much stronger than Liu Yashu's.And Liu Yashu is just an ordinary person, seven days, the time left for Chen Dong is only seven days!
"it's here!"

"found it!"

But at this moment, there was a burst of noise from a distance, and a group of figures were seen running towards the medical building from a distance.

It turned out that the whole school had a power outage just now, and the school leaders and the school student union carried out emergency repairs in the fastest time.And when people were trying their best to repair the power supply system, there was a sudden burst of loud noise near the medical building.Everyone didn't know what happened. In addition, the power supply system of the whole school was paralyzed. Donghai University, which was originally bright day and night, became pitch black, and no one knew what happened to the medical building.

At this time, some of the cadres of the medical student union suddenly remembered that Liu Yashu, the president of the medical student union, was checking the hygiene of the classrooms in the medical building!They reported this matter to the leaders of the medical school and the student union of the school in the fastest time.

When he heard the news, Han Xuelin, the dean of the medical school, was so frightened that the phone in his hand almost fell to the ground.Liu Yashu is Principal Lin's granddaughter, and is regarded as the apple of his eye by Principal Lin. If something happens to Liu Yashu, he will be the dean.This Han Xuelin didn't dare to be negligent. He rushed from his home to the school and asked Gao Shi, the president of the student union, to take someone to the medical building to look for Liu Yashu.

And Principal Lin also got the news immediately, and he is also rushing towards Tunghai University at this moment.

The one who led the team and came here at the first time was none other than Gao Shi, the president of the student union of Donghai University.I saw that Gao Shi was running in the front in a raincoat, and behind him were more than a dozen cadres from the school's student union, some with umbrellas and some wearing raincoats.

When these people ran to Chen Dong's place, they all stopped and looked at the messy scene around them in disbelief.

"My God! These trees have bowls, how could they all be cut off in the middle! What the hell happened here!"

And that Gao Shi walked straight in front of Chen Dong, and looked at Chen Dong coldly.

"What happened to Yashu?" Gao Shi asked.

As if Chen Dong didn't hear his words, he walked past Gao Shi with Liu Yashu in his arms and walked towards the boys' dormitory.

"You!" Being directly ignored by Chen Dong, Gao Shi's face turned ugly, because in the eyes of these other student leaders, Chen Dong was not only a freshman, but also the vice president of the student union, Gao Shi's subordinate.But now Chen Dong just ignored his existence as if he didn't see him.

"The one in his arms is the president of the medical school, Liu Yashu, right?"

"Great, now we've found someone!"

"Don't get too excited, look at Liu Yashu's complexion, it's obviously abnormal!" At this time, people with discerning eyes have already noticed that Liu Yashu's abnormal complexion is dark and his lips are white, which is completely different from normal people's complexion, no wonder These ordinary students can also see that there is a problem.

"He is the freshman, what is his name Chen..."

"Chen Dong! And he's the new vice president of our school's student union!"

"I heard that Principal Lin personally nominated it, and the school leadership unanimously approved it."

The members of the student unions around them started talking.

"Hmph! So what if he is the vice-president of the school's student union? President Gao is still the president. You look at him like that, and he's hanging in the sky. He doesn't pay attention to President Gao at all!"

"Besides, he didn't say anything about Liu Yashu's situation. He just left like this. If something goes wrong, none of us will be able to take responsibility for it!"

"Yes! You can't let him just take people away like this, at least you have to speak clearly!"

But seeing more than a dozen members of the school's student union around Chen Dong, because it was at night and the situation was a bit sudden, they didn't realize that although Chen Dong didn't hold an umbrella, Liu Yashu in his arms was still doing something.

Blocked by the group of student cadres, Chen Dong stopped in his arms holding Liu Yashu.He naturally didn't want to argue with these ordinary students, but he didn't want to waste time here either.And this group of students is headed by Gao Shi behind him, so the best way is to shock Gao Shi.

"Chen Dong, I know you are very strong! But this matter concerns Liu Yashu's safety, I think you should make it clear first." At this moment, Gao Shi's voice came from behind Chen Dong again.

"What do you want to know?" Chen Dong's voice was very calm.

"What happened just now?" Gao Shi continued.

"Don't you know what happened?" Chen Dong smiled, ruling out the possibility that Long Shou would hunt him down, and Gao Shi was also a very likely suspect.

This person is a master in the realm of comprehension. Although he is only in the early stage of cultivation, such a master is a core member in any organization or sect.Core members like this who stay in various organizations or sects will receive the best training resources and other treatment, but this Gao Shi is willing to stay in the secular world where training resources and heaven and earth spiritual energy are extremely scarce, and will use the student union of the school Staying at Tunghai University as a senior is itself a questionable thing.

And before that, Chen Dong suspected that there must be some ulterior motive for Gao Shi to stay in Tunghai University.The target of these mysterious killers today was not Chen Dong but Liu Yashu, which made Chen Dong even more suspicious that Gao Shi had nothing to do with today!

"Chen Dong! What do you mean!" Gao Shi said coldly.

"Don't let me know that you have something to do with today's incident, or I will let you know that living is more painful than dying..." Chen Dong said flatly.

 Thanks for the reward from the trip to Melbourne!
(End of this chapter)

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